Ending Samsara Chapter 3: A Lost Voice

Bare Books

03-08-2021 • 11 minutos

Bare Books presents Ending Samara by J W Voyce and read by Daizi Rae.

Find out more about J W Voyce here >> http://jwvoyce.com/

Chapter 3: A Lost Voice

'"If it’s not here, the show isn’t going ahead. And I’m telling the driver to carry straight onto the next town.” “Zach,” Tom pleaded. He was exhibiting the familiar signs: the throbbing vein in his temple, the spasmodic twitch in his right eye; another breakdown seemed on the cards. “You can’t—”'

You can find our flash fiction anthology on Amazon.

Submit your book for a possible future review to barebookspod1@gmail.com

Big thanks to Sydney Strong for the musical interludes. Find them on Instagram @syd_extinction

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