The Endurance Coaching Business Podcast

Training Tilt

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The AI Coaching Hype Cycle
Hace 4 días
The AI Coaching Hype Cycle
AI doesn't do a good job of coaching, ignore what the direct-to-athlete platforms tell you about it. They are talking their own book. They won’t replace good coaches any time soon, if ever. Right now, they are just a much better version of a generic training plan.All tech goes through a hype cycle, AI is no different and the AI hype cycle is probably going to be the most extreme tech hype cycle we’ve ever had.I’ve already seen signs of athletes who were initially very excited, begin to lose interest.Boring repetitive workoutsWorkouts that are consistently too hard or too easyRandom workouts showing up in their calendarThe funny thing is, this can just as easily happen when you have a coach, but you can have a conversation with your coach and resolve these pretty quickly and move forward.A coach can explain to the athlete that sometimes workouts should be repetative to get the best results, and above all else, the human connection with a coach makes boring repetitive training a lot more fun, to the point where athletes might not even notice that it’s boring. That’s what humans can do for each other.Let’s dig in a bit more to how I think things will play out. I’ll use the typical tech ”Hype Cycle” framework to make a bit of a prediction. The stages are the “Innovation Trigger”, “Peak of Inflated Expectations”, my favorite, the “Trough of Disillusionment”, the “Slope of Enlightenment”, and finally we settle on the “Plateau of Productivity”Innovation TriggerAI-driven platforms launch, claiming to offer personalized coaching without the need for a human coach. It sounds great—tailored workouts, data analysis, and 24/7 availability. Athletes are excited to try it, especially with the promise of performance improvement, paired with cutting out the cost of a coach.Peak of Inflated ExpectationsThis is where the platforms really crank up the hype. They start pushing the idea that AI can handle everything a coach does. It’s marketed as a perfect substitute, capable of customizing workouts, adjusting on the fly, and reading athletes' needs based on data alone. Athletes jump on board, expecting AI to deliver.But the cracks start showing pretty quickly.Trough of DisillusionmentOnce athletes start using these platforms, they realize AI has some big limitations. It’s not the game-changer they were expecting.Repetitive workouts: AI lacks variety. After a while, the workouts get boring because they don’t adapt the way a human coach would.Workouts that don’t fit: Athletes start noticing that the training is either too easy or too hard, and the AI doesn’t seem to adjust well to their personal progress or life context, much of which doesn’t show up in the data.Random, unrelated workouts: Sometimes the AI throws in sessions that don’t make sense or aren’t aligned with the athlete’s goals, making the whole experience feel disconnected.At this point, athletes start losing interest, realizing that AI just can’t replace the personal touch and expertise of a human coach.Slope of EnlightenmentAfter the initial excitement fades, it becomes clear that AI isn’t a full-on coach replacement—it’s a tool, or more like an assistant. AI can help with some of the workload—tracking progress, organizing data, or automating simple tasks—but it still needs a coach to provide the real guidance, creativity, and adjustments that athletes need.Athletes and coaches start seeing that AI works best when paired with a coach, not as a standalone solution.Plateau of ProductivityEventually, AI finds its place. It becomes a useful tool to help coaches with the day-to-day stuff, but it’s not trying to take over the relationship. The hype settles down, and AI proves to be a supportive piece of the coaching puzzle, rather than the whole thing.This cycle has played out over and over again with all technology and likely will be very similar with AI coaching.ConclusionAI can assist with creating workouts and providing data insights, but it can't replace the human touch essential for coaching. To truly connect with your athletes, you have to be a coach yourself.AI lacks intuition, empathy, and understanding. It doesn’t know what it feels like to help an athlete push past their limits or guide them through their highs and lows.But AI makes a great assistant.Managing training plans and athlete data can be time-consuming. Some of it is tedious, repetitive, and takes away from what you do best: coaching.That’s why we built tools like our AI Workout Builder and Writing Assistant. They handle the busywork, from generating workouts to fixing grammar and suggesting comments based on your athletes' training data and zones. All while keeping you in control.So you can focus on what truly matters:Building real connections, delivering personal guidance, and empowering your athletes to succeed.Learn more about how we are building AI tools to supercharge coaches. can read the full blog here can watch the video version here Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that helps coaches get better results for the clients and their businesses. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
The Business of Endurance with Taylor Thomas
The Business of Endurance with Taylor Thomas
In this episode of the "Endurance Coaching Business" podcast, Cam sat down with Taylor Thomas, founder of Thomas Endurance Coaching (TEC) and the Growth Circle accelerator program. They delved into the common struggles endurance coaches face when scaling their businesses and shared actionable insights to help coaches turn their passion into a profitable, sustainable career. 1. Building a Scalable Business ModelTime vs. Money: Coaches often start by trading time for money, which isn't scalable. To grow, it's crucial to find ways to extend your reach without overextending yourself.Leveraging Technology: Utilize business focused platforms like Training Tilt and others to streamline operations, manage clients, accept payments, and deliver coaching services more efficiently.Diversifying Services: Consider offering different tiers of services, online programs, or group coaching to reach more clients without a proportional increase in workload.2. Client Acquisition and RetentionUnderstanding Your Ideal Client: Define who your ideal client is to tailor your marketing efforts effectively.Consistent Marketing Efforts: Treat marketing like endurance training—consistency and frequency are key. Integrate marketing into your daily activities rather than viewing it as a one-off task.Value-Driven Content: Provide valuable content that addresses the pain points of your target audience to attract and retain clients.3. Mastering Sales SkillsAuthentic Communication: Approach sales calls as conversations where you listen intently and offer genuine solutions.Structured Approach: Implement a consistent structure for sales interactions, including setting clear next steps and follow-ups.Practice and Preparation: Hone your sales skills through practice, focusing on how to convey your value proposition effectively.4. Transitioning from Coach to Business OwnerDeveloping Business Acumen: Invest time in learning essential business skills like financial management, marketing strategies, and operational processes.Setting Up Systems: Create standard operating procedures to streamline tasks and ensure consistency as your business grows.Continuous Learning: Stay updated with industry trends and business best practices to adapt and evolve your coaching enterprise.5. Seeking Support and MentorshipCommunity Engagement: Join groups or accelerators like the Growth Circle to connect with like-minded professionals.Accountability Partners: Collaborate with peers to hold each other accountable for business goals and share insights.Learning from Others: Leverage the experiences of seasoned coaches to avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your business growth.Key Takeaways for CoachesEmbrace Marketing as a Positive Tool: Shift your perspective on marketing from a necessary evil to a valuable way of connecting with those who need your services.Consistency is Crucial: Just as in endurance training, regular and consistent efforts in marketing and business development yield the best results.Focus on Relationship Building: Both in sales and client retention, building strong relationships is at the heart of a successful coaching business.Don't Go It Alone: Utilize resources, mentorship, and community support to navigate the complexities of running a business.By addressing these common challenges with strategic actions and the right mindset, endurance coaches can transform their passion into a thriving business that not only supports them financially but also amplifies their impact on athletes' lives.Visit the following links to learn more about Taylor Thomas, TEC and the Growth CircleTEC IG - @thomasendurancecoachingPersonal IG - @taylor.j.thomasThomas Endurance Coaching (TEC) Circle accelerator program can read the full blog hereYou can watch the video version here Training Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that helps coaches get better results for the clients and their businesses. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
Instagram for Show LinkedIn for Dough
Instagram for Show LinkedIn for Dough
Recently, I wrote a post about how some coaching platforms weren't operating in the best interest of coaches After that, I asked my email list to come and comment on one of my LinkedIn posts to help me get some traction. Only two people did. This made me realize something: not many coaches are using LinkedIn, or I hadn’t quite built enough credit with my audience yet. Probably a little bit of both.I suspect most coaches are spending more time on platforms like Instagram, where engagement is high. This engagement feels great, but there is a problem. On Instagram a lot of people take small actions by liking, or commenting, but not big action, like booking a call with you to discuss your coaching.I also recently wrote about charging premium prices and attracting higher-paying, less price-sensitive clients. So where are those clients? Probably on LinkedIn.Instagram is flashy—it’s where you get likes, comments, and shares. But how often do those likes turn into paying clients? Sure, people might engage with your content more on Instagram, but LinkedIn users are more professional and less price-sensitive. They might not “like” your Instagram post, but they’re far more likely to book a call and become a customer.Why LinkedIn Should Be on Your RadarYou might not think LinkedIn is the best place to share content, but LinkedIn users are actively looking for ways to improve their careers and lives, making them more likely to see the value in your coaching services.LinkedIn hasn’t traditionally been the cool kid on the block, but that’s changing. It’s becoming more popular, not just for finding a new corporate job, but for connecting with professionals who are serious about personal growth and are willing to invest in themselves.Instagram might give you more likes and views, but LinkedIn could give you “good” business. The people on LinkedIn are serious—they’re the ones who will read your posts, check out your profile, and reach out to learn how you can help them achieve their goals.Patience Is KeyBuilding a presence on LinkedIn isn’t quick or easy. I’ve heard people say you might need to post 3-4 times a week for a year before you really start getting noticed. That feels about right to me. If it were easy and quick, everyone would be doing it. But if you’re patient and consistent, the rewards can be significant. Over time, you’ll build a network of connections who see the value in what you offer and are ready to invest in your services.Instagram is great for show, but LinkedIn is where you can make the dough. If you haven’t already, it’s time to start treating LinkedIn as a key part of your marketing strategy. Your next high-paying client might just be one connection away.It might be a good time to get started on LinkedIn, I’m trying to build up my own audience over there so please connect with me can read the full blog here can watch the video version here Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that helps coaches get better results for the clients and their businesses. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
Highest and Best
Highest and Best
The best coaches are not the cheapest, and the cheapest coaches are not the best.One of the biggest mistakes coaches make is underpricing their services. I see it everywhere, coaches promoting the high quality of their service but charging cheap prices.Cheapest and best? Nup, there is no such thing. Highest and Best is what is real.The hard truth: you can’t be cheapest and best. If you’re trying to offer the best for the lowest price, you're setting yourself up for burnout, dissatisfaction, and ultimately, failure.Here’s why it doesn’t work.High-quality coaching and rock-bottom prices just don't mix. If you try to maintain top-notch service while charging low prices, you'll quickly find yourself stretched too thin. Quality coaching requires time, energy, and resources to tailor programs, offer personalized support, and stay updated with the latest training methods. When you undercharge, you can't afford to invest in these essentials, and that inevitably leads to a decline in the service you provide. In the long run, both you and your clients suffer.You can read more about my thoughts on this and check out my “Price Effort Results Quadrant” framework that graphically shows the relationship between, price, effort and results.In the post I cover a few important pointsLow prices attract the worst clientsHigh prices attract the best clientsThe more effort you can afford to put in, the better the results6 Reasons why coaches underprice their coachingYou can read the full blog here can watch the video version here Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that helps coaches get better results for the clients and their businesses. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
Coaches Falling for the Bait and Switch
Coaches Falling for the Bait and Switch
In this episode, I discuss a topic that's been on my mind: the "Bait and Switch" tactics some coaching platforms use. These platforms often offer seemingly great deals with cheap or "free for coaches" subscriptions and lucrative referral programs. But there's a catch—they also sell plans and self-coaching services directly to athletes, potentially cutting you out after you've brought your athletes onto their platform.I share my thoughts on why it's essential to be aware of these tactics and to choose platforms that genuinely support you as a coach. I also recount a story about a coach promoting a platform purely for referral incentives without ever using it, highlighting the risks of short-term gains versus long-term business health.We discuss how some platforms use coaches as their "Acquisition Channel," leveraging your audience to become their own, and why this can lead to athletes viewing the platform as a replacement for your services.I cover the alternative platforms like Training Tilt, which focus solely on supporting coaches and don't sell directly to athletes. By offering low-touch coaching through training plans and membership features, you can keep athletes within your ecosystem, even if they seek less direct interaction.Join me to learn about the long term impact of these tactics on your coaching business and share tips on maintaining strong relationships with your athletes. Let's focus on delivering top-notch coaching and choosing platforms that truly have our backs.👉 Check out the full article: can watch the video version here Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that helps coaches get better results for the clients and their businesses. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
Is TrainingPeaks Too Expensive?
Is TrainingPeaks Too Expensive?
Today's episode dives into the often-discussed topic of TrainingPeaks' pricing. While some coaches find it on the pricier side, we're taking a closer look at the value it offers, especially given its extensive features tailored for endurance coaching. Sure, it's not without its flaws, particularly in how it serves the coaching community, but there's no denying it's a powerful tool designed with specific needs in mind.We also touch on the unfair comparison between TrainingPeaks and the everyday consumer apps we're all used to. Given that TrainingPeaks serves a niche, professional market with unique demands, its pricing model is structured differently from apps that cater to a broader audience with ad-based or data-selling revenue streams.Moreover, with the economic landscape as it is—think rising costs across the board—it's likely we'll see TrainingPeaks adjusting its pricing to keep pace. This isn't about profit but ensuring the platform can continue providing high-quality services and innovation. For coaches, this may mean adapting to potential price increases, but it's all part of staying competitive and offering the best to their clients.Lastly, we chat about the not-so-popular "licensing" fee for returning coaches, noting some recent positive changes in this area. Tune in for a balanced take on navigating the costs of doing business and making the most out of TrainingPeaks for your coaching needs.You can read the full blog here can watch the video version here Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that helps coaches get better results for the clients and their businesses. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
Shutting Down
Shutting Down
In this episode, we're diving into something that's been buzzing around our world lately - the shutdown of Today’s Plan. It's not just big news because it shakes up the coaching software scene; it's also a moment that makes us think about what it means for all of us in this niche, especially for folks like me running Training Tilt and coaching businesses in general.Here’s what we’re chatting about:The Big News: So, Today’s Plan is closing down. This was a bit of a bombshell when it dropped in December. It’s a mix of feelings, honestly. On one hand, it opens doors for Training Tilt, but it also has me feeling for the coaches and the team over at Today’s Plan. It's tough seeing a solid platform go under.Why Do Good Platforms Say Goodbye? It boils down to two things: money or motivation. Today’s Plan’s journey ended under Specialized’s roof, which got me thinking about how the big fish’s priorities can flip and affect the little guys. It’s a bit of a cautionary tale for anyone in the software game.A Peek Inside Training Tilt: This news had me looking in the mirror, thinking about our own path. We’ve been quietly doing our thing since 2014, focusing on helping coaching businesses without chasing the spotlight. It’s a different vibe from Today’s Plan, but it’s what keeps us ticking.Thinking Big(ger) for Coaching Businesses: The whole situation is a nudge for us to think about our game plans. It’s not just about making it through the year but building something that lasts and grows. We’re talking scalability and getting smart with our pricing - making sure we’re delivering value that our customers will happily pay for.Lending a Hand to Today’s Plan Coaches: With the news, we’ve been busy crafting ways to help coaches from Today’s Plan transition over with minimal fuss. It’s been a bit of a detour from our usual roadmap, but hey, it’s led to some pretty cool improvements on our end too.Wrap-Up: This episode is a bit of a reflection, a bit of strategy talk, and a lot about finding our way in the twists and turns of this industry. The end of Today’s Plan is a reminder of the challenges we face, but also of the opportunities to do things our way, to innovate, and to keep pushing forward. Let’s keep the conversation going and turn these changes into chances to thrive.Catch you next time!If you’d prefer to read the written version visit the blog post: Shutting Down
Which Feature Should I Work On
Which Feature Should I Work On
Hope you and your athletes are setting some killer PRs and making gains! If not, all good, growth is rarely linear! I try to remind myself of that often!Quick thing for today’s blog—I've been working on some new features for Training Tilt simultaneously and the context switching has started to mess with my mind and slowed my progress on all of them!I’ve been dragging my feet so I need your help deciding which one to focus on and get over the line first.Hit me up in the chat box, with your vote or even better create an account over on our roadmap tool and add your vote there.The Contenders:1. Performance Management Chart 📈This one's all about Fitness, Fatigue, and Form. It’s now broadly accepted that these metrics are not 100% perfect for many reasons but with the right skills, experience and intuition can help coaches make better decisions.Check it out and vote in our Roadmap2. Conversations Feature 🗨️Imagine a place within Training Tilt where you can text, send audio, or video messages to your athletes. You can even drag and drop content from your library right into the chat, including planned and completed workouts and charts.Check it out and vote in our Roadmap3. Structured Strength & Conditioning Workouts 💪No screenshots to show for this one just yet!A way for you to prescribe S&C workouts in a structured format, making it similar to the current workout builder. No more typing long instructions about exercises, sets and reps into the instructions field.Check it out and vote in our RoadmapWhat's Next?Here's how you can help, you can do one, the other or both:Use the chat box on this page and let me know the option you're most excited about and why. Your 'why' is super important to me!Vote and comment on our Roadmap tool. Even if you're not a coach on Training Tilt, your opinion is valuable.Your feedback will decide which feature gets my full attention to cross the finish line first.You can read the full blog post hereWhich Feature Should I Work On?or watch the video version on Youtube up for a free trial of our coaching platform at & GuestsCam Langsford @ Training Tilt - HostTraining Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that has everything you need to create, build, and grow your endurance coaching business online. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
Meet Michelle Lake - A Business Coach for Coaches
Meet Michelle Lake - A Business Coach for Coaches
Hey Coaches,In this latest podcast episode, I dive into something that’s been on my mind: the business side of coaching. I share why coaches, especially in endurance sports, need to take their business acumen as seriously as their coaching expertise.During my regular hunt for potential customers on LinkedIn, I stumbled upon Michelle Lake—a game-changing business coach specifically for endurance coaches. 🎯 She takes everything I’ve been trying to help you with to the next level.We discuss four key insights from Michelle that really resonated with me:1️⃣ Consistency in Content: Michelle emphasizes the need for coaches to be as consistent with their content as they are with their training plans.2️⃣ Community Over "Online": The real magic of online coaching isn't the tech—it's the community you build among your clients.3️⃣ Endurance in Business: Drawing parallels between endurance sports and the grit needed in business can reframe how you approach your coaching venture.4️⃣ Pricing Strategies: Michelle reiterates a sentiment I share: when clients pay, they listen—and they pay attention.You can follow Michelle on Instagram here.Want to deep dive into all of this? Check out the full blog post.I also mentioned a handy revenue calculator in the blog. It's a great tool for coaches who are serious about scaling their businesses. You can access the calculator right here.Don’t forget to head over to Michelle’s Instagram for more content. Give her a follow, like her posts, and tell her I sent you.Until next time, keep pushing your limits both on the field and in the office. 🏃‍♂️💼You can read the full blog post hereMeet Michelle Lake - A Business Coach for Coachesor watch the video version on Youtube can find our "6 Figure Endurance Coaching Business" frame work and calculator here up for a free trial of our coaching platform at & GuestsCam Langsford @ Training Tilt - HostTraining Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that has everything you need to create, build, and grow your endurance coaching business online. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
Is Your Coaching Platform Serving Your Best Interests?
Is Your Coaching Platform Serving Your Best Interests?
In today's episode, we're tackling a question that's often overlooked in the coaching world: Is your current platform really serving your best interests? While dual-focus platforms that cater to both coaches and athletes seem like a one-size-fits-all solution, they may actually come with some subtle but significant trade-offs.Key PointsThe Allure of Dual Focus: Platforms like TrainingPeaks have become industry giants by offering services to both athletes and coaches. But what does this mean for the coaches specifically?Conflicting Incentives: In a dual-focus model, the platform has to serve two masters—coaches and athletes. This can often lead to coaches being overlooked or even directly undermined.The Marketplace Dilemma: New coaches may benefit from a marketplace that connects them to athletes, but as they grow and establish their brands, these platforms can actually become a hindrance.The Training Tilt Difference: We discuss why a focused approach, one that solely serves coaches, can be a game-changer for your business. With Training Tilt, athlete accounts are owned by the coaching business, and the platform aligns its goals purely with the coach's growth and success.Why You Should ListenIf you're a coach in the endurance sports industry and are using or considering a coaching platform, this episode is a must-listen. Get insights on how to choose a platform that genuinely puts your interests first and supports you at every stage of your coaching journey.You can read the full blog post hereIs your coaching platform serving your best interests?or watch the video version on Youtube up for a free trial of our coaching platform at & GuestsCam Langsford @ Training Tilt - HostTraining Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that has everything you need to create, build, and grow your endurance coaching business online. You can learn more about Training Tilt here