A big raft of updates to start the new year!
00:23 Analytics
06:10 Application Integration
08:00 Block Chain
08:42 Business Applications
09:18 Compute
18:42 Cost Management
19:12 Customer Engagement
21:10 Database
23:55 Developer Tools
24:58 End User Computing
25:24 Front-end Web & Mobile
27:58 Internet of Things (IoT)
29:16 Machine Learning
35:57 Management & Governance
39:32 Media Services
40:09 Migration & Transfer
40:48 Network & Content Delivery
41:47 Satellite
42:02 Security, Identity and Compliance
43:00 Storage
Extended Shownotes: https://d29iemol7wxagg.cloudfront.net/502ExtendedShownotes.html
El Noti
Maca Carriedo y Javier Garza