The Gary D Chance Podcast

Gary D Chance

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Toxic Surveillance Abuse Wednesday, 26th January 2022, False Allegation Terrorism Creation
Toxic Surveillance Abuse Wednesday, 26th January 2022, False Allegation Terrorism Creation
At 0639 this Wednesday morning, 26th January 2022, once again BS said “The guy’s a bomber” repeating another often used porky following after the earlier comments which can be heard in the previous Podbean podcast. The personal attack abuse is intended to keep the Toxic Surveillance abuse going by attacking me with these extreme manufactured allegations to discredit the truth I report.  Those abusing Toxic Surveillance have been making up this particular porky since the end of April 2001 to keep themselves in place using Toxic Surveillance against me resulting in the diversion of resources and attention away from the actual terrorists from 1998 to the present. See Kidnapped in Yemen by Mary Quin about Abu Hamza at the Finsbury Park mosque recruiting eight terrorists from the UK including his son and son-in-law in 1998 to carry out a terrorist bombing in Yemen on Christmas Day 1998. Not One of Us by Ali Dizaei a Kensington police officer from 1999 reflects massive surveillance in Kensington against him and a prosecution that saw him found not guilty on 11 April 2003.  Two of the London bombers on 21st July 2005 originated from this general area on Colville Terrace; one of the dud bombs was set off at the Shepherd’s Bush Tube station; and a discarded rucksack with bomb was found in Wormwood Scrubs. This immediate area needed validity and integrity in the operation of surveillance to protect the public which did not occur at all in my direction experience again reflecting the complete abrogation of standards by the implementation of Toxic Surveillance 24/7/365 against me on Sunday, 16th August 1998, to the present.
Toxic Surveillance Abuse Friday, 15th May 2020, Coronavirus, Crowds, Rap Music
Toxic Surveillance Abuse Friday, 15th May 2020, Coronavirus, Crowds, Rap Music
Currently in the UK the Prime Minister is subject to intense scrutiny with respect to a Number 10 coronavirus lockdown garden party on Wednesday, 20th May 2020. Against this background which just emerged, I recorded similar lockdown violating activity on Friday, 15th May 2020, as part of my Toxic Surveillance documentation and reporting. Nothing has been done to stop this activity despite my extensive reporting of this community stalking as it has continued during the lockdown. Please see this excellent video posted on Twitter for a recap of the elements with respect to the current issue surrounding the Number Ten garden party at the same time: This Surveillance Podcast has a sub-head of True Crime which is reflected by the recorded evidence that I collect and provide here which is in real time and for that reason somewhat sacrifices the polish one would get from a presentation oriented podcast. However, the evidential aspect is essential for providing what is actually taking place such as the Rap music in this instance along with the comments about the various elements that are being discussed given the abuse that is carried out. Here validity takes precedence over polish.  Some of the elements provided include coronavirus pandemic risk and privatising social housing by fraud for a profit and ongoing profit by leasing the premises while seeking to cover up the decades of Toxic Surveillance serial crimes by perverting the course of justice all of which are made possible by the abuse of that very Toxic Surveillance. This is occurring at the Lancaster West Estate in North Kensington where Grenfell Tower burned on 14 June 2017 killing 72, leaving 100s homeless and destroying an entire tower of social housing in this environment where there were some 900 units in total.