“You just have to last one second longer…” If you are constantly fighting discipline battles these days, we hope those words stay with you long after this episode! In this conversation, Karen tackles questions about disciplining your younger children. From chaos in the car, to rough play, to bad behavior that only happens at school, Karen offers practical advice for finding consequences that work for your child.
Episode Recap:
6:37 My four year old is constantly getting in trouble at school - what can we do?
12:30 Car rides are the worst! How can I stop the cycle of craziness?
17:00 You just have to last one second longer than they do!
18:25 My son plays too rough at school - does he need therapy?
21:30 How do I know which things are discipline worthy and which things I should let go?
27:18 My son gets really angry- we don’t want to punish him for feeling emotions, but know we need to find ways to help him regulate, any advice?
Scripture for Reflection:
Proverbs 29:17 (NIV) “Discipline your children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delights you desire.”
Questions for Discussion: