Episode 8, More Racist Germans!: Strasserism, Part 1

Ideologica Obscura

16-09-2022 • 39 minutos

Ideologica Obscura is back with another Red-Brown ideology made by German racists! Having a parallel development to German National Bolshevism, Strasserism derives from the chaos and horror of the First World War and the political turmoil of Weimar Germany, in which the ideology seeks to offer a Third Way by combining soviet-style communism and racist ultranationalism. This alternative is presented by by brothers, Gregor and Otto Strasser, who were both assholes.

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Sources: (I made them up, jk)

-The German Revolution of 1918: How it All Began  by Jonas Čeika

-Entangled Far-Rights by MARLENE LARUELLE

-Ruhr Uprising Wikipedia

-Carmina Burana

-Requiem in D Minor by Amadeus Mozart

-Die Internationale

-The Caretaker- Its Just a Burning Memroy

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