Better World Leaders

Tim Collings

Better World Leaders shares experiences, journeys and insights with leaders who are co-creating our better worlds and futures. Each episode we explore their stories, what they have learnt through their lives and careers and what they are doing to contribute to making our worlds better. From these conversations we can all learn from their example and experience to improve ourselves and enhance how we as leaders can co-create better worlds for all. read less


Christopher Marquis reveals the underlying change framework within his latest work...
Christopher Marquis reveals the underlying change framework within his latest work...
Very rarely do we host guests who get in touch requesting an interview on Better World Leaders, however the nature of Christopher Marquis' note stood out and I'm delighted that we have somehow entangled to create this conversation. Christopher is Sinyi Professor of Chinese Management at the Judge Business School at Cambridge University and has a background in both social and organisational change movements. In this conversation we explore the focus of his last book, The Profiteers, and he reveals the underlying framework for change embedded within that work. This conversation provides several 'tangible' and relatable examples of organisations successfully striving to both themselves enact change, and catalyse greater transformation in our economies, societies and broader structures, and I'm grateful to Chris for his time in creating this episode, and for all his ongoing endeavours teaching within one of the world's most prestigious business schools. Follow the links below to connect with Christopher and explore his work further... Follow & connect with Tim & the BWL Community We'll be back with more from Better World Leaders, and continuing our season on frameworks, very soon! Until then, be well, lead well and keep on co-creating better futures.
Bill Sharpe shares futures practices for transformations over 3 Horizons...
Bill Sharpe shares futures practices for transformations over 3 Horizons...
This conversation is as serious as it is playful, as practical in exploration of practice as it is theoretical in examination of a framework, and as generative a journey for me as a practictioner as it is fascinating as a podcaster! Welcome to the wonderful, rich and informative dialogue with Bill Sharpe, co-creator of the 3 Horizons futures framework. For anyone interested in leaning into futures thinking and creating experiences of futures work for leaders, groups or whole organisations, this conversation could well be of interest. Having been aware of 3 Horizons for a few years, read the book several time and been practicing the framework with groups on numerous occasions, this was a wonderful opportunity to be in dialogue with Bill sharing our experiences, practices and practical examples of applying the framework in real living contexts. We hope you enjoy the discussion, and either deepen or begin your own exploration of this fabulous framework for accessing futures thinking. Here's a few links to connect with Bill and various pathways to be resourced on 3 Horizons; Future Stewards - Become a 3 Horizons facilitator - Join the 3 Horizons LinkedIn Group - International Futures Forum - U3Uni - And if you'd like to, please feel free to follow and connect with Tim and the Better World Leaders community on LinkedIn
Ben Haggard guides how to create frameworks for living systems approaches to life, work and transformation
Ben Haggard guides how to create frameworks for living systems approaches to life, work and transformation
On the very short list of organisations, entities and gatherings of folk that I've been wholly nurtured, enabled and impacted is Regenesis Institute. One of the key creators of developmental programs at Regenesis is Ben Haggard, and I've been fortunate to participate in several programs Ben has led and created. Ben is the Director of Educational Programs at the Regenesis Institute of Sustainable Communities, a core element of Regenesis Group. In this episode we concentrate most explicitly on the functioning of frameworks, their utility for considering and interpreting the world, designing intentional development experiences and crucially to create ways of interacting with and aligning with systems which centre, honour and regenerate life. I learn so much each and every time I interact with Ben, and co-creating this conversation was a great honour. You can connect with Ben, and explore more of his work and sign-up for courses at Regenesis via the links below; Follow and connect with Ben on LinkedIn here Find out more and explore the offerings of Regenesis here Dive into the resources area of Regenesis here Consider enrolling for their seminal course, The Regenerative Practitioner here If you'd also like to follow or connect with Tim and the Better World Leaders community, you can do so via the links below; Tim on LinkedIn - Better World Leaders - Thanks for your time and attention tuning into this episode. We look forward to being back with you very soon.
Loes Damhof is building capability in the present with Futures Literacy
Loes Damhof is building capability in the present with Futures Literacy
I was first introduced to Loes, and Futures Literacy, by another BWL guest, Laureline Simon. When Laureline shared in her network that she was co-hosting a course on Futures Literacy for transformative climate action, I was drawn in and joined the cohort to experience this wonderful, exhilarating and enlivening work myself. Those days immersed in the Futures Literacy framework were the first of what has now become a continuing interaction with Loes Damhof, UNESCO Chair of Futures Literacy at Hanze University in Gronigen in Holland. I've been honoured and delighted to have co-created this conversation with Loes to bring an overview of Futures Literacy to our community here, and invite you to begin your journey into this specific way of building capability in the present to navigate uncertainty and find clarity in ambiguity through explorations and experiences of possible futures. Loes and I hope you enjoy this conversation, and will accept our invitation to engage this work via the links below and we hope in a co-created learning experience coming early in 2024. Connect with and explore Loes' work more deeply via the links below;   Connect with Tim and join the Better World Leaders community via the links below;
Mel Geltch is hosting and harvesting conversations which matter
Mel Geltch is hosting and harvesting conversations which matter
I first encountered Mel Geltch after receiving an invitation to join a federally funded leadership program for bushfire impacted communities, following the Australian 'Black Summer' of 2019/20. From the prose in that invitation, I sensed I was encountering a fellow in the work, and as I responded to the expression of interest for that program, I also wrote to Mel and expressed that sense, and that I wondered whether we'd find ourselves weaving together beyond the duration of that program. That inception moment was the genesis of two threads which have great meaning for me - the beginning of my journey as a practitioner of the Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter, and my unfolding and ever deepening friendship with Mel. Mel is a steward of 'The Art of Hosting', co-Founder of Campfire Co-op and colleague and collaborator with our previous episodes' guest, Samantha Slade. This conversation covers several of the integral frameworks found within the patterns, processes and practices of 'The Art of Hosting', as well as some contemporary dialogue on the The First Nations' Voice to Parliament referendum, and the role of such frameworks in holding space for and connecting with ourselves, and our innate capacity to work in life affirming ways. Mel and I hope you'll enjoy this discussion, and potentially be curious to explore this work more deeply yourself. Links below to Mel, Campfire Co-op and upcoming opportunities to get involved in Going Horizontal training co-hosted by Mel & Campfire in November 2024. Connect with Mel on LinkedIn - Check out Campfire Coop's website - Explore Going Horizontal in Australia - Connect with Tim on LinkedIn - Join and connect with the Better World Leaders community on LinkedIn -
Samantha Slade unfolds practices for life-affirming organisations.
Samantha Slade unfolds practices for life-affirming organisations.
This conversation was recorded face to face, in fact almost toe to toe, with Samantha Slade whilst she was in Australia in early 2023. In the days and weeks before we spoke for the Better World Leaders microphone, we had hosted an Art of Hosting training together along with fellows from Campfire Co-op (more on Campfire in the next episode) and I had also participated in a Going Horizontal workshop led by Samantha and one of her Percolab colleagues, co-hosted with Campfire. I share that context upfront, as it's not often that I'm conversing with someone with whom I have been so entangled so recently and deeply as we create a conversation together, and it was so wonderful to do so with Samantha. Samantha is co-Owner & co-Director of Percolab, a network of living labs which develop new ways of learning, working and governing. Samantha is the author of Going Horizontal, an incredibly abundant collection of practices and practical approaches to bringing living systems frameworks into ways of organising at work. She's also to creator of "Listen For', a wonderful game of connection, deep listening and exploring bias through through the medium of collective story sharing. I've been a fan of 'Go-Ho' since it's release and have played and led Listen For games in multiple countries and can personally speak to both my own benefit, and that of teams and whole organisations from both of these sources based on my own direct experience. If you're based in Australia, you can attend the next Australian-based Going Horizontal training in November, see details via link below; Samantha and I both hope you enjoy the discussion co-created here, and invite you to follow the links below to explore this work for yourself... Follow Samantha & engage with her work here... LinkedIn - Percolab - Follow Tim and engage with the Better World Leaders community here; LinkedIn - BWL on LinkedIn -   Thank you as always for your time and attention. I'm looking forward to bringing you more episodes very soon.
Daniel Hires introduces us to the Inner Development Goals
Daniel Hires introduces us to the Inner Development Goals
I've had the good fortune to encounter today's guest, Daniel Hires, via LinkedIn during the pandemic, as we seemed to frequent a similar social media ecosystem, commenting on many of the same posts and engaging with the same discourses on social, ecological and economic transformation. Daniel and I had held an intention to create a BWL conversation a while back on those transformational themes, and life, work and the world aligned for us to create a conversation here, now, in this season on frameworks as Daniel has shifted into the team creating the emergent Inner Development Goals (IDG) framework. I loved diving into this work with Daniel having gotten to know him a little prior to his weaving with the IDGs, and I could really see the trajectory of his path moving through this framework, and felt a strong alignment with my own working over the past decade as well. If you're curious to explore the IDGs further, here's a few ways Daniel invites you to do so, connecting with him and tuning into a couple of other podcast conversations he's co-created... I also invite you to connect with me, and the Better World Leaders community in LinkedIn:
Karen O'Brien declares that you matter more than you think, as she provides a means to engage with quantum social change
Karen O'Brien declares that you matter more than you think, as she provides a means to engage with quantum social change
When I first came across Karen O'Brien's 2021 book early last year, I was immediately drawn to it. Both title and subtitle - You Matter More Than You Think, Quantum Social Change for a Thriving World - called to me, having been exploring the sourcing from quantum theory in Carol Sanford's approaches and recognising the systemic nature of change need to shift paradigms and move us towards holistically better worlds. Not only are the words intriguing and enticing, the incredibly beautiful and meaningful illustrations of artist Tone Bjordam both enliven and deepen my experience of being with the book and exploring the journey Karen invites you to take in. If you've not come across Karen as yet, she is a Professor of Sociology & Human Geography at the University of Oslo, Norway. She is co-Founder of cChange, an organisation supporting transformation in a changing climate. She has participated in 4 UN IPCC reports and, as part of the IPCC, was a co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. She was named by Web of Science as one of the world's most influential researchers of the past decade in 2019 and 2020. With all that said, it is of course an absolute honour to have created this conversation with her, and to now be sharing it with you! You can follow Karen and find out more about her work here; Follow Tim & join the Better World Leaders community here;
Carol Sanford returns to explore self-determining pathways to evolving our role in life, work and planetary systems
Carol Sanford returns to explore self-determining pathways to evolving our role in life, work and planetary systems
Carol Sanford returns for her second episode in this season, introducing the core disciplines within the framework she introduces in her latest work - No More Gold Stars (a full transcript of this conversation is available here on Medium) In this conversation Carol shares the 6 disciplines which provide the framework for ways of being, collaboratively interacting and organising at home, work and in community which are grounded in self-determining, regenerative paradyms. Carol calls out the pervasiveness of behaviouralism, the profound challenges this approach has manifested in our social systems, and how the approach she offers in No More Gold Stars can provide a radically enlivening, immensely productive and nurturing set of practices which enable the innate human potential of everyone who choses this way of being. This conversation very much builds on our season's opening episode with Carol, which focused on Indirect Work. Indirect Work is both Carol's now previous latest released book, and is one of the disciplines intergal to the No More Gold Stars frameworks. As one of the season's most downloaded episodes, I highly recommend listening to both conversations in fellowship. I am here, as always, deeply grateful to Carol for all that she has brought to the world and especially for the incredible development I have accessed by working with her frameworks within her communities over the past few years. I'm delighted to have been able to co-create these two conversations with Carol and share them with you here. Look out for the transcript linked below, as well as my reflection video coming soon and will be linked below when available. Follow Carol and engage more deeply with her work via the links below; Carol on LinkedIn - Carol on Substack - Order No More Gold Stars - All Books - The Regenerative Fooding Summit - Follow Tim & engage with the Better World Leaders community below; Tim on LinkedIn - BWL on LinkedIn - Tim on YouTube (for Reflection videos) -
Curtis Ogden generates and explores four frameworks of network and energy systems for social change
Curtis Ogden generates and explores four frameworks of network and energy systems for social change
If you've been enjoying this season on frameworks so far, you're in for a real treat! Our guest today has been of great source of inspiration to me over the past few years since we connected on LinkedIn after co-habiting several spaces in feeds of mutual connections. Every time I see a post from Curtis Ogden, my heart swells and my mind expands. His massive generosity in sharing wisdom, expressing deep intention and practicing possibility is a blessing to witness, as you are able to experience in this episode. Curtis' life-long work is in developing capacity for social systems change, with a deep devotion to activation and enablement of networked systems combined with a love and application of energy systems. Curtis lives and works in the North-Eastern United States across a range of social change initiatives, with a tenured focus on food systems. In this conversation we explore four frameworks - one of which emerged for Curtis during an intermission between two co-joined elements of this single dialogue. Whilst we very much encourage you to engage with this episode as a whole, if you feel called to shift directly to the framework sections you will find them beginning at 33mins, 48mins, 63mins and 88mins. I whole-heartedly encourage you to follow or connect with Curtis on LinkedIn, so that like me you can receive the joy and grace of his shares (connection details below). Curtis as I hope you enjoy this conversation, and please do keep an eye on the Better World Leaders LinkedIn group, as well as Curtis and my feeds, for a co-authored article reflecting on this conversation which we'll be crafting over the coming months. Connect with me and Curtis and the BWL community via the links below, and explore Curtis' work to your heart's content! Curtis on LinkedIn - Tim on LinkedIn - Better World Leaders on LinkedIn - Come along to the event Curtis mentioned, if you're able to be in the UK in October 2023 - “Dimensions of Network Success” “Using the C-A-CA/P Framework … “ “Energy System Science for Network Weavers” “Energy System Practice for Long-Term Human Thriving” “At the Heart of Regeneration is the Heart (and Gut)”   Food Solutions New England (the consulting work I have been doing for over 10 years with about 1/3 of my time): Interaction Institute for Social Change (my main employer the past 18 years):    Check out these past podcast interviews with Curtis: “How Networks [Can] Make the World Better”  “Amplifying Root Systems”  “Life when lived at its best is a journey of learning throughout” “Creating a Bigger WE” -
Zoë Routh visions how we can develop into our shared futures
Zoë Routh visions how we can develop into our shared futures
Zoë Routh returns for her second BWL conversation, focusing a story of climate change impacted human exploration. Zoë is the author of many books, her latest 'The Olympus Project' being her first work of fiction. In this work, the stage is set by unravelling ecologies on Earth, driven by unmitigated climate change impacts and turbulent cultural tensions. Humankind's path seems destined for new worlds, and the book focuses on the team selected to lead an inter-planetary colonisation mission. The story unfolds as deep-seated values, biases and cultural norms emerge and are carried with the characters as each of them goes on their own developmental journey as the cosmic miles speed by. Zoē has spent years working with leaders at all levels across all types of organisational sectors, and central to her work has been two key themes which we explore in this conversation - values-centred cultures and leaders progressing through stages of adult development. In our conversation we explore why, no matter how far afield we might seek for solutions to our greatest challenges, are main work lies with ourselves and how we lead. Check out the links below to engage with Zoë and discover more of her work... https://www.zoerouth.com Check out these links to connect with the BWL community and Tim's work... BWL LinkedIn Community - Follow with Tim on LinkedIn - Follow Tim on YouTube -
Tim Hollo charts pathways towards living democracy
Tim Hollo charts pathways towards living democracy
Once you start to engage with systems change, it's becomes increasingly necessary to examine every system. How each operates, functions, inter-relates to every other system, and is co-dependant for sustained change on the rate of change of many points of convergence. And so, on a podcast primarily focused on the role of leaders in organisations, we come to explore the need for change in our political systems. Why? Because so often we find the desire, capacity and capability for change at scale to be caught up in the intermeshed webs of layered systems that are woven through, created by and are dependant on our political systems. This scintillating conversation with Tim Hollo traces his exploration of what he terms 'Living Democracy', a set of frameworks very much alive in the world already, which if harnessed and embraced more broadly, would bring living systems approaches to political systems across the globe. Tim's work is visionary, visceral and wildly exciting - certainly for me! - as we chart the many reasons for the 'stuckness' of our current democratic systems, delve into the deep historical reasons for the embedded resistance to change and unpack the many pathways which could lead to an entirely new way of organising politically - one that centres life and the living world. Following off our 4 previous episodes on regeneration, this conversation feels timely indeed, I hope you enjoy. Here's a few links Tim recommends you check out if you're curious to explore his work more deeply... - Living Democracy book: - Green Institute: - Tim's TEDx speech:
Paul Hawken provides frameworks to reconnect to life to address the climate crisis as a symptom of degeneration, and invites us to become regenerators
Paul Hawken provides frameworks to reconnect to life to address the climate crisis as a symptom of degeneration, and invites us to become regenerators
Paul Hawken has been striving to bring attention to new ways of organising, working and living for longer than I have been alive. Of his many books, I have been most inspired by 'The Ecology of Commerce' which I discovered at university in the late 90s, and 'Blessed Unrest' in the mid-2000s. I have been consistently impressed by his capacity to bring into the mainstream approaches and frameworks which are much needed, and only adopted at the margins, and his relentless flow of articles, talks and books and continually expanded those margins and enabled people like me to follow their calling through the many ways to co-create better worlds. His most recent works in Drawdown and Regeneration focus explicitly on climate action, and apply this tenured approach to our greatest challenge, shifting our ways of knowing, being and doing to not only change systems, institutions and structures - much more than this, to change our relationship with ourselves, our communities and Earth by becoming regenerators of place. I loved this conversation with Paul which I was honoured to host with him late last year. I invite you to tune in, and as you do to explore together the frameworks for regenerating yourself and your places in each moment, decision and action. Key Frameworks introduced - 12 questions to consider before you act Key Concepts introduced - Reconnecting to life - Making decisions most aligned to life affirming principles - How to make each action regenerative - Reconnecting with place - Nurturing regeneration in your life, your communities and organisations Key Prompts to Practice - Consider in each decision Explore additional resources via the links below... Paul's latest book, Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation, was released September 21st, 2021 by Penguin Random House.Project Regeneration - Paul’s non-profit dedicated to advancing regenerative solutions to the climate crisis through our Nexus database.The Waggle - A weekly newsletter comprised of compelling stories from Project Regeneration’s staff and researchers about regenerating life on earth. What is Regeneration - 5min film by Damon Gameau Tim's Reflection video on this conversation - here Tim's Reflection article on this conversation - here
Four Arrows awakens us that our fundamental worldview is driving the problems at the heart of, and preventing the solutions to, our greatest crises.
Four Arrows awakens us that our fundamental worldview is driving the problems at the heart of, and preventing the solutions to, our greatest crises.
Our conversation with Four Arrows focuses on how fundamental worldviews are to inform our interpretations of the world around us, informing and guiding our decisions, interactions with our fellow humans and the more than human world, and influencing our actions and how we perceive the consequences of those actions on others. Pivotal to this discussion an invitation exploring your relationship with the more than human world, especially the plant world, as an exploratory way of practicing this shift of worldview in a practical way. We explore cultural appropriation, the increasing understanding of this in non-Indigenous people and emerging sensitivity to this, and that the frame of a ‘Kinship worldview’ provides a pathway to navigate this appropriately. We also share our hopes for the possible futures of our worlds, especially in relation to climate change, and our personal journeys of hope which have shifted for both of us over years of lived experience and deep reflection, and what’s possible when we move beyond courage into a fearless trust in the universe. Four Arrows and I hope you enjoy this conversation, and look forward to any responses or experiences you’d like to share with us. Key Frameworks introduced: - Worldview shift to Restore the Kinship Worldview - Worldsensing as an expansion of worldview - 40 Precepts for rebalancing life on Planet Earth - CAT-FAWN (Concentration Activated Trance - Fear Authority Words Nature) Key Concepts discussed: - Shifting of worldviews fundamental to restorative & regenerative transformation - What is world-sensing and why is it important to consider shifting beyond world-views - Moving beyond courage into fearless trust in the universe Key Prompts to Practice provided: Look at the worldview chart with intention and you’ll figure out what to do! Available here - Go and interact with a plant or tree, and before you do so, ask for permission to interact. Wait for a response. Note the affect of this on your being state. Suggested practices recommended: Consider 1 or 2 of the precepts each day and ponder where you are on the range between the contrasting world-views. Additional resources; Full length video - Tim’s Reflection article - here Tim’s Reflection video - here Engage with Four Arrows’s work & recommendations here: Restoring the Kinship Worldview, by Four Arrows & Darcia Narvaez Point of Departure, by Four Arrows The Red Road, by Four Arrows Sitting Bulls’ Words for a World in Crisis, by Four Arrows Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows, by Michael R Fisher The Indigenization Controversy - For Whom & By Whom, by Four Arrows The Media Have Missed a Crucial Message in the UN Biodiversity Report, by Four Arrows The Shaman’s message (3 parts, Part 1 linked here) Sustainable Wisdom Conference talk with Robin Wall Kimmerer
Giles Hutchins shares how to create life affirming value propositions, regenerative cultures and future-fit organisations
Giles Hutchins shares how to create life affirming value propositions, regenerative cultures and future-fit organisations
From the first moment I was in dialogue with today's guest, I felt a warmth, a sincerity of curiosity and a genuineness of intention. Being with Giles Hutchins in deep dialogue building up to this conversation, during and beyond it as we've begun to walk a shared path, I've come to appreciate a depth of will to hold well intentioned folk such as myself as we shift, unravel and re-weave ourselves and our organisations into more regenerative beings and networks.  This is complex, meaningful, challenging and often confronting work, as I have myself experienced in my own journey of becoming a regenerative leader. Giles has been deeply immersed in this work for many years, and carries a kindness and intensive that I've personally found to be both tender and revealing. He has worked with organisations of many sizes, ilks and orientations across the globe and is sought out as a regenerative coach, facilitator and speaker. I have so very much benefited from being in conversation with Giles, and to working directly with him enabling my own development, which this conversation was in many ways to beginning of. I'm very much looking forward to sharing this conversation with you, and to invite you to engage with Giles' wisdom and the frameworks for your own development which he offers here. Key Frameworks introduced: - Worldview shift from Degenerative to Regenerative - Levels of Leadership - Panarchy Cycle - DEE - Developmental, Emergent, Evolutionary - 3S, Stillness, Surrender, Sensitivity. Key Concepts discussed: - Wisdom of Life & Nature - Enabling adaption & transformation - Working with organisations to become regenerative Key Prompts provided: Explore the 3S framework for yourself, considering for yourself how you can practice stillness, surrender and sensitivity. Tim’s additional resources; Reflection article - Medium - Reflection video - YouTube - 60 Seconds Stillness series - Engage with Giles’s work here: Leading by Nature - LinkedIn - Leading by Nature podcast - Nature of Business blog - Upcoming talks & events; Climate Coaching Alliance keynote on Regenerative Leadership Consciousness -
Carol Sanford invites us to disrupt the attachment we have to our current methods, and instead learn to work Indirectly
Carol Sanford invites us to disrupt the attachment we have to our current methods, and instead learn to work Indirectly
Today's guest is the most deeply provocative, developmental and loving regenerative guide  I have been honoured to connect with and be developing within her communities. Carol Sanford is acknowledged by many as a matriarch within the resurgent global regeneration movement, having been in deep practice in her own life, family and work both in multi-national organisations and in developmental education for over 45 years. Carol is the author of 6 books, several of which are cited as essential reading at Harvard and Stamford. She is the founder of the Carol Sanford Institute and Seed Communities, a developmental community for business people, entrepreneurs, investors and practitioners to deepen their understanding of regenerative paradigms, engage in developmental work and life-based practice engaging regenerative frameworks. Carol has done more than any other person to shift my way of being, through my engagement over years with her frameworks, communities and being state. I am immensely grateful to Carol for all that she has brought to the world as one of the deep practitioners and most tenured wayfinders of the emergent  movement of regenerators. Her books, podcasts, and public writing and speaking provide a means for all to shift their thinking around business, investing, parenting, community organising, media creation and more. Her developmental communities and summits are some of the most confronting and enlivening learning spaces I’ve had the honour of participating in. All of this being said, I’m delighted to share this conversation on her latest book, Indirect Work, which has we discuss provides an entry point to the greater body of her work, and a pathway to explore the deepest shifting that’s needed for real transformation to occur. Key Framework introduced: Consciousness - Culture - Capability, from Indirect Work Key Concepts discussed: Sensing & shifting Paradigms Exploring Matrixes Re-examining Indirect Work - exploring Consciousness. Key Prompts provided: Where did that come from? What was I thinking before? Stop & reflect what framework is limiting you and blinding to you. Suggested practices recommended: Setting an aim - instead of focusing on achieving specific goals, set an aim to strive towards. This is a developmental pathway you set for yourself which is proximate enough to observe progress. Engage in long thought - rather than trying to tackle a problem by solving it and moving on to the next one, re-examine your thinking on an issue or development area over an extended period of time, noting what’s changing in your thinking or broader senses about the issue or problem and how you are approaching it. Engage with Carol’s work & connect with the Communities she convenes here: LinkedIn profile Books here Seed Communities here Medium articles here Carol’s Second Opinion podcast series here Additional resources; Tim’s Reflection article - here Tim’s Reflection video - here Thomas Kuln - The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Welcome to Season 6 - Frameworks for co-creating better worlds
Welcome to Season 6 - Frameworks for co-creating better worlds
Introducing the sixth season of Better World Leaders, focused on frameworks for you, and all you lead striving to co-create better worlds. Frameworks have become essential and integral to my way of being, learning and developing and I'm delighted to be co-creating conversations with the sources of many of the incredible frameworks for knowing, being and doing which are guiding the emergence of better worlds and futures. Here's who you can look forward to experiencing co-created dialogue with...Carol Sanford, Giles Hutchins, Paul Hawken, Four Arrows, Tim Hollo, Zoë Routh, Michelle Maloney, Sally Gilespie, Karen O'Brien, Curtis Ogben, Claire O'Rourke, Samantha Slade, Mel Gletch, Daniel Hires, Melanie Goodchild, David Drake and more to be confirmed!  I'm super excited to be bringing this season to you, as in many ways this will be our greatest endeavour yet! 3 things are certain, this season will be our longest yet, more practical, the most reference-able and contain the most pathways for you to access both the guidance of the guests and the developmental potential of the Better World Leaders community! Accompanying each episode will be a reflective article and video sharing more of my thoughts and experiences on the frameworks discussed and how I've been using and applying them, along with additional prompts for you to consider. I'll also be inviting you to join hosted live events throughout the year, both reflective community gatherings to discuss and explore further the frameworks shared in the podcast episodes and supporting resources, and live events with opportunities to interact with guests directly. Register here for the first of these events in late March. If you'd like to watch the recording of our first live event you can do so here In every way, welcome to Season Six of Better World Leaders - the conversation with Carol Sanford is up first broadcast on February 15!
Season 5 Review - How have we nurtured conditions for better world leaders to emerge and thrive?
Season 5 Review - How have we nurtured conditions for better world leaders to emerge and thrive?
As we wrap up our fifth season, and our journey through 2022, we offer a brief reflection on the themes which have emerged through 13 fabulous conversations. We've been delighted to host and co-create conversations with these incredible guests, David Drake, Wayne Visser, Lauren Tucker, Hugh Mackay, Ben Newsome, Laureline Simon, Dimity Podger, Michelle Maloney, Alice Howard-Vyse, Steve Moir, Charlotte Connell, Jeanine Bailey, Sue Glendenning & Catherine Ashton. We're also reflecting on what's shifted through the year, and what changes we anticipate bringing to the podcast next year. We're super excited for all that awaits in Season 6, and can't wait to share more information with you in the season launch episode coming in early February 2023. We'd also like to extend a massive thank you, to you! We've seen the audience grow and we are most grateful especially to those who have followed with the most devotion. We also invite you to complete the brief poll that's attached via Spotify to share your thoughts on what you'd like to see more of from the show as we sense into the continuing evolution of episode design, event hosting and deeper audience interaction. Finally, if you're curious to explore the Being Leaders and Imaginal Communities initiatives I mention, you can do so via the links below; Being Leaders linkedin group Being Leaders course page Imaginal Communities linkedin group Imaginal Communities registration page As always, be well, lead well and keep on co-creating your and our shared better worlds, Tim & the BWL Team.