Win The Daily War

Gerritt Bake

From the brink of divorce, health problems, and suicide to having a police career and family life that exceeded expectations. My name is Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right. I share everything I learned about being a police officer and balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life. I share all of the most significant "a-ha moments" in my journey of rebuilding my personal life and professional career, tough lessons learned, and beating the odds. I interview some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach. Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together. read less


Episode 16- How is your career affecting your relationship with your kids?
Episode 16- How is your career affecting your relationship with your kids?
What kind of relationship do you have with your kids?  As cops, we are pulled in so many different directions and this can really take its toll on our family relationships if we aren't being proactive.     Check out the highlights from this episode:  Gerritt's first narcotics deal.(01:19) Life has a way of throwing you curveballs, which is what happened when Gerritt and Melissa found out she was pregnant with her first child. (01:59)Police work forces you to become a different person (3:55)How this career can affect your relationships.  (4:09)Cops often become intolerant of their kids and Gerritt found himself becoming the kind of guy that he became good at arresting.  He didn't want to be that person. (5:45)His kids became afraid of him and would run and hide from him when he got home from work. (6:30)Which kind of person are you being around your kids? (6:50)When you get home, what is your family's initial interaction with you? (7:32)Ask your family if you have changed...if you are a different person. (8:20)Which version of you are you when you come home to interact with your family? (8:45)If you aren't the version you want to be right now that's OK.  (9:37)Find ways to connect with your kids where they are, even if it's not necessarily something you enjoy doing. (9:50)Invest in the relationship with your kids every day. (11:41)'Date your kids- spend time with them doing things they enjoy. (12:31)Spend time together as a family outside your house (13:15)Time is the best way to invest in your family relationships. (13:48)     Join our FREE Facebook Group   About The Show   From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams.     Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right.     He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life.   He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.          Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together.     Resources and Links   Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀⠀⠀     Follow US   Facebook:   YouTube:   Instagram:   Website:⠀⠀         Your Host- Gerritt Bake   Facebook:   Instagram: 0:00 Welcome to winthe daily war, the podcast built for heroes by heroes that smashes your fears, false beliefs and skewed sense of reality. Each week, we dive deep into real life examples and lessons learned from those who weren't the frontline, their struggles, and what they were able to put into place to rebuild their lives. well armed with the tools, tactics and techniques to get the results that you're after. 0:21 All right. All right, my brothers and sisters, welcome back to the only show that is focused on helping you master the fundamentals to win at work at home. And in life. If it sounds like I'm learning to talk again, well, I am. I had braces. And then after I got my braces off a couple years ago, I got permanent retainers put in. Well, my permanent retainer on top fell off a few weeks ago, and I've been waiting to get into the orthodontist to get it replaced, got to replace yesterday. And of course, it's not the same one that was there before. So now my tongue is learning how to use it talk again. So I sound a little a little off, we'll call it. But what we're learning we're pushing through this. But that's not what today's topic is about. 1:05 Today's topic is about kids, kids, kids, kids. Now some of you have kids, some of you don't, some of you still act like kids, you know who I'm talking about. But ultimately, kids right? And, and this relationship that we have with children. I want to share a story or a couple stories from my life, when I was married, newly married, if you will, my wife and I decided that we were going to wait until we graduated from college to have kids, we wanted to have that good career that you know, the house and the two cars, if you will have our life kind of set up before we welcomed children into our household. 1:42 Well, life, of course, has a different way of of doing things. And it just says, Hey, this is your path and your journey. And this is when it's gonna happen. And so the way we found out that my wife was pregnant was she wasn't feeling well. And so we went to the doctor and and you know, we're still newlyweds with her. And we're sitting in the room and and the doctor comes in after they done a couple tests, he comes in and you know, he's got this the clipboard, right? And so he's writing on the clipboard. I don't know what he's writing. He's writing on the clipboard, and He kind of looks up and he's like, well, you want the good news or the bad news? And we're like, well, I guess the good news. And he's like, well, you're not sick. And we're like, Okay, so what's the bad news then? And without even looking up, he's like, you know, you're pregnant. And he turns around, he walks out of the room are both like, wow, totally caught off guard totally surprised. I was still in college. I think she just graduated. I had no clue what I was doing with my life. No, I wasn't even a police officer yet. Like I was still trying to figure out from down. And so here, I was going to be a dad, right? And so the next nine months were quite humorous. Because I was scrambling to try and grow up, right, try and be a father all of a sudden, a husband and a father, and how should I act? And what should I do? And I had no clue what I was doing. And sometimes I still don't, and we've been married 21 years, our oldest is 19, our daughter's 18. And my youngest is 15. Yep, yep, I'm on that side of things. 3:14 But I remember when my oldest son was first born, and you know, the excitement of the delivery room and the crying baby and cleaning them off and holding him in my arms for the first time. And just the emotion and the exhaustion and all this stuff that goes through that. And it was a couple of weeks in that. I started to ask myself a question. I'm like, What am I supposed to do? Like, I'm a dad now. And I got this baby. But like, the baby doesn't want to interact with me, it wants to like eat sleep and poop. Like, that's all it wants to do. So what am I supposed to do? Right? And, and I struggled like trying to figure out what I was supposed to do. And then of course, my son started to finally get older and interact a little more and smile and look at me. And then, you know, you get to the crawling phases, and then the walking phase and, and you know, at that point, I'd become a police officer. And so I was, you know, super excited about that. Being being a father right in interacting with my kids. 4:12 And what I didn't know, though at the time was how the career was affecting my relationship with at that point, my oldest son and eventually my daughter and my other son. I didn't understand it, right? Because I couldn't see it. I couldn't see it, that I was changing. The Career does that to you, right? It forces you to become a different person. Now, most of the things that you learn and do are in a good way, right? You become more aware of your surroundings, you become more alert. But some of them are bad things which is your tolerance for things drops. 4:51 Now, what do I mean by that? after I became a police officer, I've graduated the academy hit the streets and whatnot. I went from being The energetic happy smiling, always wanted to have a good time guy to the solid angry, like, don't bother me, I'm going to sit with my arms crossed in the corner of the room guy. And that is not a good position to be in. That is not what you want a father to be like, right. And so I would want to spend time with my kids, right because inside I knew that I was connected to this child and, and I wanted to do things with them. And I wanted to have a good time. But at the same time, I would flip the switch and become this like angry, bossy. No one wants to be around him make his kids cry person. 5:41 Like I remember, we had a little garden in our backyard, we had an orange tree. And underneath, we planted some stuff we had, you know, carrots, and broccoli and celery and like all these different things, and, and I remember, my son wanted to come help. And he was I don't know, he couldn't have been more than like three or four at the time. And you know, I was, you know, pulling up the carrots and dusting them off and putting them in a pile. And he just just been a kid just like pulling them off. And then just like walking off with them. And I kept telling him bring it back, bring it back, coming back. And finally, like I snapped at him, right? I got really mad at him and started yelling at him and he started crying. And then my wife comes out why is it crying I'm like, cuz he's not listening to me. And like, I'd become the thing that I never wanted to become, I become the thing that I become really good at arresting. You think about it. Right. But I still didn't see it. And I didn't understand it. And it got to the point when I would call it the lowest of lows when my kids my two oldest because the youngest one was still too young. But my two oldest when I would show up at home and they were still awake. After shift, they would usually run and hide. They would run and hide.Why? Because they didn't know which version of dad was going to show up the happy dad who wanted to play with them at any dinner with them and cook with them. Because we have always loved to cook together. Or the dad that was an angry asshole who was looking for a reason to snap to yell. And the house would get quiet. When I walked in the door. No one would say a word they would hide and they would wait. Wait to see who showed up. And if if it was angry asshole, dad, they wouldn't come out of the rooms. My wife would have to like call them and force them out of their rooms for for dinner, or to sit down next to me. And they didn't want to. And I still didn't see this right. And I would still I would complain to her. I'm like what's wrong with the kids? See, because I couldn't see what was happening in my own life. I couldn't see who it was that I'd become. 7:48 So I want you to think about your life right now. When you get home, what happens? When you get home? What's your initial interaction with your wife? What's your initial reaction or interaction with your kids? If you're not married, when you see your parents? Have you changed? If you're not sure, if you change, I challenge you to ask them, Hey, am I my a different person? Before you do, you just might want to be ready to accept the answers that come your way. Because you're going to be shocked. Now, there's a portion of you and I get it, who've always been good husbands and fathers and you'll continue to be and God bless you. Thank you. Thank you for being able to keep that equilibrium as they say that level head. Thank you. You're an example for all of us. For the majority of you, you're like me. Here your little Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. And again, it's not a bad thing, right? But you have to understand it, to be able to control it right? I only want my dark side to come out. When I'm dealing with bad guys. That's it. Everything else, I want to be happy. I want to be calm. I want to be relaxed. I want to be engaged. Because ultimately, that's the reason why I'm doing what I'm doing. 9:16 So ask yourself which version Are you which version Are you if you work late swings or grades when you wake up in the morning and your kids are jumping on your bed? Or they're screaming out in the hallway? Or they're playing loud video games? Like which version? Are you? Are you the one that wants to go join them? Or you're the one to tell them to shut up so you can get more sleep? which version are you? And if you're not the version that you want to be right now that's okay. That's okay. Because I'm here to tell you you can be right. So what do you need to change about you in order to become that version that you want to become in order to be able to interact with the kids the way you want to interact with them, to have them want to do things with you? Right tell you that before my son graduated from high school his senior year, we'd been working our relationship for a while. And it took me a long time, a long time to get to a point where he would even talk to me. Because I never wanted to hear what he had to say. Because in my mind all I ever saw it as was excuses, right? But we worked and we worked, and I'll share some of those things here in a minute, we worked and he worked through it to where my senior year I was like, Hey, I would like to do something with you, just you and I, to senior year, you pick it some type of activity. Let's work towards it, and we'll do it together. You'll be picked, pick Spartan races. So there's three different lengths of Spartan Race one dislike three to four ones is seven to eight and one dislike 13 to 14, three different lengths. And we train for them together. And we did we were able to do these races together, but we did them because we had built the relationship to be able to do them together. Right? 10:52 So my daughter, what does she enjoy doing with me? Well, not painting nails, don't ask me why my daughter just does not like to paint nails. But she's now a senior, she's 18 years old. We'd literally go get ice cream, and we go thrift store shopping. Sounds like a real manly thing to do, doesn't it? No, it's not. But that's besides the point, right? So I had to unlock like, what is it that my daughter wants? And how do I do that with her? What is my youngest one yesterday, we're sitting on the couch playing video games. I swore off video games, because I went through that phase where I'd get home from work, and I play video games. But I swore off video games, but I realized that he really enjoys video games. Okay, so we play video games together. And I suck at it. I'm like, that's not the way a gun shoots in real life. But whatever it is what it is, it's a game, right? But we have time together where we laugh, and we joke. 11:41 So here's here's some some tips, if you will some tricks, number one. Number one, you have to invest every single day, every single day, invest in your kids. Now what does that look like? Well, it could be as simple as like writing them a note or a or a picture if they're super small, or sending them a text message. If they're older, and they have a phone or a meme. If they're into memes. My kids are into memes, or a video, right? The point is you're connecting with them every single day in some way, shape or form. Not in the traditional like you remember, everybody would sit around the dinner table, it was quiet and dad would ask all the kids. So how was your day at school today? Like, okay, fine, you can do that. But like you need to connect on a deeper level. And you only connect on a deeper level starting to understand the things that they like, and how do you do that you start to communicate that with them more often. Number to date your kids every single week that your kids. And what I mean by date, your kids will spend time with them doing something. Now if you got 10 kids, I'm sorry, this can be really hard. But if you got two or three or four kids spend 1520 minutes, 30 minutes with each of them alone every single week. Again, what is that going to do? It's going to allow you to connect at a deeper level, it's going to allow you to start to understand them. Right? My daughter loves hashbrowns for example. How did I learned about hashbrowns? Well, it was us talking and spending time together and cooking and baking. So occasionally I'll go to the store, buy hashbrowns if I'm too lazy, or I'll buy some potatoes, you know, hash them all out and get them ready, she wakes up in the morning we have hashbrowns like it's this little thing that seems insignificant, but it means so much because she knows that I'm doing it for her. The third piece is you have to spend time together as a family outside of your house. Outside of work in a completely different environment, right. So this means go for hikes, go for walks, go to the mini golf, go go do bumper cars, like get out of the house and start to experience life together outside of your work and outside of the environment that they spend time in. Right? Because ultimately, how do you build a better relationship is you invest and you invest with time. So all three of these things are not the end all be all there's other things out there. By the way, we could spend a lot of time talking about them. But ultimately, what I want you to remember is by you investing time, energy and effort in those kids, you're going to build the relationship that you want, and get the returns that you want. Don't let your relationship end up like mine. don't end up when you open up the house or the door or the garage that the kids go school, go run and hide and it's eerily quiet as you walk in. You want daddy daddy daddy, and they come running, to hug you and to hold on to you. That's what you want. So if that's what you want, you already know what you got to do. You got to take the steps that are going to take you there. All right. That's all I got for you today. Listen, if you're ready to start down this path of your own hero's journey, creating the life that you ultimately want. You guys know what to do go to win the daily war calm and download your free hero's journey. Alright, that's all I got for you. You guys know what time it is. It's time to get after it three to one. Off you go. 14:56 To win the daily war you must be prepared on all fronts. This means both internally and externally sleep, nutrition and energy are vital to everyone. Especially if you're a first responder. That's why I founded fuel fuel, fuel fuels unique brand built for heroes by humans. Head on over to my hero and enter promo code war 20 to get 20% off your first order today Transcribed by
Episode 15- You Will Always miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take
Episode 15- You Will Always miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take
Sometimes as cops, we become accustomed to asking for permission before taking action, and oftentimes, this spills over into our personal lives and leaves us in a state of never-ending limbo.  Instead of just taking initiative and going after the things we want, we wait for permission, we wait for someone else to fix things, or we just don't take the shot to jump in and do something for whatever reason.  To have success in life, this mentality needs to change.  It's time to stop asking for permission and start taking ownership of your life.   Check out the highlights from this episode:  Gerritt's first narcotics deal.(01:19) His colleague struggles with "popping the cherry" on his first narcotics deal. (01:59)If you always wait for permission, you may never take action (4:46)Are you always asking for permission or waiting to be told what to do? (05:32)Don't wait around for someone to tell you what to do.  You already know what to do. (07:01)It’s time to stop asking permission and take ownership of your life (07:51)No one is going to give you the green light to fix your life. (8:40)If you don't take initiative now, you may end up wondering how you ended up somewhere you don't want to be down the road. (09:25)Taking initiative is extremely important, even if you do it wrong over and over again. (10:50)Life is about taking the initiative.  Taking the shot (11:10)     Join our FREE Facebook Group   About The Show   From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams.     Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right.     He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life.   He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.          Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together.     Resources and Links   Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀⠀⠀     Follow US   Facebook:   YouTube:   Instagram:   Website:⠀⠀         Your Host- Gerritt Bake   Facebook:   Instagram:
Episode 14- The Obstacle is The Way
Episode 14- The Obstacle is The Way
When faced with difficult times, you have 2 ways of looking at things.  You can either look at the trial in front of you as an “obstacle” or as an “opportunity” to change something for the better.  When Gerritt was working in the Gang unit, he had a few experiences where he put his coworkers in danger, which ultimately led him to be removed from the gang unit. After overcoming the shame that came with that time in life, he was able to turn things around and actually become an officer of the year, which was a huge honor for him.  Rather than focusing on the negative and wallowing in self-pity, he found a way to turn that obstacle of being removed from the gang unit into a massive opportunity to change himself for the better.   Check out the highlights from this episode:   Gerritt found himself getting so caught up with catching gangsters that he forget the basic fundamentals.  (02:13)He caused an accident that trapped his partner in the unmarked police car (03:33)An armed robbery situation that could have gone wrong (07:24)The humiliation of being removed from the gang unit (07:55)Time to get back to work (8:55)Officer of the Year Award (9:33)How Obstacles can become Opportunities (10:48)What are some obstacles in your life?  (12:31)Look at obstacles differently than you did before (13:23)Figure out the biggest opportunities and go for it. (14:36)Don’t forget to pick up your heroe’s journey PDF (15:38)   Join our FREE Facebook Group   About The Show   From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams. Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right. He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life.   He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.  Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together. Resources and Links   Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀⠀⠀ Follow US   Facebook:   YouTube:   Instagram:   Website:⠀⠀ Your Host- Gerritt Bake   Facebook:   Instagram:
Episode 13- 4 Tips to Help Police Officers Cope
Episode 13- 4 Tips to Help Police Officers Cope
A normal day for a cop is far from normal for the average person.  We are constantly faced with difficult, dangerous, or life-threatening situations.  Or we are the first ones on the scene after death has already taken place.    After seeing all the dead bodies, and crazy situations police officers face every day, we are expected to just be “normal” in the other aspects of our lives.  This is not an easy feat for most cops, and oftentimes, we go down dark paths just to deal with the pain of work. In this episode, Gerritt discusses a process that helps him get through those difficult experiences and still live a normal life.  Here’s the show highlights:   The role of a Police Officer  (01:42)What you learned at the Police Academy didn’t prepare you for everything (02:39)Everything they didn’t teach you at the Academy (04:02)Cops get good at pretending things are normal (05:33)Police Officers need to stop pretending (06:35)No one wants to deal with the people that cops do (08:01)Do you remember every dead body you saw?  (09:09)How many times did you go home and just act like everything was ok after witnessing death or severe trauma? (10:50)Cops need to find a way to deal with everything they go through (12:39)4 Tips for getting back to “Normal”  (12:51)Don’t forget to pick up your heroe’s journey PDF (17:07)   Join our FREE Facebook Group   About The Show   From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams. Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right. He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life.   He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.  Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together. Resources and Links   Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀⠀⠀ Follow US   Facebook:   YouTube:   Instagram:   Website:⠀⠀ Your Host- Gerritt Bake   Facebook:   Instagram:
Episode 12: What's Your 20 in Life?
Episode 12: What's Your 20 in Life?
What's Your 20?   How many times have you heard that as a cop?  Probably more than you could remember.  But it is significant because unless we know where we are to begin with, along with goals of where we want to be, we will never go anywhere. Think back to the classic story of Alice in Wonderland.  When she is brought to a fork in the road and questioning which way to turn, the Cheshire Cat asked her where she wanted to go and she replied "I don't know."  His response to that was, "Then it doesn't matter which road you take."  So often this happens to us in life, where we don't fully understand where we are, in order to take the correct action to get where we really want to be.  Check out the Highlights here: Boy Scout Orienteering  (01:23)What to do when you don’t know where you are (03:18)You must know where you are starting from in order to know where you are going. (05:21)The one thing that will tell you where you are and where to go (04:21) Are you driving around like a cop with no GPS?  (06:28)When you know exactly where you are, you can plan where you are going (06:55)Cops get really good at knowing how to figure out where they are at work (07:26)Most police officers have no idea where they are in their personal lives (08:02)What we learn about direction from Alice in Wonderland (8:30)What’s Your 20? (10:04)The Four Areas of Life to Work on (10:27)Do you Know where you are in each area of life right now? (10:55)How to figure out where you are (11:46)More is not a real thing (12:15)Spend some time discovering where you are now (13:38)Get your hero’s journey pdf now!  (14:09)   Join our FREE Facebook Group   About The Show   From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams. Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right.   He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life.   He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.   Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together. Resources and Links  Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀⠀⠀ Follow US  Facebook: YouTube: Instagram:  Website:⠀⠀ Your Host- Gerritt Bake  Facebook:  Instagram:
Episode 11: Infinite Whiplash: The Effect of Going Zero to 100 Every Day as a Cop and What to Do About it.
Episode 11: Infinite Whiplash: The Effect of Going Zero to 100 Every Day as a Cop and What to Do About it.
A lot of us really have no idea what it’s like to be a police officer before we actually get in the line of duty.  One thing is for sure, no two days are the same.  You are constantly thrown from one situation into another, with no notice.  It’s a constant lurch from ZERO to 100 every time you go from a peaceful drive down main street, to an emergency call of a shooting, an accident, or a domestic situation.   This constant back and forth from calm to chaos that police officers deal with on the daily is what Gerritt refers to as “Infinite Whiplash.”  It’s the never ending STOPPING and STARTING before you even have time to stop and take a breath and realize what is going on.   This constant battle causes all kinds of problems for police officers and it’s important for you to learn how to deal with this trauma so that it doesn’t cause you additional problems in your life.  Check out what Gerritt recommends you do in the show highlights here:   Getting Whiplash While On Duty  (01:42)What does whiplash have to do with being a police officer? (04:29)Living in a world of “Infinite Whiplash” (05:21)ZERO to 100 Miles an Hour all day long (06:45)What it took to prepare for the SWAT test (06:35)Four tips to avoid infinite whiplash Tip #1 (08:01)Tip #2  (09:45)Tip #3 (10:50)Tip #4 (11:25)Tips for Decompressing (12:11)Don’t forget to pick up your heroe’s journey PDF (14:16)   Join our FREE Facebook Group   About The Show   From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams. Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right. He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life.   He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.  Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together. Resources and Links   Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀⠀⠀ Follow US   Facebook:   YouTube:   Instagram:   Website:⠀⠀ Your Host- Gerritt Bake   Facebook:   Instagram:
Episode 10- Show up in Your Personal Life Like You Show up in Your Professional Life
Episode 10- Show up in Your Personal Life Like You Show up in Your Professional Life
When you chose to be a cop, you did it to have pride in what you do, and to become the best you could be.  A good cop works hard to dedicate him or herself to putting in the work, no matter how hard, to be there when times get tough.  To never give up.  To be a hero.  Sadly, so many of us cops give our very best at work, but when we get home, we drop the ball.  Our family is left to gather the few crumbs we leave behind because we have put so much of ourselves into our careers, that there just isn’t anything left for the things that truly matter.     At hero nation, our goal is to change that mentality so that we can win at work, at home and in life.  In this episode of Win the Daily War, Gerritt talks about the FNG mentality.  If you don’t know what that means, you will learn why it’s so important to master it, not only at work, but at home too.  Check out the highlights here:   Story of first SWAT experience with a canine officer. (01:18)Acting as a Guinea Pig for SWAT training. (04:23)Flashbang right between the legs (05:39)Tests required to be on the SWAT Team: Physical Agility, Multiple Handgun Tests, Oral Board (06:11)What it took to prepare for the SWAT test (06:35)Making the team (08:11)What’s the FNG? (09:01)Embracing the FNG mentality (09:59)Take the FNG mentality into your personal life.  (12:29)FNG mentality in your marriage can bond you together for life.  (14:07)Show up in your personal life the way you show up in your professional life. (15:11) Join our FREE Facebook Group   About The Show   From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams. Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right. He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life.   He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.  Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together. Resources and Links   Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀⠀⠀ Follow US   Facebook:   YouTube:   Instagram:   Website:⠀⠀ Your Host- Gerritt Bake   Facebook:   Instagram:
Episode 9- Are you the HERO of your own life?
Episode 9- Are you the HERO of your own life?
We all have looked up to heroes in our lives from GI Joe to Thor, Captain America, Batman or Iron Man.  When you become a cop, you are looked up to as a hero. In order to be a hero not only at work, but also at home and at life, you need to follow a framework to make that happen so that all aspects of your life are in harmony, and you don’t allow any area to become neglected.     Sometimes when cops put on the hero role at work, we forget that the hero role at home is not the same as the one we put on at work.  The Protect and Serve Protocol is the method you need in your life to become the hero in your own life at work, at home and in life.  Check out the highlights from this episode about becoming the hero of your own life..   Who remembers GI Joe- 0:50Definition of a hero - 03:40Becoming a hero- 04:22Don’t be confused about what it means to be a hero at home- 06:24The hero’s work life balance 08:18No one is going to save you 08:39Story of an officer who nearly ended his marriage 09:30No one is going to save you 09:57Talk about addiction 10:49You’re not here to save 12:25Quit looking outside for the answers 13:30Are you being the hero in your own life? 14:02You can’t control the outcome of everything that happens 14:42Take control and become the hero 15:28 Join our FREE Facebook Group   About The Show From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams. Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right. He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life. He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.    Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together. Resources and Links Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀⠀⠀ Follow US Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: Website:⠀⠀   Your Host- Gerritt Bake Facebook: Instagram:
Episode 8- The One Thing Cops Need to Consider Before Taking Action at Work and in Life.
Episode 8- The One Thing Cops Need to Consider Before Taking Action at Work and in Life.
Learn the importance of deciphering perception vs. reality and why you should be careful to make decisions unless they are aligned.  Here are the highlights:   The coveted position of Detective. (0:39)Was it a heart attack?  (02:58)It’s important to use your senses to determine perception vs. reality (07:02)How are you making your decisions?  (09:06)When perception over reality can be deadly in our profession. (10:05)Tapping into your senses to determine perception from reality (11:42)Join our FREE Facebook Group   About The Show From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams.   Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right.   He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life.   He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.   Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together. Resources and Links Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀⠀⠀   Follow US Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: Website:⠀⠀   Your Host- Gerritt Bake Facebook: Instagram:
Episode 7- The 3-Step Process To Getting Unstuck as a Police Officer, First Responder, or Military Personnel
Episode 7- The 3-Step Process To Getting Unstuck as a Police Officer, First Responder, or Military Personnel
Discover a 3-step process to helping yourself get unstuck in your life, no matter where you are.  Here are the highlights: Life lessons learned from SWAT training. (0:39)How to get unstuck (07:38)The 3-step process (09:14)The importance of finding a mentor or guide. (10:52)Stop focusing on the problem and search for a solution (12:03)Join Hero Nation (13:02) About The Show From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams. Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right.   He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life.   He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.   Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together. Resources and Links Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀   Follow US Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: Website:⠀⠀   Your Host- Gerritt Bake Facebook: Instagram:
Episode 6- Change Your Money Mindset: Police Officers Do Not Need to Live Paycheck to Paycheck.
Episode 6- Change Your Money Mindset: Police Officers Do Not Need to Live Paycheck to Paycheck.
Time for the dreaded money conversation.  So many cops live paycheck to paycheck.  Gerritt believes this is a choice. You can learn other ways to generate revenue and seek out ways to generate and keep more money.  He discusses the ways to invest in yourself and to identify the “cost” of NOT investing in you.  Here are the highlights:  The money conversation (0:39)Here’s why money doesn’t exist. (01:41)Gerritt’s story of getting himself out of massive debt.  (03:01)The money lesson Gerritt learned after years of struggle (04:17)Money is about investing in things we want a return out of.  You need to change your mindset around money to identify things as an investment, rather than a cost. (04:49)Gerritt begins investing in himself.  (06:12)His wife’s ultimatum that pushed him in a direction toward healing. (07:20)Gerritt invested hundreds of thousands of dollars and it all came back to him. (08:48)Learn the ways to invest your money that will create a greater return. (11:30)Get your free copy of The Hero’s Journey at   About The Show From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams. Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right.   He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life.   He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.   Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together.   Resources and Links Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀⠀⠀   Follow US Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: Website:⠀⠀   Your Host- Gerritt Bake Facebook: Instagram:
Episode 5- Those Who Protect and Serve Should Be Proactive instead of Reactive in These Four Areas of Life
Episode 5- Those Who Protect and Serve Should Be Proactive instead of Reactive in These Four Areas of Life
Gerritt reveals how he takes a proactive approach to every aspect of his life that allows him to be prepared for whatever comes his way.  Here are the highlights:  Gerritt shares with you the piece of technology he uses in order to track his sleep, his activity and his health.  (0:34)How he overcame pre-diabetes, anxiety, high cholesterol and high blood sugar (01:32) A piece of technology helped him focus better on his sleep and health. (02:45) If you are not proactive and you ignore what is going on in your life, you will not be successful.  (05:50)How to be proactive in your relationships. (07:59)Ways to be proactive with your money.  (09:52)Pick one of the four areas to work on being more proactive and less reactive (11:14)     About The Show From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams. Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right.   He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life.   He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.   Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together.   Resources and Links Whoop Wristband: Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀⠀⠀   Follow US Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: Website:⠀⠀   Your Host- Gerritt Bake Facebook: Instagram: Other Episodes
Episode 4- The Thought Process That Must Happen to Have Success in Police Work, and in Life.
Episode 4- The Thought Process That Must Happen to Have Success in Police Work, and in Life.
Discover the thought process that must take place in order to get the results you want out of work, health and life. Here are the highlights:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Gerritt takes on a supervisory position and helps the new cops learn the correct protocols for effective police work. (0:50)Teaching new recruits about the processes of legal search warrants, investigations and arrests. (02:00)The potential drug bust. (03:08) Probable Cause and Investigation leads to a search warrant.  (05:39)What does this story have to do with you?  (06:27)The thought process that must happen in order for you to have the success you want in police work, and in life.  (06:55)The importance of the end game.  (08:29)How this thought process can improve your relationships. (09:29)The plan that will take you where you want to go.  (10:55)   About The Show From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams. Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right.   He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life.   He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.   Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together. Resources and Links   Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀   Follow US Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: Website:⠀⠀   Your Host- Gerritt Bake Facebook: Instagram:   Other Episodes
Episode 3- This Skill You Learned as a Cop That Can Make You Successful In Every Area of Your Life.
Episode 3- This Skill You Learned as a Cop That Can Make You Successful In Every Area of Your Life.
In this episode of Win The Daily War, Gerritt will share with you a skill that all officers must develop in the line of duty.  When you apply this same skill to your personal life, you will be able to find greater success and happiness.  Here are the highlights:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Lessons learned from working as an undercover cop. (0:41)A wrong decision that turned deadly. (04:14)What’s driving you? (07:44)The skill you learned as a cop that you need to take home with you. (09:29)The right way to guide your actions outside of work. (10:39)Why Hero Fuel was created. (11:25)   About The Show From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams.   Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right.   He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life.   He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.   Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together.   Resources and Links Hero Fuel Supplements: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀   Follow US Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: Website:⠀⠀   Your Host- Gerritt Bake Facebook: Instagram:   Other Episodes
Episode 2- Four Things That Will Help Police Officers, First Responders and other Heroes Create A Life They Truly Want.
Episode 2- Four Things That Will Help Police Officers, First Responders and other Heroes Create A Life They Truly Want.
Summary⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Learn the steps Gerritt took to take his life back from the brink of divorce, near-suicide and addiction.  Here are the highlights: Some backstory about his marriage and why counseling didn’t work for them. (01:02)A key point that leads you to take action to change your life. (03:51)How to know if you are in the wrong place. (05:42)The Protect and Serve Protocol can bring you the life you want. (06:42)The 4 areas you need to focus on to Win the Daily War. (08:03)Detailed explanation of Each of the 4 areas of The Protect and Serve Protocol. (09:45)   About The Show From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams. Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right. He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life. He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.   Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together.   Resources and Links Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Follow US⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: Website:⠀⠀   Your Host- Gerritt Bake Facebook: Instagram: Other Episodes
Episode 1: The One Question That Changed a Police Officer's Life After His Infidelity, Addiction and Near Suicide.
Episode 1: The One Question That Changed a Police Officer's Life After His Infidelity, Addiction and Near Suicide.
Summary⠀⠀ In this episode of Win The Daily War, you will meet our host, Gerritt Bake, who is a retired SWAT officer, and he will share with you his story of his background on the police force and why he created Hero Nation and this podcast. Here are the highlights:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Why he created this podcast and what “Win The Daily War” means (01:48)Personal stories and experiences working as a cop (02:34)What led him down a destructive path that included infidelity, addiction to pornography and prescription drugs. (05:52)The one question that made him stop in his tracks after he had already filed for divorce, moved out of the house and was moments away from ending his life. (06:44)Why you need to be a part of Hero Nation and how it can help you win at home, at work and life. (11:02)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀   About The Show From the brink of divorce, health problems, and near suicide to having the life of his dreams. Meet Gerritt Bake, a retired SWAT officer who has spent the last 4 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to uncover the formula that brings a voice to Heroes everywhere and guides them on how to turn their frustrated and disconnected lives around and become a Hero in their own right. He shares everything he learned about being a police officer and about balancing the demands of work, home life, and the community. This show is for first responders who want to unlock the path to master the fundamentals to win at work, at home, and in life. He reveals the most significant "a-ha moments" in his journey of rebuilding his personal life and professional career, including tough lessons learned and beating the odds to create the life of his dreams. He interviews some of the most successful cops, celebrities, and thought leaders in the first responder space who practice everything we preach.   Welcome to Hero Nation.  Hit subscribe, share with your first responder friends, and let's build better Heroes together.   Resources and Links Hero Fuel Supplements:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Follow US⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: Website:⠀⠀   Your Host- Gerritt Bake Facebook: Instagram: Other Episodes