Morning Faith

316 Ministry

Welcome to our Morning Faith podcast series. With this series we will give you Christian topics for your journey with Christ. We keep the message short but pull from authors all over the world to ensure you have a wide variety of topics to listen to. We also encourage interactions with the series with our complementing online content if you are interested in sharing.

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Morning Faith - Parable of the Mustard Seed
Hace 4 días
Morning Faith - Parable of the Mustard Seed
Send us a textIf you are a Christian, you are not the person you were yesterday or several years ago. Why? Because you are growing in Christ. The more you learn about Christ, the more you will grow. Very similar to the parable of the mustard seed describing the mustard seed that starts out as the smallest seed but as it is nurtured, it will grow to be the largest tree. As Jesus said, this is like the kingdom of heaven. With Christ we are strongerThe larger you grow in Christ, the deeper your roots will grow which can withstand any storm that the evil one can throw at you. Jesus speaks of this when He talks about where you grow in the Parable of the Sower. Plant your roots deep through Him and you will be the one that grows in Christ, producing many times what was sown. What happens to a tree if it is denied its basic needs? It begins to wither and gets diseased and the roots begin to fail. Understand this, your basic needs are from God. You need to feed yourself with the love of God most high and the knowledge he brings so that we can keep strong and remain filled with strength, and with that strength, our soul will remain strong and our roots deep. True LoveLet your heart leap for joy as you understand the knowledge that is beyond your true understanding. The Lord will never leave you or forsake you and will always uphold you with his right hand. He loves you so much that He gave His only Son for you. Exalt him. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. For the spirit that God gave you will not falter and he has given you strength and you will not grow weary.Visit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Morning Faith - Love Your Neighbor
Morning Faith - Love Your Neighbor
Send us a textHave you ever thought about what it means to love your neighbor as yourself, as it was described by Jesus? This same concept has been echoed throughout the New Testament. But what does that really mean? This was so important that its meaning goes back all the way to the Old Testament in Leviticus 19:18 which reads: “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.” Does it mean that you should go over to the person who lives next door to you and tell them that you love them? Well, not quite. What about, if I borrow a tool from my neighbor, I should always return it? Even though that is a good practice, I don’t think that is what Jesus had in mind.  Fortunate for us, Jesus was asked that very question in the Book of Luke in the New Testament. His answer comes in the form of a parable and is called the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25. So, just as a point, Samaritan’s during the time of Jesus were not well-liked people.  The Parable goes something like this: A man was walking down a street in a part of town that was watched by thieves. He was attacked by people who wanted to rob him. They beat him, took anything of value, and left him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road and saw the man who had been beaten. He moved to walk on the other side of the street, passing him. This happened again by another person. But then, a random stranger, the good Samaritan, came across the man and took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, doing all that he could to stabilize the man. He then put him in his car and drove him to a motel and took care of him. The next day, he went down and paid for another two days of motel room for the man. He asked the inn keeper to check in on him and give him anything he needs and that he would reimburse him for any expense he had.  Then Jesus asked, “which of these three men were a neighbor to the injured man?” Jesus made it clear that the idea of “doing to others as you would have them do to you” was very apparent in this parable, which we know as the Golden Rule.   Jesus goes as far as to issue a new command to His followers. In John 13:34 Jesus says “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Now, we know that Jesus said this to His disciples but we know that it has a broader application to us all. So, we now know that we are supposed to love our neighbor. But what about our enemies? In Matthew 5:43 it states, “Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” Jesus helps us understand that love may be hard sometimes but should be unconditional.  Visit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Morning Faith - God in your Life
Morning Faith - God in your Life
Send us a textWhere do you think God is with you more in your life? During the good times when you feel like you don’t have a care or during the bad times when you have hit rock bottom? It really depends on where you have invited God to be in your life? Do you only call on God when you are in trouble or struggling in a bad way? Believe it or not, this is the majority of people. This includes those that usually don’t have any relationship with God at all and only call on God to help because they feel they have no other place to turn. It is important to understand, Christian or not, God wants to have a relationship with you. A relationship is not just during the bad times. He wants you to be His people and He wants to be your God. But how can you ensure your relationship is full with God, during the good and the bad? Well, first it is important to understand that God is good. He is not going to single you out and make bad things happen to you but He does want to be there for you during those struggles. We should always understand that it is not always demons we’re fighting. Most of the time it is just consequences of our bad choices and decisions. God understands. Remember, sometimes God allows what he hates to accomplish what He loves. God loves you. If you are a parent, yes, it is that kind of love. Strong, unwavering, pure sacrifice. Just as Jesus said, “who would give their child a stone if they ask for a loaf of bread or a snake if they asked for a fish to eat.”  The first step is to talk with God. Since He is always with you, that makes it pretty easy. It does not have to be a big formal elaborately thought-out prayer. Just a simple thank you. Second, recognize God’s works that are happening all around you. Look at the wonderful things and give credit where credit is due. Thank God for the good that you see and pray for those that persecute you. Jesus said it best in Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” You have to make the first move. God is truly great and does great things for His people. If you put God first in your thinking, all things are possible. Will you still have bad days? For sure, but when you put God first, and place your complete trust in God, you have met all three… Asked, Seeked, and Knocked. Ask for help and guidance in your struggle;  Seek God’s wisdom to help you see the purpose for your struggle; because when you knock on God’s door, He will always be there to open it for you and help.  Complete trust in God does not mean that you do nothing. It means that you ask yourself, “How would God want me to handle this?” If you program your thinking to ask that question first, you have opened the door. Seek God’s council on your problems but praise God for your victories, even the small ones. If you do thiVisit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Morning Faith - Parable of the Weeds
Morning Faith - Parable of the Weeds
Send us a textMatthew 13:24-30 & the explanation in Matthew 13:37-43This parable, while it is such a simple parable, tells us so much. It seems to be a continuation of the Parable of the Sower, and follows the path of the seed thrown on the good soil, which grows well because it is able to form deep roots. Jesus is implying that, even though you have placed your seed on good soil, and you are growing in your faith, there is no length that the evil one will not go to hurt your faith in God by planting evil all around you.While doing the research on this parable, I was so excited to find so many references in other parts of the scripture that either point back to this parable or this parable seemed directly connect to. My next podcast will be a part 2 of this one and will explore many different connections, especially with the book of Revelation. Be sure to check back often for that or scribe to this podcast for notifications.Visit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Morning Faith - Parable of the Lost or Prodigal Son
Morning Faith - Parable of the Lost or Prodigal Son
Send us a textLuke 15: 11-32 NIV  Jesus tells us a story about a father with two sons. Both had grown up in a Godly home but one had become restless and was tempted by worldly things. The first son asks his father for his inheritance early so he can go indulge his worldly desires, and in doing so, turns his back on God. We can call this son the lost son. The other son remains with his father and continues to work and stays faithful to God. We can call this son the faithful son. No one likes to be wrong so when the lost son spends all of his inheritance and begins to feel the pressure of being broke and a famine that has hit the land, he began to think of home. Everything worldly that he desired, turned its back on him and he found himself in a low position, working to survive, but his pride prevented him from admitting he had sinned against his father and the Heavens. Finally, hunger got the better of him and he decided to go home and work for his father because he was sure that even his servants had plenty. At that moment, a transition came upon him. His pride was gone and he was no longer the lost son, but a humble son to his father. He returned in a state of not feeling worthy to be called his son. His father recognized the change and saw that his son had humbly returned and he was filled with joy. His son was no longer lost to the world. He had been saved and it was time to celebrate. His faithful son returning from the fields, grew angry that his brother was getting so much attention after being so bad. His father explains to him that it is right to celebrate. He tells the faithful son that everything that he owns belongs to him but his lost son has been found and is alive again. Jesus sets this parable up by saying in Matthew 9:12 NIV that “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick” knowing that He is about to tell this story. He also talks in Luke 15:3-7 about the 100 sheep and one being lost. He leaves the 99 to find it, and when he does, he rejoices for it is right to celebrate when one is lost and then they are found. The lost sheep’s and the lost son’s return is celebrated because they are both very precious to their keepers. Many of us are in the same state. We have turned away from God. Separation from the father or the shepherd does not make you lost forever. They are both waiting or actively seeking you to return. They want you back so bad, it does not matter what you have done or where you have gone. Return repentant and humble and you will be welcomed with open arms. In the case of the lost son… You can never out-sin God the Father’s forgiveness. God will never stop waiting on your return because He is very patient. And when you do return, there is a celebration in Heaven beyond imagination. Unlike the faithful son’s rebuke that you have returned, Christians everywhere will celebrate with you.Visit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Morning Faith - Parable of the Lamp
Morning Faith - Parable of the Lamp
Send us a textParable of the Lamp -  Matthew 5: 14-16 NIV  What is the purpose for having a light? The most obvious reason is to get you out of the dark. As we read this parable, we understand that light has a reason for existing and should not be denied its purpose which is to replace darkness.  In the parable, Jesus uses the example of a lamp. It is brought into a dark place so that it can shine. If the light is placed under something, the light will be diminished and would defeat the reason for having it. It should be placed so that it can be seen and used by everyone. Now, lets draw some connections between the light and Jesus. Jesus Christ is the light that will illuminate your path. He came into the world to be the light in your darkness. His purpose was not meant to be hidden. He provides light when you need it most. You should guard the light and ensure it does not waver in your heart. For Jesus is the only true light in the darkness that is everything not of God. He tries to tell His disciples that they are also the light that He has given them, and that they should go shine that light to the world to glorify God the Father. Now that we have defined the light in the parable, there is another conclusion that we can draw from it. Just as you should not hide the light, you should find others to give it to and ensure it is not hindered in any way from shining.  The best part of the light is that when you share it with others, they will take on some of the light for themselves. Using the Christian teachings, this light can spread and can grow.  Then they should guide others to the light of the kingdom through the word of God; the truth will be revealed to the whole world. The key idea of the parable is that "Light is to be revealed, not concealed." If you have the opportunity to show God’s light, you should do it. Visit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Morning Faith - Parable of the Speck and the Plank
Morning Faith - Parable of the Speck and the Plank
Send us a textParable of the Speck and the Plank -  Matthew 7: 3-5 NIV  Being trained as a carpenter, it only makes sense for Jesus to use these two terms in His parable. The speck is referring to a speck of sawdust and the plank is referring to the entire piece of wood that you might use to start a project. In this parable, Jesus shows us that if you can’t avoid doing something you feel is wrong, you should not tell someone else that they should not be doing it. This is a classic example of something a hypocrite might do. To be a hypocrite requires you to pass judgement on someone else. Look carefully in the mirror and make a self-examination before examining someone else. Don’t be ignorant of your own fault. There is another non-biblical quote that also helps with this understanding. If you live in a glass house, you should not throw rocks at others. If you believe you have found a flaw in someone, you should not judge them. You will get what you give and in the same measure from the one that is the only one qualified to judge. Jesus gives us this example many times in the Gospels. One of the most prominent is the case in the book of John 8: 3-11. He challenges the ones that want to stone a woman for prostitution and tells them “Let any one of you that is without sin cast the first stone at her.” In the end, they all leave and she is forgiven, and told to leave her life of sin. In the time of Jesus, being judged by the Laws of Moses was the primary way of dispensing justice to the people. The laws were very specific and often times, very strict. There were also many that would result in death. Jesus wants you to help others through difficult times, but you should do it without judgement knowing that we are all flawed. Be a counselor, not a judge.  We can apply this to today’s thinking. The parable shows that if you work to help someone and are blinded by your own faults, you will not be successful in providing help to those around you that might have the same flaw. Work on your inner being and fix your faults, then you can help others through theirs.  Helping someone with compassion and understanding is the humble way that Jesus explains is the best choice for counseling someone in need. Remove your plank by fixing your flaws, then you can help others without judgement. Visit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Morning Faith - Parable of the Two Sons
Morning Faith - Parable of the Two Sons
Send us a textParables of Jesus Series - Parable of the Two Sons -  Scripture: Matthew 21:28-32  When we look at this parable, the primary point that Jesus was trying to make is about what we believe we should do but don’t vs what we actually do. Let’s paint the personas of two different groups of people. These are easy to categorize. You have the good people and the bad people.  The good people believe their goodness comes from their own entitlement from something they have been told in their life or from their title that they have been given which sets them above others. They also go through life with a closed mind to anything that might take away from their perceived stature.  The bad people have never really given much thought to doing things that are for others and have been treated badly most of their lives. They have had to take the more difficult path in the road and harbor a level of resentment for the world and people around them. Most have been given no entitlement to speak of. When Jesus is referring to the two sons in the parable, in one interpretation, we can say that one son was in the group of good people. The second son was from the bad people. And lastly, the father is God. In the time of Jesus, He was speaking of the Sanhedrin and the Priests of the Temple. These are the good people. Jesus spoke to everyone that would listen, including the Priests, and hoped that they would understand and act on what he was telling them so they also could receive the salvation from God. They heard but did not do. In contrast, the bad people were considered the open sinners of the time such as the prostitutes, tax collectors, and any of the other people who were not considered spiritually clean based on the times. These people, when they heard the messages of Jesus, realized that the way they were living life was bad, and repented, and asked for forgiveness of the way they led their lives, and they were saved. They lived and were not obedient of God, but then they changed their thinking and did what Jesus had told them.  The good people knew what they should do, but did not do it. The bad made the choice not to follow the ways of God but then decided to do so. Which will enter the Kingdom of Heaven first? The ones that did God’s will. It takes more than to be good to enter the Kingdom. We can apply this to today’s thinking. If you feel you are not worthy of the gift that Christ is giving you, you have already qualified to receive it. Jesus came to help the sinners, not the ones that consider themselves saints. We are all flawed, but to recognize that, is what Jesus wants from us. If you count yourself among to the good, you might already be in danger.  Always understand that we all have room to grow in Christ, which is a choice. All it takes to make a good person a saved person is an open mind and a heart that repents.Visit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Parables of Jesus
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Parables of Jesus
Send us a textWhy Jesus spoke in Parables A parable is a message usually in the form of a story. But, why did Jesus teach using only Parables? There is a primary verse that is in the Old Testament that talks about why parables would be used by the Messiah as He spoke. We hear about Isaiah’s commission from God. God is frustrated with the people of Judah and He chooses Isaiah to go and deliver a message to them. Isaiah 6:9-10 NIV This message from God, delivered by Isaiah, is considered a stern rebuke to the people who have grown further from God’s obedience. This is referenced as a lack of using the God given abilities to know and appreciate God because the people have turned away. This message to the people also tells us that, even though God was talking to the people, they were not listening. During the earthly life of Jesus, He makes reference to the same problem that was faced in the life of Isaiah about 700 years earlier. The people had closed their hearts and minds to God and instead of understanding, they only went through the required motions so they would get credit for doing them. Early on, God said, do something so they did it. Later on, they still did it but forgot why. Many had also believed that they had learned all they were going to, which made them higher in stature than everyone else, and in their mind, they presumed to know God’s will without asking. Anyone that tried to tell them anything about what they were doing wrong about their understanding, was rebuked aggressively and in some cases called blasphemy. Kind of a self-reinforced delusion that they always knew what God wanted because of their knowledge and experience vs understanding God’s will. It was the goal of Jesus to reach the people that He knew would understand when he spoke, even if He talked in parables. The ones that got it were truly listening. The ones that didn’t, just dismissed it.  Matthew 13:13-15 NIV  Even though Jesus spoke in parables to the people, He makes the time to explain His parables to His Disciples since they have been given the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. The lesson here is that if you want to understand the teachings of Jesus, you must not close your mind and heart to learning. For, just as every question has an answer, usually every answer results in a question. Also, in the case of the parables of Jesus, many of them have more than one meaning. The more you learn, the more you understand that there is still so much to learn. Keep your mind open, heart fixed on God, and use the Bible as the source for your answers, Old and New Testament.  Visit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - The Church
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - The Church
Send us a textHave you ever thought about the Church, not as a place; but as a community?Scriptures we will be talking about are -       Acts 2 42-47-       1 Corinthians 1: 10-       1 Corinthians 12: 18-20-       Ephesians 4: 11-13Every person has a different perspective on what “church” looks like. Whether that perspective is good or bad depends on their personal experience there. To some, the church is simply a building, but in the Bible, God establishes the idea of the Church being the people, not the place. What does fellowship mean to you? Maybe, a friendly association, especially with people who share one interest. The way that a person feels about a church from their first visit can determine whether or not they ever consider coming back. A negative experience could last their entire life. However, one positive encounter with someone in the church can have a just the opposite effect.God intended the Church to be a sanctuary and a comfortable environment. Church should not be an intimidating. However, some people come to a new church who often feel uncomfortable, and in some cases, intimidated. For the ones that are a bit unsure anyway, they look for flaws which give them an excuse not to come back. I believe that the Church is not just a building. It is a community.Let’s Read Acts 2:42-47We know that there are countless trials and hardships in our lives. As you know, when you are seeking a safe place to go, the Church can provide you with comfort, sympathy, fellowship, and can even help you grow as well as it can positively impact your lives. When we come together in fellowship and by standing on the foundational beliefs that we do, we have a support group against the worldly beliefs. As Christians, there is a special bond between the people of the Church. It is important to us to make sure you feel as though you can openly share your “from the heart” opinions in the Church without judgment. We want to present the benefits that come with having a community within the Church. As I have often heard, this is our extended family. In the scripture, we learned about some of the positive examples that a Church should look like. Examples that a healthy relationship within the Church can provide include comfort, guidance, fellowship, spiritual growth, and others. It is our responsibility as part of the Church community to create unity within our Church as everyone else does for us.Read 1 Corinthians 1:10Think of yourself as twine. Twine by itself is strong but combined with other twine and with a common purpose, many strands of twines cooperating make rope which is stronger than the parts that make it.Read Ephesians 4:11-13Although God has an ideal image of what the Church should look like, not every Church ends up looking that way. But God uses each of us to build the Church into what He desires it to be. Each person plays a role and together we are stronger.ClosingTVisit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Stick with It
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Stick with It
Send us a textDaily Devotion - Stick with It As you prepare for your day, let’s take a look at Noah’s story of commitment and God’s blessing to protect his life. Most important: Be consistent in your faith, even when it is not a popular choice Today’s Scripture is Genesis 6:5-9 & 7:22-23 We all know parts of the story of Noah and the Flood. God asking Noah to build a big boat called an Ark, collect two of each animal of the world, and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights.  However, there is more to this story. It is a story about faith and trust. In our daily lives, it is Satan’s plan to always look for ways to challenge your faith. When that happens by a group of others, it can feel very lonely to stand by God. Sometimes it seems easier to just give in and say yes to the World and no to God.  This was not the case when God asked Noah to build the ark. Being a strong follower of God, Noah just did what God asked. Imagine the commitment that Noah had to endure for an incredible number of years. Imagine what everyone around him was doing. I would suspect that everyone was telling him he was crazy, not a cloud in the sky, not so much as a drizzle, and he is building a boat over dry land.  Noah felt very alone and isolated with a very large burden. However, with Noah’s faith also came God’s strength. Noah knew he was right doing what he was commanded to do by God. But, the temptation to give up must have been incredible. As Noah learned, God is faithful to those who are faithful to Him. God rewards those who seek Him and follow his will. After the flood, Noah was to receive the greatest reward possible. To have his family and himself saved from the flood and to be the new Father of all the world, Wow. No pressure there…  Just as God strengthened Noah, God wants to strengthen you. And all he asks is that you don’t give up on Him. As we talked about in the last devotion, temptation is everywhere. Avoid temptation, be committed to God, and God will strengthen you in your faith. Read Genesis 6: 5-7Read Genesis 6: 8-9 Noah spent many years dedicating himself to following what the Lord told Him to do. It couldn’t have been easy to stay committed to building something that took this long. In the end God came through and showed Noah how much it was worth it to stay faithful. Noah was selected because of his faith in God but that must have felt pretty lonely.  When you are outside Church, do you feel lonely being a Christian? As we talked about, Noah must have been made fun of and teased constantly because of the task God had given him. Have you ever felt like being faithful to God wasn’t worth it?  Read Genesis 7:22-23Let’s finish up with a scripture that encourages us to stick with our faith and pursuit of God even when it seems harVisit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Resist Temptation
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Resist Temptation
Send us a textDaily Devotion – Resist TemptationTemptations will always exist but with God, you always have a reason to resist. Scripture we will be talking about is Genesis 3:1-13 We all know the story of Adam and Eve, also known as The Fall. Satan quickly enters the story. He tries to get God's greatest creation to disobey God. He tricks them to believe they will be like God if they disobey him. Many things about this story are still true today in our lives. Temptation is all around us. This causes us to weigh the option to follow God's word or our own desires. You will face temptation every day. Temptation causes you to doubt the decision to fully commit to God's word. Following God's word and avoiding temptation can sometimes seem boring. Sometimes what the World sees as acceptable may be Temptation. The truth is, consistently choosing to follow God's word and make the sacrifices is a blessing in the long run. Temptation is challenging and Satan is sneaky. The popular direction might take you away from God's path. You may think you are alone when you resist temptation. If you follow God's direction, you will never be alone. Our hope is to help you identify temptation in your life and arm you on how to combat it.  Sometimes resisting temptation can be an unpopular decision and you will get pressure to change your mind. It is God's desire to protect us from what might harm us in the World. He wants a good relationship with us built on trust. That trust comes from us believing that his ways are best.  Genesis 3: 1-5 Why do you think God even allows Satan to be involved in our lives?Wouldn't it be easier if God didn't let him even tempt us in the first place?How is Satan "crafty" in our culture and specifically with your friend group?Satan tries to get Eve to question God's word. Genesis 3: 6-13 Why do you think Eve ultimately gave in and ate the fruit? (Maybe she decided what was best for herself)Temptation is a challenge at all ages. It is something you have to learn to deal with. Using God's word helps us understand the challenge but also shows us that there are consequences that comes with giving in. Let's talk about two points that can help you: -       You have to decide... Do you trust God's word enough to resist your own desires? Temptations make promises they can't keep. Eating the fruit was a temporary enjoyment that had long-term consequences.  -       If you think back to a time that you gave in to temptation, was it worth it? Did you feel guilty? Think about some ways you can prepare to be strong and not give into temptation. Read 1 Corinthians 10:13 You will not be tempted beyond what you can bear.Temptations will always exist but with God you always have a reason and a Visit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - How to be Blessed
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - How to be Blessed
Send us a textPsalms 1:1 NIV “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers;” Show me the company you keep and I will show you your future. This saying still holds true today. Whether you are a Christian or not, understanding what you allow to influence your life is critical to the direction you travel. Psalms 1:1 is broken down into three influences you should be mindful of. The first word is what you should be striving for which is blessed.  To be blessed, do not walk in step with the wicked. Wicked can also mean ungodly. If you find yourself with the wrong group of people, often times, this can lead you down the same path. It really doesn’t take long to begin to think the same as they think and pretty soon, you are asking those same people for life advice and counsel.  To be blessed, do not stand in the way that sinners take. Every day we are forced to make decisions that will impact lives around us, including ours. Those decisions, without the proper council, are often influenced by the worldly things around us.  To be blessed, do not sit in the company of mockers. If someone around you or the group you are in have a bad attitude, it is surly to influence your thinking. Being exposed to negative attitudes and experiences can help make what is wrong seem right. So, to be blessed, do not lean on your own understanding or others counsel and avoid the path that leads to destruction. There should only be one influence in your life. Understanding, counsel, and influence comes from the Holy Bible which is God’s word. Godly direction is demonstrated by Jesus, the Son of God. God’s counsel is always available as God cares about you. Walk in the way of Jesus and let the scripture be your guide. Visit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Dealing with complex Anxiety
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Dealing with complex Anxiety
Send us a textGod’s goodness isn’t based on what we see, hear, or feel. It’s just based on His goodness. Our thoughts are powerful. They impact our decisions, change our perspective, and influence our conversations with others. Negative and unhealthy thinking causes us to get trapped by our thoughts with, what we believe is little chance for escape.  Our lives are always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts. The life we have is a reflection of the thoughts we think. For example, if you think you can’t, you probably won’t but if you think you can, you most likely will. Herein lies the battlefield. Most battles are won or lost in our minds. What we think determines who we become. Worried thinking can be contrasted against peaceful thinking. For example, worried people are consumed with what people might think of you, your kid’s performance, what the future might hold, finances, job performance, and of course your health. However, peaceful thinking is more along the lines of doing what you can, trust that God has things under control, and allows full peace to be reached. Remember, what comes into your mind, comes out in your life. No matter what you do, what you have, who you know, what you buy, where you live, where you travel, you can’t have a positive life when you have a negative mind. So, the question, are you excited about the direction your thoughts are taking you? If not, it is time for some changes in your thinking.  Whatever the reason, these can be poison in your mind. The science of it. When you have a thought in your brain, the physical result is that your body wants to help make it easier to have that thought again so it alters your mind through a chemical process. With that understanding, you can see what happens when you think negative thoughts. Your brain just continues to make it easier to have those thoughts. That thinking can be reversed. Not only can it be reversed, when you start thinking positive thoughts, you get a little reward in the form of a chemical called dopamine. When you feel good about something you did? Dopamine. Changing the negative thinking to positive thinking is a formal process that you must force yourself to do. You have to change the thinking habits and create a new path in the brain.  Again, the same thing begins to happen. The more you think positive thoughts, the easier it is to think them.  All negative thinking are lies that are placed in your mind by the enemy to keep you right where he wants you. For you to fight back, you must replace those lies with truths. Make no mistake, this is a battle against good and evil. Evil has a stronghold in your mind and the truth is your weapon and it will set you free. The question becomes, can you fight this battle alone?What comes to mind comes out in life. You can’t have a positive life with a negative mind. To fight the battle, capture the lies and rVisit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Pentecost Countdown - Day 1
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Pentecost Countdown - Day 1
Send us a textToday we end our Pentecost Countdown with Day 1 - Pentecost John 14:26 “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” The Holy Spirit is ready to be part of your life. Maybe he is just out of reach or for some he is just not in sync with your life. I am sure that most have other relationships in your lives. How do you keep that relationship fresh? Usually you visit, hang out, have coffee, talk on the phone. It is really no different than you should be with the Holy Spirit. If you want to know Him, spend some time with Him. This journey can sometimes be a challenging one if you are not sure where to start. Once you have some knowledge about how the Holy Spirit works, you should start to feel more comfortable turning over decisions to Him and consult with Him on directions in your life. Pentecost is observed as the Apostles receiving the Holy Spirit. The amazing part is that this event happens every day to believers all over the world and is celebrated on earth and in Heaven. The first step to Pentecost is belief. Second step is a simple conversation with Jesus to ask for forgiveness of your sins. After the second step, you will receive the Holy Spirit. From there, you begin your relationship with God the Father, the saving grace of the Son, and the ever-present Holy Spirit that is with you always. From there, you begin your discipleship. A disciple is a student. Start with the life of Jesus in the first four books of the New Testament. From there, head to Acts to see how the Apostles started and grew the first Churches throughout the known world. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you today. Then, begin to do this every day and you will begin to unlock a deeper understanding of His role in your life. The journey has just begun.Visit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Pentecost Countdown - Day 2
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Pentecost Countdown - Day 2
Send us a textToday we continue our Pentecost Countdown with Day 2 Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Something to remember during this Pentecost. Jesus spoke about how the Apostles were blessed to be able to see and experience the wonders that Christ showed them which convinced them that he was the Son of God. He also made it very clear to them that even more blessed are the ones that believe who He is, but have not seen. Our experiences in life help confirm what we know to be true. Don’t touch fire, gravity can sometimes be challenging, the taste of some food is amazing, and others. But how do we come to grips with things that we have not seen and are expected to believe they are true. I believe the first step is that you want to believe that they are true.  We often move this direction as the first step toward Christianity. This comes from seeing how Christians act as themselves and with others. I’m talking about the glow that comes from a Christian during worship with hands raised high, or watching a pastor really getting into talking about the glory of God, or just showing unconditional love to others by obvious selfless deeds. Once you have that feeling, there is no going back. Christians are part of a club that doesn’t have any requirements to join except the desire to know God. The more you know, the more He will move in your life. Once you accept Christ, you then will know truth and it doesn’t even matter that you’ve not seen Him. He knows you and has from the beginning. He also doesn’t care what you have done. Just ask to be forgiven and begin your journey. I call that, welcome to day 1.  Faith starts with wanting to believe and leads to being blessed by believing without seeing. Then, by believing, your eyes open and you begin to see everything clearly, just as someone that’s blind receives the gift of sight.  Visit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Pentecost Countdown - Day 3
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Pentecost Countdown - Day 3
Send us a textToday we continue our Pentecost Countdown with Day 3 Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” As you observe Pentecost, keep in mind that God has done great things through the ages. Every book, Old Testament and New Testament, are full of events that God directly fulfilled from page to page. Of course, the most important event of all, the resurrection of Jesus.  As you understand the Bible, it is full of amazing stories about faith, obedience, trust, forgiveness, humbleness, and many others that join the events together directly under God’s guidance and instruction.  The best part, the stories of the Bible are not meant to end. Once you accept Christ as your savior, you join in to continue the story and become a contributor. As you continue to contribute as your story unfolds, you will have opportunities for God to engage with you and others around you, just as He has done in the past. This engagement happens through the Holy Spirit. Using the Holy Spirit also gives you the ability to spread the gospel. Through the Holy Spirit, He encourages you to follow direction and enhance your position in God’s family. With the Holy Spirit, you are directly aligned with God’s purpose for you. What will your story look like when you turn and write the next page? Ask God through the Holy Spirit. Visit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Pentecost Countdown - Day 4
316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Pentecost Countdown - Day 4
Send us a textToday we continue our Pentecost Countdown with Day 4 John 15:26 “But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.” As we continue our conversation about Pentecost, we are reminded that Jesus sent us a Helper as our Guide in the form of the Holy Spirit. Does this mean we will not encounter any hardships or hard decisions to make? Sorry, life doesn’t work that way. But what it does mean is that you have, if you choose to listen, a Helper on your side who cares about you and wants to keep you on the path of righteousness.  Oddly enough, it is very easy to forget that God is always working in our lives. If you take the time to include God in your decisions, you give the Holy Spirit some time to inject the correct course to your thinking. The job of the Holy Spirit? Help you keep the faith. Remember, God is still on the throne and Jesus is still your Savior. Just in case you needed to hear that today. Glory and power to God in the highest. Something else very important to remember. God does not go anywhere uninvited. The invitation is a very formal request. Seek him and he will never leave you or forsake you, in every situation. Engage with the Holy Spirit during times of worship if you really want to feel God move in your life. The more you understand God, the easier it will be for you to understand the purpose He has for you. Pray today and ask the Holy Spirit to be your Helper. Seek him in all things and in every way. Repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness. Trust in the Holy Spirit to show you the way.  Visit us on the web at https://316ministry.ccTo learn more about what topics we will be covering in our Spirit in Motion series, please visit: Morning Faith Daily Devotions: Please support what we do by making a donation: quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.