In this special conversation with Fiona Hill, Brookings Institution Senior Fellow and former senior director for European and Russian affairs on the National Security Council from 2017 to 2019, we dive into Russia and its modern day leader Vladimir Putin. Fiona, who served as deputy assistant to President Trump and was present at the notorious Helsinki Summit between Presidents Trump and Putin provides her reaction to President Biden's meeting with President Putin in Geneva, and her observations on Putin's relationships with past U.S. Presidents. The conversation then digs deep into Fiona's views on Vladimir Putin and his leadership style, drawing comparisons and contrasts between Putin and the Tsars of Russia and the leaders of the Soviet Union. Fiona, who was a co-author of the seminal Putin biography Mr. Putin, does suggest that there are certainly weaknesses in Putin's armor, and details why Putin may have reason to fear opposition figures like Alexei Navalny. We also dig into Russia's foreign policy -- especially regarding its position given its prominent neighbor to the south, China.