Legally Enlightened with Lisa Fraley

Lisa Fraley (Attorney, Legal Coach, Speaker, & Best Selling Author)

The Legally Enlightened podcast helps to make law, life and YOU feel a little bit lighter and brighter. Lisa Fraley, an Attorney, Holistic Health & Life Coach, Speaker & Best-Selling Author shares bite-size legal tips – in 20 minutes or less! - so you can feel safe, secure, confident and empowered as you grow (with grace!) in business and life. From trademarks to LLCs to disclaimers and more, Lisa deconstructs the law into plain English and adds a dash of spirituality, love and heart to share mini-legal tips and actions you can take to protect your business and brand – with a lot of Legal Love. Have a legal topic or question that you’d like Lisa to talk about? Share it at read less


EP100: How Do I Know if My Legal Documents Cover Me?
EP100: How Do I Know if My Legal Documents Cover Me?
If you’ve been using legal documents for a while but you aren’t sure if they’re really covering your buns, this episode is for you. It’s one thing to use a Client Agreement or Website Terms and Conditions, but it’s another thing altogether to know whether or not they’re actually protecting you - or whether they have holes and vulnerabilities that expose you to risk. In this episode, you learn 4 easy steps to know whether or not your legal documents have your back.   In this episode, Lisa shares: 4 steps to find out whether your legal documents cover you Step 1—Take inventory of your legal documents to see what legal documents you already have in place Learn which key legal documents are most often needed when working with clientsStep 2—For each legal document, ask yourself, “where did I get this document?”Step 3—Once you’ve identified the source of the legal document, have it reviewed by a lawyer who understands your workWhy it’s beneficial to work with a lawyer who clearly understands your programs and services and the work that you do Step 4—After you hire a lawyer, your document will be reviewed and possibly edited, or you’ll receive a recommendation for a brand new contract or DIY Legal TemplateWhy Lisa aligns legal documents with the sacral chakra   Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free! Episode 27 - “Legal Basics: Your First 3 Legal Steps”  Episode 18 - 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Copy Your Friend’s Legal Document Episode 98 - 3 Types of Client Agreements for 1-on-1 Clients, Masterminds and Combo Programs Episode 72 - What Can Happen When You Create Your Own Legal Documents Episode 37 - Top 10 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Lawyer
EP99: Jessica Procini on 3 Tips to Escape from Emotional Eating
EP99: Jessica Procini on 3 Tips to Escape from Emotional Eating
Most wellness and health coaches are aware of what foods are considered healthy and which foods don’t make the cut. However, when it comes to eating healthy, not everyone understands the important differences between physical hunger and emotional hunger. I’ve invited Jessica Procini to share 3 tips to help you really dive deep into the “why” of your hunger and learn the importance of eating with integrity so you can escape from emotional eating.   More about Jessica Procini: Jessica Procini is an Emotional Eating Healer and the founder of Escape From Emotional Eating®. She is on a mission to help others use food as fuel rather than a way to cope, soothe or escape their busy, stressful life. She consciously created and specifically designed Escape From Emotional Eating from her own emotional eating journey because Overeaters Anonymous didn’t resonate and therapy wasn’t enough when it came to getting help to fully end her fight with food. Now being 100% free from her compulsions with food, she helps others do the same through her levels of support, such as her retreats called The ESCAPE, her year-long transformational programs and through her various public talks, events and workshops.Jessica has been awarded the “Top Health Coach Award” by the Institute of Psychology of Eating three years in a row and has been featured on various media outlets such as CBS, Philadelphia Magazine and MindBodyGreen, just to name a few. To learn more about her visit   In this episode, Lisa and Jessica share: What emotional eating is and how Jessica discovered her passion to help people escape from emotional eatingHow to recognize if you might be an emotional eater (even if you’re eating “healthy” food)Why Jessica believes being legally covered can help you feel safe   The importance of being “emotionally fit”3 tips to help you start reducing emotional eatingWhy you shouldn’t be afraid of foods that “trigger” youWhen to ask yourself “What am I really hungry for?”   What it means to “eat for your integrity” and how exactly to do that    Free Gift: Is using food to cope, soothe or escape holding you back? Take this free quiz and find out what to do about it:   Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free!
EP98: 3 Types of Client Agreements for 1-on-1 Clients, Masterminds and Combo Programs
EP98: 3 Types of Client Agreements for 1-on-1 Clients, Masterminds and Combo Programs
“Do I REALLY need to use a Client Agreement? Can’t I just pull a few paragraphs together and use the same document for every kind of client I have?” I get asked these questions often because many entrepreneurs or coaches feel uncomfortable using different written Client Agreements with different types of clients. Yet, by not doing it, they put their income and program content on the line. In this episode, you’ll learn about 3 types of clients and why you want to use a different type of Client Agreement when working with each of them to protect your income, your program content and your brand.   In this episode, Lisa shares:  3 reasons to feel good about using Client Agreements Which kind of Client Agreement to use with 3 different types of clients - including why they differ and how each one protects you Use a Client Agreement with programs and services for your one-on-one clientsUse a Client Agreement for Small Groups & Masterminds specifically designed for your Masterminds or small group programsUse a Client Agreement for a Combo Program when offering a program which includes group coursework AND 1-on-1 coaching Why Lisa aligns Client Agreements with the sacral chakra    Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free! Episode 2 - #1 Reason to Use Client Agreements Episode 18 - 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Copy Your Friend’s Legal Document Episode 72 - What Can Happen When You Create Your Own Legal Documents Episode 70 —3 Big Myths About Refunds Episode 57 - How to Protect Your Mastermind Episode 86 - How to Support Your Sacral Chakra with a Client Agreement   Mentions: Russ Ruffino  Carolin Soldo
EP96: Plagiarism, Publishing & People Who Steal Your Work
EP96: Plagiarism, Publishing & People Who Steal Your Work
People often ask where the line is drawn when it comes to quoting someone else’s work in their program, book or on their website. Can you include a paragraph written by someone you admire? What constitutes copying or “stealing” someone else’s work versus what’s permissible? What can you do if someone copies content from YOUR book or website and puts it up on THEIR website? In this episode, you’ll gain some clarity about plagiarism and publishing, and what to do if people steal your work.   In this episode, Lisa shares: What constitutes plagiarismWhether you can you actually “steal” someone else’s wordsWhat is considered a violation of someone’s Copyright rightsWhat “fair use” means and when it appliesThe safest thing to do when you want to include someone else’s workSuggestions for posting quotes or images on social mediaHow to handle making recommendations for products What to do if someone’s taken your work and posted it on THEIR websiteWhat a “DMCA Takedown Notice” involves Other legal issues to consider when you’re writing a book Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free! Episode 29 - Copyright 101 & When to Use the ‘Little C’  Episode 16 - How to Legally Use Images on Social Media Episode 74 - How Not to Make Medical Claims Episode 41 - 6 FAQs from Book Authors   Mentions: Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary HauteStock The Golden Rule Viome Naveen Jain
EP95: Ixchel Lara on How to Drown Out the Noise to Hear Your True Self
EP95: Ixchel Lara on How to Drown Out the Noise to Hear Your True Self
As an entrepreneur or business owner, you’ve most likely dealt with criticism from others and from within. It’s so easy to let that negative noise make you question everything you’re doing instead of trusting yourself.   For this episode, I talk with my gifted coach and spiritual healer Ixchel Lara. Over the past 6 years, Ixchel has watched me grow in my business, move blocks out of my way and really get to know my “true self”. You’ll learn how to dive deep into who you really are and drown out the noise of any fears, blocks and limitations you have. You’ll also learn two key benefits of listening to your true self and daily practices to connect to this part of yourself to guide you forward.   More about Ixchel Lara: Ixchel Lara is soul-centric coach, alternative therapist, and midwife to embodiment. She helps spiritual seekers crack open their true selves so that they can live a life of deep meaning, purpose and inspiration. Ixchel is committed to everyone having a bone-knowing of what they're truly capable of and allowing their divine pulse to emerge into the material world. Hundreds of clients from all over the world have experienced her integrative approach to self mastery and spirituality. You can find out more at her digital casa, Anima, at   In this episode, Lisa and Ixchel share: What your “true self” is versus your “false self” The multiple levels of fears, blocks, and limitations: energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual - and how to move through themLearning to be aware of your bodyThe practice of differentiating between your true self and false selfWhy you should be gentle with yourself and work with a teacher/mentor/energy worker   Two key benefits of listening to your true self to live in better alignment  Different daily practices to drown out the noise and connect with your true self to guide you forward   Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free!
EP94: Cheryl Giambattista on Detoxifying Your Beauty Products
EP94: Cheryl Giambattista on Detoxifying Your Beauty Products
“Clean beauty” is gaining popularity but what does it really mean? I met Cheryl Giambattista at a health coaching event and I’ve asked her to share her incredible knowledge about why she's such a big believer in making simple swaps in your favorite recipes - and reducing your toxic load by using clean beauty products that love your body from the outside in!"   More about Cheryl Giambattista: Cheryl Giambattista is a Certified Holistic Nutrition Health Coach and Clean Beauty Advocate. With more than 10 years experience in health coaching, plus 2 Bachelor’s degrees in Psychology and Education, Cheryl is the Founder of her “Health Coach Cheryl” business and the “Simple Swaps to Slim Down Program” which helps you achieve your healthiest and leanest body you’ve ever had.  Cheryl’s journey into holistic health began after her son was diagnosed with Leukemia at age 4. As devastating as that experience was, Cheryl saw first-hand the difference good nutrition and lowering your toxic load makes for good health. As a wife of 30 years to Nick and a mom of 6 children, a coach and business owner, Cheryl knows how important it is to focus on health, fitness, and nutrition—especially when life is busy, and as women’s hormones change. And, Cheryl helps women and families make the swap to clean beauty so they’re using products with no toxic load to help their bodies live cleaner, healthier and happier lives.   In this episode, Lisa and Cheryl share: How Cheryl incorporates the idea of “simple swaps” in all aspects of life How Cheryl’s son’s Leukemia diagnosis led her to health coaching What inspired Cheryl to turn to “clean beauty” and focus on the body from the outside in What many consumers do not know about everyday beauty productsCheryl’s experience searching for clean beauty products and what she discoveredHow one company is lobbying to get the laws changed in the US and Canada to outlaw some of the 1,400 toxic ingredients used in most beauty productsThe ingredients used (and not used!) in Beautycounter products    Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free!   Mentions:  Beautycounter skin care and makeup products Health Canada  Food & Drug Administration      Free Gift: Download Cheryl’s free Beauty Detox Meal Plan to learn how nutritious, whole foods can help you look your best naturally and see what an entire week’s worth of delicious, filling meals looks like so you can eat your way to feeling your best ever! Grab it at Meal Plan Detox.
EP92: The Divine Nudge That Saved Me From the Las Vegas Shooting
EP92: The Divine Nudge That Saved Me From the Las Vegas Shooting
Do you follow Divine Nudges in your life or your business? Do you tune into your intuition to guide you when you’re making decisions? Do you ever have powerful intuitive messages that you followed and you later it protected you from harm? That’s exactly what happened to me. This episode is inspired by Chapter 6 of my book Easy Legal Steps and also a very personal story actually being in Las Vegas during the shooting and the Divine Nudge saved my husband Scott and me from being harmed.   In this episode, Lisa shares:  Why for most of her life Lisa didn’t think that spirituality and logic could co-exist.What the “Divine Nudge” was that Lisa received and what prompted her to listen to it.Where Lisa was just two hours before the Las Vegas Shooting occurred.How Lisa’s family and friends reacted to the news of the Shooting.Lisa’s experience leaving Vegas the morning after the Shooting.Why Lisa believes the Universe gave her a “Divine Nudge” and protected Scott and her from harm. Lisa’s reflection on talking with reporters about the tragic event in Las Vegas. Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free!   Mentions: Las Vegas Las Vegas Shooting Carolin Soldo’s “From Passion to Profits” Live Event  Bellagio Hotel Grand Canyon  Aria Hotel Shark Tank Paris Hotel Planet Hollywood Christina Neuner Heather Jernigan  Crystal Honeycutt Uber Mandalay Bay Hotel JetBlue Chantelle Adams Marlo Ellis Stratosphere MSNBC CNN
EP91: Heather Alice Shea on Finding the Courage to Listen to Your Intuition
EP91: Heather Alice Shea on Finding the Courage to Listen to Your Intuition
In this episode, intuitive guide Heather Alice Shea and I talk about how to tap into your intuition, the role intuition can play for you in your work, and how your intuition can positively impact your daily decisions. Heather took a courageous leap by creating a professional intuitive coaching program based on scientific research. She’s dedicated to helping others have a deeper understanding of intuition and how to step into really owning their intuitive gifts.  More about Heather: Heather Alice Shea, M.S., is an Intuitive Life Coach, Life Coach Trainer, and Intuition Educator who helps emerging coaches hone and own their innate intuitive abilities and create one-of-a-kind platforms that book their business solid. She is the founder of Atmana Coaching Academy, the world’s first Intuitive Life Coach Training & Business Development Company that formally integrates intuition into the coaching process. She is the host of The Everyday Intuitive Podcast, and her work has been featured in top publications like Mind Body Green, Elephant Journal, and Best Self Magazine, and her first meditation CD was presented in Spirituality & Health Magazine. Heather holds a Master of Science Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of North Florida. She is a licensed HeartMath® Life Coach and Mentor, a Certified Hypnotherapist, and a past life regression hypnosis expert. She currently works with clients all over the world via Skype in her signature down-to-earth style full of humor, heart, and the occasional swear word.   In this episode, Lisa and Heather share:  How Heather decided to become an intuitive coachHow Heather found the courage to dive into her intuitive gifts Why Heather is passionate about providing research-based training for othersSuggestions for cultivating awareness of your inner experience Different tools to help tap into your intuitionUnderstanding the difference between irrational and non-rational decisionsWhy Heather believes entrepreneurs should use intuitive decision-making      Free Gift:Give yourself the gift of understanding yourself and your intuitive gifts. Take Heather Alice Shea’s Intuitive Coach Archetype Quiz at   Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free!
EP90: Why Legal Documents Don't Attract Lunatics or Lawsuits
EP90: Why Legal Documents Don't Attract Lunatics or Lawsuits
Clients have told me that they’re reticent to use legal documents because they don’t want to create or attract “negative energy.” They fear that if they put Website Terms & Conditions in place or use a Client Agreement that they’re acting from a place of fear and drawing unsavory situations towards them. In this episode, we walk through 5 reasons why using legal documents might feel non-spiritual, and talk about how you can use legal documents and still be deeply spiritual.    In this episode, Lisa shares: 5 Reasons Why using Legal Documents might feel non-spiritual.Reason #1: You’re sending a signal that might attract negative attention.  Reason #2: You’re giving attention to what you don’t want instead of what you do want. Reason #3: You’ll attract lunatics and give people a reason to get angry with you. Reason #4: You’ll be restricted and feel bound by the language in legal documents.  Reason #5: You won’t be perceived as truly spiritual and may be considered a hypocrite. 5 Ways to pivot so you don’t have to worry that you’re attracting lawsuits and lunatics.Why law and spirituality are not mutually exclusive.Why Lisa talks about infusing love into legal documents and aligns legal steps with the chakras.Why you can be BOTH legally protected AND spiritually open. Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free! Episode 2 - #1 Reason to Use Client Agreements Episode 36 - Don’t Miss these 5 Sections in Your Client Agreement Episode 81 - Why It’s So Hard to Set Boundaries  Mentions: The Tale of Two Wolves Law of Attraction Abraham Hicks Mike Dooley of Madmen Sara Ballard Mike Iamele
EP89: Legal Tips for Hiring 4 Key Team Members
EP89: Legal Tips for Hiring 4 Key Team Members
What do you need to know when hiring your team? What kinds of contracts should you use? What questions should you ask when interviewing them? This episode is packed full of legal tips for hiring 4 key team members (your virtual assistant, website/graphic designer, accountant and lawyer) including how to know who to hire first, what questions to ask when interviewing them, and what sections need to be in your contracts when bringing them on board to support or protect your business.    In this episode, Lisa shares:  Different types of team members and how to know who you should hire firstThe pros and cons of hiring new team members Hiring your team members as Independent Contractors vs. EmployeesWhat legal documents you need for working with Independent ContractorsWhy Lisa aligns contracts with the sacral chakra What legal documents you need for your team6 key sections that should be in your Agreement for Hiring a Virtual Assistant8 key sections that should be in your Agreement for Hiring a Website Designer and/or Graphic DesignerWhen you should hire an accountant and how an accountant can help youQuestions you should ask an accountant when hiring them What you should know when hiring a lawyer and how a lawyer can help youQuestions you should ask a lawyer when hiring them    Freebie:10 Questions to Ask When Hiring an Accountant - free guide   Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free! Episode 46 - Employees and Contractors: Which are Best for You? Episode 40 - 5 Money-Saving Year-End Tax Tips Episode 37 - Top 10 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Lawyer Mentions: Amy Kozak Marie Forleo’s B-School Zoom Slack  Asana Trello Basecamp Monday
EP87: Kathleen LeGrys on Increasing Engagement in Facebook Groups
EP87: Kathleen LeGrys on Increasing Engagement in Facebook Groups
Facebook Groups can be an easy way to create authentic connections with clients and expand your reach. In his episode, I’ve invited my long-time friend and business coach Kathleen LeGrys to share how she’s mastered the ability to connect Facebook Groups with emails, Facebook Lives and other tools to increase the energy and interaction of the group. Kathleen shares 4 usable tips to help you create an effective Facebook Group to showcase your expertise and build a tight-knit community. More about Kathleen: Kathleen LeGrys is the founder of Health Coach Solutions, and the co-host of The Wellness Business Podcast. She has helped thousands of health and fitness professionals around the world transform their business and generate more revenue.  Her mission is to provide health coaches with the tools and resources they need to have a thriving business and help their clients get the best results. She created Health Coach Solutions as a way to help health coaches find top-quality programs and resources in one location – so they can feel confident and empowered to be an amazing coach! Her customizable coaching programs are used by health coaches, fitness trainers, naturopathic doctors, and other wellness professionals to empower them to change lives on a global scale.   You can find more about Kathleen and her work at    In this episode, Lisa and Kathleen discuss: The impact of your Facebook Group reach and why it’s important to know your numbers 4 Tips for having an effective Facebook Group Why it’s important to name your Group in a way that makes it easy for clients to find you. (It sounds simple, but Kathleen shares an insightful tip about how exactly to do this.) How targeted screening questions can help you hone in how better to serve clients.What to do to provide real value for your members and keep them interested in your services. Why it’s important to have a Mini-Disclaimer for your Facebook Group.How to re-energize your existing Facebook Group.Why being relatable is key to having actively engaged members.   Free gift: Download Kathleen LeGrys’s The Ultimate Checklist for Running a Successful FB Group at   Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free! Mentions:   Wellness Business Insiders Membership Club
EP85: Paula Rizzo on Listful Living for a Less Stressed You
EP85: Paula Rizzo on Listful Living for a Less Stressed You
Whether it’s for work or at home, we’re constantly making choices about how we spend our time. Our society praises busyness and it’s easy to forget that we create our own lives. We struggle to remember we have the power to design a life that includes more peace and less stress. I’ve invited Paula Rizzo to share strategies from her new book Listful Living which includes journaling in such a simple, easy way to create a life you truly love!     More about Paula: Paula Rizzo is an Emmy-award winning television Producer, best-selling Author, and a Media Trainer and strategist. She's also the founder of and author of Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed and Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You. As a former senior health producer for Fox News Channel for more than a decade, she produced segments with a range of top experts, including JJ Virgin, Jillian Michaels, and Deepak Chopra. A media veteran for nearly 20 years, she also worked in local news in New York City as a producer for 3 different television stations. Paula has been featured in major media outlets like, Business Insider and The Daily News and she’s a contributor to, and Thrive Global. Now she coaches experts and executives to perform better on camera and produce their own videos through the Lights Camera Expert online course geared towards helping entrepreneurs, authors, and experts get media attention and Become A Video Star - a virtual workshop that empowers experts to create their own compelling videos. Visit for more information.   In this episode, Lisa and Paula share:   What inspired Paula to reprioritize what you consider to be important in your life  The importance of having an abundance mindsetWhy Paula uses the term “Personal GPS” to help people observe how they’re living right now (without judgment)  The power of recognizing what makes you feel fulfilled vs. checking items off a to-do list How Paula helps people determine their “Blue Sky Intentions” and really dream big  How to plan what you want your life to look like using the “Passport to Stress-Free Living” Recommendations for how to make time for what brings you joyThe importance of tapping into your “Personal Productivity Style” How Paula structures her work week to make time for what’s important to herThe benefits of slowing down and having a “Just Enough” List     Free Gift:Be more productive and save time, download Paula Rizzo’s “List Making Starter Kit” at   Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free!   Mentioned:  Listful Living book by Paula Rizzo
EP84: What Are Assets - and 4 Ways to Protect Them
EP84: What Are Assets - and 4 Ways to Protect Them
You hear accountants, lawyers and financial planners kick around the word “assets.” But, what exactly ARE assets? How do you know if you have any personal or business assets worth protecting right now? (You might be surprised to know that you likely do!) What should you do to protect them? In this podcast episode, we demystify the world of assets and break down the 2 main types of assets and 4 common ways to protect them.  In this episode, Lisa shares: A general definition of assets   What falls into the 2 main categories of assets for small biz owners: personal assets and business assets4 important ways to protect your assets Why you should use legal documents such as Client Agreements, Terms of Use, and Joint Venture Agreements in your businessHow a business entity like an S-Corp or LLC protects your business assets  How creating a Will and/or Trust can protect your personal assets How Trademarks and Copyrights protect your intellectual propertyWhy Lisa aligns corporate entities to protect your assets with the third eye chakra   Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free! Episode 6—When Do I Need an LLC? Episode 39 - 3 Things All LLCs Must Do Episode 13 - What’s an S-Corp and When Do You Need It? Episode 20 - 6 Reasons to Go Pro with an LLC or S-Corp Episode 7—What You Should Trademark Episode 25 - How to Trademark in 2 Steps: The Search and the Application  Episode 29 - Copyright 101 & When to Use the ‘Little C’  Mentions: Nicole Jardim Shark Tank Kevin O’Leary
EP83: Belinda Ginter on How to Create a Millionaire Mindset
EP83: Belinda Ginter on How to Create a Millionaire Mindset
Ask business owners if they want to earn a million dollars and chances are they’ll say “Yes!” However, as humans, we are hard-wired to let our subconscious minds drive our actions which can prevent us from achieving what we truly want and deserve. In this episode, I talk with Belinda Ginter, Emotional Kinesiologist and Mindset Expert, about common issues surrounding our relationship with money including imposter syndrome and the effect of money on relationships. Belinda shares practical ways to remove emotional blocks so you can be free to embrace a millionaire mindset.  More about Belinda: Belinda Ginter is an industry leader in Emotional Kinesiology & Success Mentoring. She’s a trained emotional Kinesiologist certified in BET and Mindset Expert with over 5 years of experience with 6,000 plus clinical coaching hours, working with thousands of clients worldwide. She has graced the stages in over 6 different countries and all over Canada and the United States.  She prides herself of leaving the crowd better than how she found them, with practical tips they can implement immediately to better their lives and businesses. Belinda's superpowers are her ability to love hard and soulfully hold space for others. Belinda’s clients describe her as being magical and caring, authentic and a true genius when it comes to slaying subconscious blocks. She is brilliant when it comes to mindset hacks and proven strategies. Clients have said that “she respects and loves you enough to tell you the truth when you need to hear in a truly graceful way”. She works intuitively directly with your soul and is able to point out things you simply cannot see in yourself that can be stopping you from having the success you truly desire. Her background in removing negative past family programming beliefs benefits her clients as they often are unaware of what is keeping them stuck. She’s truly an expert who makes a difference with a unique ability to provide clarity effortlessly and quickly.  Belinda is also a loving mother to two wonderful children and wife to Dr. Derek Ginter Chiropractor/Acupuncturist extraordinaire and she has two fur babies, Sir Winston, a Shepherd/Boxer/Terrier mix dog & JuJu, her soul mate siamese/ragdoll cat. You can learn more about Belinda and join her tribe at In this episode, Lisa and Belinda share: What emotional kinesiology is and how it works   How becoming aware of subconscious blocks empowers you to remove them      Why you should research other millionaires so you can absorb their mindsetWhy it’s important to take consistent, actionable steps toward your goals so you can watch yourself expand        How to address “imposter syndrome” on a daily basisThe importance of understanding money as an amplifierWhy money doesn’t have to change relationshipsWhy Belinda believes legally protecting your business is an absolute necessity           Free Gift:Give yourself a gift of self-love with a FREE “60-Minute Emotional Kinesiology/Success Mentoring Session” with Belinda Ginter. Book a time at Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free! Mentioned: Michelle Obama Andre Agassi Muhammad Ali Oprah Winfrey Wayne Dyer