#600 - Maldives Honeymoon Amazon Launch Strategy

Serious Sellers Podcast: Learn How To Sell On Amazon FBA & Walmart

28-09-2024 • 54 minutos

Join Bradley Sutton, as he explores the intricacies of Amazon product launches with the updated Maldives Honeymoon Launch Strategy. He’ll walk you through optimizing your product launches during Amazon's critical honeymoon period, sharing his hands-on experience and the latest insights from his recent testing. Learn how to utilize Helium 10's Blackbox tool for effective product research, identifying opportunities with low title density to give your product a competitive edge. We address the evolving landscape of AI and algorithm changes in Amazon, reassuring you that the fundamental principles of successful launches remain robust.

Discover advanced keyword research strategies using Helium 10's Cerebro tool to enhance your product's visibility from day one. We explain how to identify crucial keywords by examining competitors' rankings and uncovering hidden opportunities through niche keywords. By focusing on keywords where top competitors are already advertising, you'll ensure comprehensive keyword coverage and improve your product's relevancy signals on Amazon. Additionally, Bradley shows you how to leverage thematically related products frequently bought together with your competitors' items to optimize your listings and advertising efforts. Finally, he'll guide you through creating compelling Amazon listings that resonate with potential buyers. Learn to prioritize relevant keywords based on competitor performance, avoid keyword stuffing, and craft emotionally engaging content. Bradley emphasizes the importance of customer reviews and the effective use of images and bullet points to highlight product benefits. Plus, he shares his experiences with test listings to ensure a smooth launch and offers strategies for balancing expenditure and maximizing ranking during the critical launch period. Whether you're launching a new product on Amazon or optimizing an existing one, these insights and strategies are designed to help you succeed in the Amazon marketplace.

In episode 600 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley talks about:

  • 00:00 - Maldives Honeymoon Amazon Product Launch Strategy
  • 08:33 - Keyword Research for Amazon Launch Success
  • 16:16 - Utilizing Cerebro Historical Trends for Keywords
  • 20:30 - Identifying Related, Non-Competing Products
  • 20:37 - Strategic Keywords for Amazon Product Optimization
  • 23:57 - Effective Amazon Listing Optimization Strategy
  • 28:04 - Optimizing Amazon Listings for Success
  • 28:54 - Launching a Test Listing Strategy
  • 34:04 - Setting List Price Strategy for Sales
  • 36:13 - Amazon Product Launch Strategy and Pricing
  • 37:10 - Amazon PPC Strategy and Optimization
  • 41:18 - Strategies for Amazon Discounts & Price Management
  • 45:13 - Amazon Listing Relevancy and Ranking Strategy
  • 49:36 - Product Launch Success With Amazon Relevancy
  • 53:26 - Annual Amazon Launch Strategy Review

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Bradley Sutton:

All right, guys, it's episode 600. You know what that means. It's time for another Maldives Honeymoon Launch Strategy. I'm going to be giving you guys, step by step, what you need to do in order to have the best launch that you can have for your Amazon products. How cool, is that? Pretty cool, I think. Black Box by Helium 10 houses the largest database of Amazon products and keywords in the world. Outside of Amazon itself. We have over 2 billion products and many millions more keywords from different Amazon marketplaces, from USA to Australia to Germany and more. Use our powerful filters to search through this database for pockets of opportunity that you might want to get into with your first or next product to sell on Amazon. For more information, go to h10.me/blackbox. Don't forget you can save 10% off for life on Helium 10 by using our special code SSP10.

Bradley Sutton:

Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10. I'm your host, Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that's completely BS free, unscripted and unrehearsed, organic conversation about serious strategies for serious sellers, as of any level in the e-commerce world. All right, and for you guys watching this on YouTube. You saw me do a dramatic transition from the pool. I'm here in the Maldives at a new resort that I've never been in, and I'm recording this as I do every year the Maldives Honeymoon Launch episode. This is now like the eighth version, I think. We used to do it every 50 episodes on the on the like the hundred and the 50. Uh, now we only do it every 100 episodes. So about once a year I come out here to the Maldives on my own dime I'm paying for this myself, and then I just take a couple of day’s vacation and also record the episode for Maldives Honeymoon Launch Strategy. All right, so if this is your first time listening to one of these, you don't need to go back and listen to the others, because every year I update it.

Bradley Sutton:

But basically, just a brief history is I started really focusing on what can give you the best bang for your buck for launches, and we all know about the so-called Amazon honeymoon period, where you get a little bit more bang for your buck when your product is just coming out. But then I started noticing things that gave me like that extra oomph, like a very special honeymoon, which is how I came up with the name Maldives Honeymoon, and that's why I am here and, for dramatic effect. I always come here to Maldives. I'm here at a resort I've never been it's the Huvafen Fushi Hilton, I believe it's called, but really great resort out here. And I'm here on my last day and I wanted to go ahead and share with you guys the new strategy.

Bradley Sutton:

So what we're going to be going over today is I'm going to go over, first of all, this is like version 6.0 of this strategy, where we are going to just break down what are the steps. And this isn't just me coming up with these steps. I've been testing it the last year. I've been testing stuff this month, last month, the previous month. I'm constantly doing tests to make sure, hey, what is the best strategy? And guess what, guys, if you listen to episode 500, the last time I did one of these episodes it's different than what I'm going to talk about today, because things on Amazon do change over time and that's why I do these every 100 episodes. So we're going to first go over the list of what makes up this strategy right now and then I'll give you guys, I'll show you guys, some examples of some things that I did, you know, show how I even came up with this, why it works. All right.

Bradley Sutton:

So first let's talk about product research. You know, the Maldives Honeymoon Strategy actually can doesn't always have to, but it can start with your product research when you're finding a new product to operate. I don't always just have the Maldives Honeymoon Launch Strategy in mind, but it's something that allows me to kind of like, pick the cream of the crop. Okay, so one of those features that I look for is a low title density. In Helium 10 Black Box, you use the filter under keywords for a title density. That means how many listings on page one, um, have this exact search keyword in the title? Uh, now, first of all, hold on.

Bradley Sutton:

Let me just back up really quick, and one elephant that's in some people's rooms, not in everybody's, is hey, wait a minute, isn't launch and creating listings and things completely different now, here, towards the end of 2024, because of Cosmo Algorithm and Rufus and this and that. And first of all, just spoiler, no, 100% the same. I'm not doing anything differently, differently. That being said, I'm going to go deep into I might have already been dependent on when I'm recording this, but I'm going to go deep into another episode where we talk about, uh, what the future holds because of you know, AI and different things. But the beauty is that don't listen to people who are trying to say that, hey, everything has changed right now because it hasn't, I am not doing anything differently because of AI and I'm having the exact same successes now.

Bradley Sutton:

The reason is because I have never been one somebody just focusing on keyword stuffing or keyword relevancy as the be all filter and stuff. If you're doing that, yeah, your launch strategies would have gone out of fashion years ago, because Amazon searches evolved before AI, before so-called Cosmo or Rufus and things like that. No, you got to do more than just stuff your keywords or your listings with keywords. Right, we've been teaching that you have to have the customer in mind when you guys are coming up with your listing, when you're choosing keywords, and not just have the Amazon algorithm in mind. Okay, and that's what we've always, even though the kind of strategies have changed. That's what we've always focused on in the Maldives Honeymoon Strategy is you're balancing Amazon algorithm with the customer and, again, nothing has changed, even though there's Rufus now and there's, you know, develop algorithms. If you're still doing that, you are a hundred percent fine. So don't get confused with people telling you that, hey, you've got to completely change everything you do or else you're completely irrelevant to the Amazon algorithm. Now, that being said, I hope nothing changes in the three weeks that from the time I'm recording this to the time I am releasing this, because I actually am recording this before Amazon Accelerate. Who knows, maybe something will come up from Amazon Accelerate that completely changes this.

Bradley Sutton:

I was teaching the Maldives Honeymoon Strategy to do refunds and giveaways for a year, year, for like two years. So the Maldives Honeymoon Strategy, you do a giveaway and you rebate them. Why? Because that was allowed by Amazon until the. I was teaching that till the very day it wasn't um. So, like I don't like to be the one who speculates about what could change, what does change. I'm going to tell you what's working, and you know we can, you know, kind of have in mind, hey, well, what could, but not to the point where it distracts you from what is working. And so that's what I'm always going to do. I'm going to give you the facts, guys, without speculation or things about what might change. And then the instant that something does change, or Amazon announces some policy shift or they announce something that you know the different way that you have to make your listings, we'll go ahead and shift them all these honeymoon strategy, right. So just keep that in mind. Everything I talk about right now has nothing to do with AI and different things, because these strategies are working right now, even though there's, you know, Rufus and different things like that. All right.

Bradley Sutton:

So again, going back to the product research, low title density is something I look at because that gives me an idea. If some of the main keywords in a niche have a low title density number, that means it's going to be really easy for me to get to page one of those search results, because that's just one of the ways that Amazon algorithm works. How it says that something is relevant for a keyword is like hey, is that keyword in the title? And if there's not that many listings that have that keyword in the title, well, it's like okay, well, maybe this listing isn't that important for this keyword, all right. So that's one of the factors I look at. Another thing I could look at again, not like I'm only looking for this, but it's just stuff that gives me more confidence when I do launch, especially if I have like five or six options and I'm like all right, I only want to launch one or two products, which are the one or two that I'm going to do first. Well, these are the things I'm looking at. So another one is I look at Brand Analytics and I'm looking total domination of one or two products, you know, because they're getting the majority of the clicks, the majority of the purchases, or, on the flip side, is the top three clicks. Do they only make up like 10% of the conversions, meaning 90% is wide open. I can go either way and it'll give me some confidence. It says, hey, if just one listing is dominating the clicks and the purchases, that that and I don't think that listing is that great or that product is that great that gives me some confidence that, hey, maybe I can go in right away and from day one, maybe dominate a little bit. Right On the flip side, maybe, if it's wide open, I'm like, oh shoot, people are just buying all kinds of products here on page one, the top three click products only make up 10% of the sales. That could give me some confidence too that, hey, I can have a lot better conversion share than these top three click products. That's just one of the things I look at as well.

Bradley Sutton:

Another thing I like looking at is in Amazon not even Helium 10, but in Amazon product opportunity explore. I look at the conversion rate for the keyword. All right, so in the conversion rate, if it has like less than 1%, I'm like, wow, this is great. That means that out of every 100 searches, less than one person actually buy something when they search at that could be an indication that there's opportunity, that people aren't finding what they're looking for. I can actually I said not in Helium 10, but for those of you who don't have Helium 10, yeah, use Product Opportunity Explorer. You can do that inside of Helium 10 with the keyword sales metric. All right, so we have estimated sales, and so if you have a huge differentiation between search volume and keyword sales, guess what? You found a keyword where it not many people are seeing what they're looking for and thus people aren't buying it. And so that means, if you can figure out what's the gap, why are people searching for this, but why aren't they buying anything on the page? Now, all of a sudden, you've got a huge advantage and that could be a great opportunity to get in a certain niche. So these are some of the things I look at, even before we're talking about launch, even though I know this is a launch episode. Those are some of the things that help me decide which keywords I'm going to launch.

Bradley Sutton:

Second step, before we even get to the launch, is the keyword research, and this is the key right. This is super key, and this is where I really think that you know, even though you can do launches without Helium 10. Guys, if you're using another tool that doesn't have these things I'm about to mention, you are leaving lots of money on the table with potential keywords, and so let me go over those. Now. The first thing I like to do is I'll put in 10 or 15 of the top competitors into Cerebro. Okay, so I'll take a baseline product, throw in 10 competitors, 15 competitors, minimum five, unless I'm in a brand-new niche where there's not much to look at. Let's just pretend that we're talking about something where there are at least five competitors that I can look at.

Bradley Sutton:

First thing I do is I just hit the one click button top keywords in Cerebro. That gives me all of the keywords that most of the top competitors, or most of these top competitors are all ranking for, and they're ranking highly for, instantly. These, I know, are my keywords and so I'll take that, put it to you know, like a keyword list, that I have my keyword list. Next thing I do is I look at the opportunity keywords. It's another one click button. I hit opportunity keywords and now that shows me, hey, where the keywords were a maximum of only one or two products are crushing it and the others, like, are not even in the ballgame. Because that gives me a list of keywords that you know I'm going to go ahead and not have some. You know as much competition. You know those top keywords, everybody's competing for it. That's great. I need to know that. Those are the most relevant keywords, usually to a niche. But these opportunity keywords the reason why we call it opportunity is because, hey, these are getting sales for maybe one, max, two products. The others might not even know about this keyword. They're not even ranking for it really. So that could be an opportunity for you to come in.

Bradley Sutton:

Instead of having a keyword that you're competing with all 10 or 15 top competitors You're just competing with, you know, like three or three, one or two, right, all right, so that's another one, Now, by the way, guys, I like setting up two different keyword lists. I put everything into a main keyword list, all right, inside of Helium 10. But then I set up a second keyword list. Now, this is something new, I haven't done this in the past but where I'm putting in some of my like outlier keywords, where I'm like hey, this is not going to be one of the top keywords, but I want to make sure I have this in phrase form, all right. So, like I'm looking for another like 10, 15 keywords that I'm going to put in this special list, 15 to 20, maybe even more, maybe I can go up to 30. I still want to put my main keywords in phrase form, but these are the ones where it's not going to have a highly competitive performance score. I'll talk to you a little bit about that later, but I still want to make sure it's like making a mental note hey, these are the keywords I want to put in phrase form, even though they might not be one of my main keywords. I'll explain a little bit more why later.

Bradley Sutton:

Now the next step I do in Cerebro again. I do in Cerebro again, we're still looking at those keywords where I did 10 to 15, is. I want to look at where one competitor is ranking in the top 10, at least just one. Forget about what the other guys are ranking for. What are all the keywords where one guy is ranking the top 10 out of those 5, 10, 15 competitors? Copy those keywords to my keyword list because hey, those are keywords getting sales for one of my competitors. Why can't I get sales for it? It's not always going to be the most relevant keyword, right? So some of them are random. Obviously, a lot of brand names are going to come up. I'm not putting in brand names, keywords into my  listing. I would obviously exclude those. The next step is hey, where is just one competitor ranking in the top 50? It's making it a little bit more broad, like it's not going to be hated for it. And, by the way, the more keywords that you put in your listing that you share ranking with these other competitors, it's setting you up for success from day one as far as relevancy to the Amazon algorithm, because Amazon remember, if you have a brand new product, amazon doesn't know what your product is, it just can go by what's in your listing, and so the more that you can relate yourself to other products with established histories. It means from day one it's going to be like, okay, we're going to give a shot to this product for these other keywords, because it looks similar to this other listing, right, but uh, you know it, or because it has the same keywords, but you know, we're not exactly sure it's relevant for this. But let's give it a try. That's. That's kind of like how the honeymoon period even works.

Bradley Sutton:

Uh, the next step is I'm going to go for, uh, something new-ish I've been doing just to get more keywords is 75% of the top competitors are ranking for a keyword, just ranking at all, all right, so obviously this is some keywords. I could have some completely off the wall keywords here, but here's the thing 75% of the top competitors. That means if I had 10 competitors that I put in Cerebro, I need at least seven or eight competitors all ranking for it, anywhere between one and 306. And the reason is maybe people aren't getting sales for it, but there's a reason. Most keywords have 1,000, 10,000 products indexed for the keyword. That means searchable, but only seven pages of search results come up. Right, only 306 listings come up. Now, if you can find keywords where maybe nobody's even ranking that high for it, but they're all in the top 306. Now, all of a sudden it's like, hey, this is probably somewhat relevant. Maybe it's not to the customer yet, but to Amazon. There's signs that Amazon has said, hey, this deserves ranking.

Bradley Sutton:

Now there's where Helium 10 comes in. You use other tools like Jungle Scout or Data Dive, which is driven by Jungle Scout. They're only looking at the top, I think, 100 or 150 ranks, so you're going to miss out on tons of keywords. I'll be doing another podcast later where I talk a little bit more about how many keywords you miss out if you're using another tool. But that's one of the main advantages or not one of the main, but one of the many advantages I should say of Helium 10 is we're looking at all the ranks, all right. So if you're only looking at the top 150, you can miss out on some valuable keywords, on some valuable keywords.

Bradley Sutton:

Next thing is another Amazon or Helium 10 only metric of Amazon recommended rank. Remember, Helium 10 has a direct connection with Amazon for the relevancy score, which we call Amazon recommended rank. It's because it's what Amazon recommends that you advertise for due to relevancy, all right. So I want to see what are the keywords that 75% of the listings again, seven out of 10, three out of five, you know, 10 out of 15, uh, 11 out of 15, actually I should say are all have or are all on this Amazon recommended rank. That means they're all on Amazon's relevancy radar and it's a top 200 average. All right. In helium 10, you can pick the Amazon recommended rank average. So that means across the board that on average it's one of the top 200 keywords that Amazon thinks is relevant, all right. So again, these are keywords that you're not going to find in other tools, but these can help you get these little sales, like one or two sales here or there. With some of these keywords. That's really going to help you get ahead of the competition.

Bradley Sutton:

The last thing I'm doing in Cerebro with those top 15, 10, 5, 10, 15 listings is I'm looking for where 75% of the competitors are all advertising for the keyword. Now I might go take it a little bit narrow and say, hey, show me where at least three competitors are advertising in the top 10 positions. Then I know they're spending money and sure I'll run that. But at the very least I want to see where, hey, at least seven out of 10, at least 11 out of 15 of my top competitors. They're all showing up in the sponsor results, right up to 105 locations. Again, this is not something that all tools have. Some tools are only showing you where the top 40 or top 50 sponsored ads, but again, I'm looking, I like to look at the top seven pages, because if they're showing up in the top seven pages, their bid has got to be somewhat high, where it's even in the in the ballpark, and so if you're not looking at all seven pages, you could be leaving money on the table. So by now, at this point, I've got like a good two, three hundred or even more keywords. Not all I'm gonna be able to get in my listing, not all, definitely in phrase form, but this gets me on a good start.

Bradley Sutton:

And one more thing that I like to do is I like to look at the historical trend. All right, this is another Helium 10 exclusive where, like, let's say, I'm doing looking into egg racks. Maybe, I think that in February, march, when Easter is coming, a lot of people are searching for different keywords. So I can hit this show historical trend and then I could look either at the product level or the entire niche level. Hey, what's going on in like February of the last couple of years and where were these products getting sales in February? And then it's kind of like taking a time machine in Cerebro, going back and looking all right, let me go ahead and pull all the important keywords in February and then I can see, oh, there's a whole bunch of keywords maybe that are not showing up right now. So, super important. This is something that is going to get you a lot of the historical keywords and the seasonal keywords that other tools just aren't going to show you, because it's only showing you what's going on now.

Bradley Sutton:

Now the next thing I do is I'll take maybe three or four of those top keywords, the ones that had the highest competitor performance score in Cerebro. What I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and throw those one by one into Magnet and then I'm going to filter down for Smart Complete. Smart Complete is showing me the long tail versions of that keyword in various forms. So in other words, for example, coffin shelf. All right, so that's for my coffin shelf. That's the main keyword. I put that in Magnet. Hit Smart Complete. It's going to show me probably not that many, because coffin shelf is in a huge keyword, I'm going to get a good 15, 20 keywords where it'll be like coffin shelf for men, spooky coffin shelf, Halloween coffin shelf, whatever things like that. But those ones might not have a lot of ranking yet for whatever reason. But I'm going to go ahead and copy those keywords. A lot of it probably came up in my Cerebro, but there's always going to be like two or three keywords that probably didn't come up in Cerebro but that there's searches for, especially if I'm using a search volume filter, and I want to get those in my listing too, because, hey, if my product is a coffin shelf, I want to know what are the different forms of coffin shelf that people are searching for. Let me get those in my listing as long as they're relevant. So I'll go ahead and do that in Magnet.

Bradley Sutton:

Next step is I can do this either in Helium 10, which is actually easier, or I can do this in top search terms Brand Analytics in Amazon. I'm going to take some of those top competitors all right, those top five, those top 10, and I am going to go back in history and I want to see any time that they were one of the top three clicked and they had purchases. It's not just a matter of being one of the top three clicked. They could be one of the top three clicked forever, but if they never had purchases, well, is that really a valuable keyword for them? Most of the keywords I'm going to come up with here are going to have already been what I found in Cerebro, but every now and then you'll find some random keyword because maybe they just randomly were ranking for it one day, or they just randomly got shown in an auto campaign. They never even realized it, so they never had you know, other sales again other weeks. But I'm going to go back and look a week by week for the past six months or so. Now this is kind of a tedious task. Now, soon, Helium 10 in our Brand Analytics Black Box tool, you're going to be able to look at multiple date ranges, so it's going to be just a couple of clicks, a button. But right now, whether you're using Helium 10 or Amazon, it's going to be kind of tedious. You're going to have to go week by week over the past six months. If you really want to do this right and just look at all the keywords where they were one of the top three clicked your top competitors maybe only your top five and where they actually had more than 0% conversion share, meaning they actually had purchases for it. I'm going to put that to my keyword list. Some of those I might actually put to that special keyword list where it's my top keywords.

Bradley Sutton:

Next thing here is something that's been in my Maldives Honeymoon for a while very unique once again to Helium 10, is you want to look at the frequently bought together of some of your top competitors? I'm not going to do this to all 15, but I'll put in my top five competitors into Black Box product targeting. Now, what this is going to do is it's going to show me for these products I can do it one by one or I can put them all in where what other products have shown up in the frequently bought together for these products. Remember Amazon, frequently bought together is showing you products that people bought in the same purchase experience. So, for example, it's not like the old metric that was customer also bought, you know where. Like maybe Monday I bought a coffin shelf and Wednesday I bought diapers, right, you know like, yeah, sure, that's one competitor or one competitor, one customer who bought those two things. But are those relevant? No, but then if something is frequently bought together in the same shopping cart experience, it's usually because they're kind of relevant towards each other, like maybe it's a coffin shelf plus like a spider web shelf or something like that, or it's a coffin shelf plus some spooky decor item, because somebody's you know like decorating their Halloween haunted house or something like that. Right? So what I'm looking for is not other coffin shelves and other coffin shelves are going to come up, because sometimes people buy two of the same products or whatever your product is.

Bradley Sutton:

I'm looking for what are the products that are showing up and frequently bought together with my competitors or my future competitors that are completely different? Not, I don't want to say completely different, but I mean it's not a coffin shelf. So, in other words, I want to look for a product that's like a coffin shelf with a you know, bat shaped bath rug or something, where it's like oh yeah, obviously this person is buying this kind of themed stuff, but it's not a competitor. You know, a bat-shaped bat rug is not a competitor with coffin shelf. All right, it's two separate products, but there's relevance, there's a history of people buying the two. Now, the reason I'm doing that is because now I'm going to take those products. Maybe there are five products that are commonly showing up with my competitors, maybe it's 10. It's up to you, and then I'm one or two keywords of each of those products, all right.

Bradley Sutton:

So let's say that, to my coffin shelf, one of the other top products that showed up in frequently bought together was a coffin-shaped light cover, like a light switch right, or a coffin-shaped toilet paper dispenser, whatever. It is right. What is the main keyword of that? Well, it's going to be coffin-shaped light cover or something like that. Right, I want that keyword in my listing. They're number one and they're number two keywords, like the most relevant keywords. If I were to flip this and somebody had a coffin bath mat and my product is a coffin shelf, what keywords are they going to choose for me? Well, they would choose coffin shelf, right, you know for them. Now, why is this? This is something unique. All right, I want to be related to these products from day one. I don't I'm not making some wild guess that people who are interested in coffin shelves are also going to be interested in this coffin shape, like I know Amazon is telling me people are buying these products together.

Bradley Sutton:

So how does it benefit me by having this kind of, this other product, which is doesn't describe my product, being indexed for that keyword? Well, it just sends that little relevancy signal to amazon saying, hey, Amazon, you know this, this product has this keyword in here. You know when I'm doing now, when I'm doing my product targeting, from day one usually I'm going to be able to target that other product. You know those are the products you want to target. If you just have, if you, if I have a coffin shelf and I don't have any of those, uh, coffin, you know light cover keywords in my listing eventually will I show up pin product targeting. You know sponsor display ads and things like that probably. You know when I went in an auto campaign, you know Amazon might one day just show it or you know, in some other kind of product targeting maybe you know I'll get impressions. But I want to start getting those impressions from like day one of my list and then, if I actually am indexed for that keyword, it's like it's going to give me a lot better chance from day one to start showing up in product targeting and then, uh, you know, I I'm hopefully going to get sales from those product targeting ads because I see a history of frequently bought together. So that's another uh set of keywords that I'm going to go ahead and want to put in my listing.

Bradley Sutton:

Now another part, uh that doesn't have to do with Helium 10 is using Product Opportunity Explorer. Probably 98% of the keywords I'm going to see in product opportunity to explore I already got from Cerebro or Magnet or Brand Analytics or one of these others, but every now and then there's maybe some new up and coming keyword that might not be in the other ones. So this is kind of like a nice little bookend. And obviously, for those of you who don't have Helium 10 for whatever strange reason out there you're one of the few top sellers who don't use it Well, you kind of have to use only Product Opportunity Explorer. But I'll put my competitors into Product Opportunity Explorer and check what niches they're in, or if my main keyword has a niche on Product Opportunity Explorer not all main keywords do. I'm going to look at the other niche keywords and I'm going to get that and go ahead and put it in my keyword list as well.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, next up is the Listing Optimization. This is key. All right, all those keywords from my two lists I'm throwing into Listing Builder. Okay, it could be 300, 400 phrases, I'm not sure. Well, Listing Builder immediately is gonna break down my phrases with my individual keywords. Now, remember the top keywords. By the way, at the same time I'm gonna bring in all of my competitors, those 10, 15 top competitors. I'm importing them into my Listing Builder. I think this is only a diamond in a plan so that you can see those competitor performance scores that you see in Cerebro. So now I know what are the most relevant keywords. What are those top keywords is because those probably have a CPS score of like eight, nine or 10. And how I'm going to prioritize this now is hey, even though it says 400 phrases or 300 or 100, there's no one number that's right or wrong. But however, many phrases I have, now I know, hey, I'm only picking, like a top 10 or 15 phrases, the ones that are the most relevant with that high score, to make sure I have in phrase form, plus any of those other keywords that I'm like.

Bradley Sutton:

Hey, I you know, maybe I found this keyword in Brand Analytics, or maybe it's one of those opportunity keywords, or maybe it's something I'm going to go ahead and, you know, make sure those get in phrase form. The rest of it, guess what? All I have to do is make sure that those individual keywords are in there once. And where am I listening? Because if I have 300 phrases, they're probably you know, that's probably. You know three, maybe let's just say they have three words each. There's probably 900 words in those 300 phrases, right? It doesn't mean I have to put 900 different individual words. Those 900 words. There's probably only like 200 or 300 individual words that are unique. The rest are just duplicates of each other, right? So then what I would do is, hey, the Helium 10 Listing Builder is already taking out those duplicates. I just got to make sure each of those individual keywords I have somewhere in my listing. Now, at this point I can have AI and Listing Builder, kind of just like you know, make me a rough listing, or I could just write the listing.

Bradley Sutton:

A couple things, remember when you're making the title all right, pick, put your best keyword in the title for me Coffin Shelf. Coffin Shelf is going to be there. If it's an egg holder, maybe egg holder countertop. But then what I'm going to do is there another top keyword like Gothic Decor? I'll stick that. It's the Coffin Shelf and Gothic Decor. They're not even nested keywords. But if I've got two top keywords I can usually find a way to put two top keywords in my listing. But here's the thing Once you do that, now use the helium 10 to see what are those root phrases. That, if it's a two-word root or more, now what happens is now I'm going to be like hey, what are some nested keywords I can use? You know, an example I've always used is maybe I have my main keyword is egg holder and then additional keyword egg holder, countertop. Egg holder, countertop for kitchen. Rustic egg holder, rustic egg holder, countertop for kitchen. If I put the keyword in my title rustic egg holder, countertop for kitchen, I've got like five, six phrases in phrase form right there, because Amazon is not making me you know it looks at those phrases just in the order of the words that it's at. It's not. It's not making me put those phrases all separately. So that's what you should do. Pick your two top keywords and then see what other nested keywords can you put in there, so you can kill a couple birds with one stone, for you know, sending those relevancy signals to Amazon that, hey, this is what my product is about. Now the rest of my listing again, I'm focusing on trying to get those key phrases in phrase form in my listing.

Bradley Sutton:

But again, do not just keyword stuff. It's not just about, hey, I need to put these keywords this many times, et cetera. Listing builder we have some tool or some scoring that will help you to know what kind of score you have, but you have really got to write to connect to the customer when you're ranking your listing. This doesn't have to do with the launch per se, but again, this isn't necessarily about it. This is nothing new, guys. We've been taught. I've been talking about this for six years since I've worked at Helium 10. You have got to use review insights in Helium 10 to look at your competitors, reviews. What do people like about it, what do people not like about it? Talk about it in their coffee, right? Is that a keyword? No, but I'm going to write about that. I'm going to put that in my image. I'm going to show if I had collagen peptides, somebody at a kitchen table, you know, pouring it into their coffee, because that's how people are using. I'm going to talk about that in the bullet points.

Bradley Sutton:

Again, not to send a relevancy signal for a certain keyword or to rank for in my coffee. I'm not trying to rank for in my coffee, but I'm trying to connect with the customer. And, by the way, guys, going back to what I said before, if something changed, you know, as things change with

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