High Road to Humanity

Nancy Yearout

High Road to Humanity was designed for the masses. For all people who would like to see a change in how we connect with each other. We are becoming a a society who is angry, self centered and less connected with each other than ever before! As a collective we have the ability to work together to a achieve a kinder and more compassionate way of living. High Road is my way of pulling us all together for the common good. My guests all have a story to tell that will leave you changed. some are happy but many are not, but the stories will shed light on the pathway towards love. I will meet you each week on the high road. Nancy read less
Religión y espiritualidadReligión y espiritualidad


From Doubt to Do with Kat O'Sullivan- Navigating Your Pathway to Possibility
From Doubt to Do with Kat O'Sullivan- Navigating Your Pathway to Possibility
Pat O'Sullivan is a best-selling author, keynote speaker and lifelong change maker. She is navigating your pathway to possibility in her new book, "From Doubt to Do." She tells us her story of growing up with secrets all around her. Pat was born in Los Alamos, New Mexico to parents who were both involved in the Manhattan Project and shares her experience in the book and on the show today. Pat tells her personal experience of being a foster parent to a beautiful soul, Venessa. This book brings forth many life lessons to guide us along our path. Pat says, "Its time to say, Hell Yes!! to what you really want. You can contact her http://www.Kat@katosullivan.com  My New Book Is Available* "A Guide. to Angle Communication and Spiritual Law" is Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble for Pre-Order and will deliver before the Holidays. https://shorturl.at/DrVZq  This book was written to inspire humanity to connect back to Spirit/God and the Angelic Realm. We are energetic souls having a human experience, but we have lost our connection to source energy and our friends the Angels. Within this book, you will learn how to connect to Spirt/God and to your Guardian Angel. You will also discover the Universal Laws that will strengthen this bond. My hope is that all of humanity connects and, with this Divine energy, brings love to each other and our planet Book Your Psychic Reading. Energy Healing with Nancy at http://www.PsychicFor Humanity.com FREE Guardian Angel Connection when you book a reading with Nancy in September 2024*