In 2016, murders rocked the small town of Piketon in Pike County, OH. The 2022 true crime podcast series, The Pink Moon Murders, explores this crime. Expert journalist David Raterman hosts this podcast. The program explores the shocking murder of the Rhoden family. Someone killed eight of the family members while they slept. This case is also called the "Pike County Massacre."
Piketon is in an isolated area about 90 miles away from Cincinnati, Ohio. With horse farms and stinging insects, this town is not the usual setting for a brutal crime. The Pink Moon Murders podcast examines the case. Raterman has a detailed approach to this crime. He visits the crime scene and talks to people in the area. He also does his homework by researching and looking through documents.
It took over two years to find the alleged killers. There were many theories, including that the killings were drug-related. Authorities found evidence of marijuana growing and cockfighting on the Rhodens' property. But it turns out that a family custody battle, not illegal activities, may have caused the murders. Law enforcement arrested four members of the Wagner family, former neighbors, on murder charges. Hanna May Rhoden had a daughter with Jake Wagner. And the Wagner family wanted custody of the child. The Pink Moon Murders podcast explains the reported motive and the arrests.
From the murder of the members of the Rhoden family to the legal action against the Wagner family, this podcast is a journey. It is a tale that is hard to believe. As The Pink Moon Murders progresses, new information emerges. The hundreds of interviews reveal startling details. What David learns about the Wagners is unbelievable. Even seasoned true crime listeners cannot imagine what will unfold.
At the center of the story are the families. Even great-grandmothers have connections to the crime. The Pink Moon Murders features nine episodes. Every episode reveals new details in this complex case.