Episode 66 - Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement (ft. Greg Hanna and Scott Fraser)

OMAG All Access

15-05-2024 • 19 minutos

Years of academic research and on-the-ground experience have shown us that effective active bystandership can be taught. The Center for Innovations in Community Safety, partnering with global law firm Sheppard Mullin, has created ABLE* (Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement) to prepare officers to successfully intervene to prevent harm and to create a law enforcement culture that supports peer intervention.

ABLE is a national hub for training, technical assistance, and research, all with the aim of creating a police culture in which officers routinely intervene—and accept interventions—as necessary to:

  • Prevent misconduct,
  • Avoid police mistakes, and
  • Promote officer health and wellness.

Learn more by visiting www.omag.org/able

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