

Hey ! Hello ! This is CouchPotatoes podcast! Where we will share our take on true crime and some day2day talk. We love to talk and share our thoughts and views with others as well as listen to other views on things in life! We hope you share and like our podcast! We are new to this territory but we'll get better as time goes on! Joan and Maria signing off! read less
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Mary Bell
Mary Bell
In this episode, Joan, Angelina, and Maria talk about little miss Mary Bell. Just from a glance, this 10-year-old girl looked normal and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But she had an urge to watch someone go lifeless in front of her. Mary had a horrible upbringing... Her mother was young and known as the local prostitute and Mary's stepfather was in and out of their lives. Mary's mother abused her physically and some say she even had men sexually abuse Mary. Her classmates saw a scary side of her when she would get angry at someone because she would be so fixed on that person and would want to harm them. Mary had a close friend whose name was Norma Bell. They shared a last name but they weren't related. Mary and Norma were always together. Norma was there for the time Mary would "message" a child sore throat which was Mary strangling them but not to the point of death.  Mary had murdered 2 little boys in her neighborhood. Martin Brown was just 4 years old at the time of his death by strangulation. The other little boy was Brian Howe who was just 3 years old at the time of his death by strangulation and mutilation. During these killings, Mary's best friend Norma was there to see the horror that took place. Just knowing the crimes these two committed is straight-up sickening! Please listen to this week's episode and found out what little Mary Bell had done to these two innocent little boys! Please follow our Instagram for pictures and information on these crimes! Rate, Follow, Like, and please oh please bunnies Share!
H. H. Holmes
H. H. Holmes
H. H. Holmes what a scary man he was. While researching him we found a lot of things that we've never known before. This man's life began in 1861 in Gilmanton, New Hampshire. As a young boy, many people thought of him as intelligent for his age. He took an early approach to be interested in medicine. Holmes even practiced on animals in his early years, some say that was a sign of what was to come later in life. Holmes graduated high school at 16 years old. He got started going to a small school in Vermont before getting accepted into the University of Michigan Medical School. While attending that school he stole cadavers and would use them for his life insurance scheme. After graduating he moved to Chicago, Illinois. Holmes got a job working at a pharmacy, and soon after he ended up running this pharmacy. The whereabouts of the owner are unknown. Many believe he killed the owner. Not too far from where he worked, he started constructing this 3 story building. He lived on the upper floors and the smaller rooms are where he tortured and killed many of his victims. He had put chutes and trap doors in the building allowing him to transfer the dead bodies to the basement. At the 1893 Columbian Exposition, Holmes opened his home up for visitors, but many of them fell victim to his hands. The number of victims is still unknown to this day, giving that house the name " Murder Castle ". His terror did not stop there. He continued his killings while on the road. Holmes did get arrested in Boston on November 17, 1894. To find out more details please take a listen to this episode! In this episode's Carrot Cleanser, We talk about early mugshots and the crime those people have committed! Go to our Instagram and check out those mugshots! Please take the time to rate us, follow, share and please visit our Instagram page where we post the stories and photos to go along with them! We hope you enjoy this episode and feel free to give us your thoughts and opinions!