Tough Love

Kickin' It with Kevin

25-05-2022 • 30 minutos

Parents, be honest, are you a push over parent or are you the overbearing type?  Is there NO middle ground no matter how many times your child does something that infuriates you?  Are you constantly giving in to them?  Or do you stand firm and hold them accountable?  Let's explore ways to find a balanced approach when it comes to tough love.  Listen to how I try to make it work in my family.

I hope you enjoy this episode!  My goal is to give a positive perspective on the pains and struggles of parenting!  Although there is no perfect book or online course to prepare us, surrounding ourselves  with others who have gone through similar experiences can make a world of difference in a Parents Journey!  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to  Kickin' It with Kevin - A Podcast for Parents!