Westchatter: Media Space Studios and Parkinson's Community Walk Westchester

Westchatter: The Talk of Westchester

26-09-2023 • 32 minutos

We start the episode by talking about Media Space Studios - the new(ish) studio where we record Westchatter. Media Space is now open for you to host your own podcast or create your own online content. Learn all about here or at www.mediaspacestudios.com.

Then we go on to talk about something very dear to our hearts, Parkinson's Disease and the Parkinson's Foundation. Both of our fathers passed away fighting the devastating effects of PD. We both have had teams at the Parkinson's Foundation's Moving Day Chicago. This year, we lauch Parkinson's Community Walk Westchester on 10/21/23. I hope you can join us. All the details are discussed or available at www.parkinsonswestchester.org.