18) Know Your Psychiatrist: An Integrative Approach with Brent Turnipseed, MD (part 2)

Your Truth Revealed: Healing Fatigue and Lyme

19-05-2020 • 25 minutos

Meet psychiatrist Brent Turnipseed, MD in the 2nd part of his interview. We explore supplements and drugs, including the use of Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy to treat anxiety and depression.

Brent received his medical degree in psychiatry from the University of Texas at Houston. His clinic, Roots Behavioral Health, uses an integrative model to help people with their mental health.

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Roots Behavioral Health: https://rootsbehavioralhealth.com/

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The Inflamed Mind book: https://amzn.to/3dp40Ed

How to Change Your Mind book: https://amzn.to/3dv6Ibz

Store: https://bit.ly/2H99Iwl


How does your approach to patient care utilize an integrative model?

* Using an integrative model is a different way of practicing psychiatric medicine.

* In psychiatry, there is a high percentage of people who have conditions that are treatment resistant. An integrative model takes treatment one step further.

* We talk about diet, exercise, yoga meditation, sleep hygiene, and supplements (when indicated).

* We recommend doing a basic lab panel to check for common vitamin deficiencies. We also check for thyroid function and C-reactive protein, which is a reliable marker of chronic inflammation.

What supplements do you recommend and why?

* Patients commonly want help with stress and anxiety. They want help with mood, concentration, memory, and energy.

* The foundations that are recommended are . . .

* Multivitamin, probiotic (although this can be tricky), Omega fatty acids, CoQ10, vitamin D, magnesium, L-methylfolate, and B12.

* Some common herbs that can be used are Rhodiola, Ashwaganda, SAMe, L-theanine (found in green tea), and 5-HTP.

What is the role of immune function in relation to chronic psychiatric conditions?

* Psychiatrist Edward Bullmore discusses this in his book The Inflamed Mind.

* There is a dynamic communication between the brain and the immune system.

* People with chronic depression often have an inflammatory component to their depression.

* Many of these inflammatory cells in the body that are causing the pain easily cross what's called the blood brain barrier.

* And if they pass through this barrier, they get into the brain. These inflammatory cells, some are called cytokines, float into the brain and trigger off cascades of inflammation.

* Minocycline and baby Asprin can significantly improve this condition.

One of the biggest breakthroughs in treating severe depression is ketamine. What is ketamine and how does it help?

* A study, published in 2016 by the Journal of Psychopharmacology, showed that 80% of cancer patients with anxiety and depression responded positively to psychedelic treatment.

* Ketamine is an FDA approved and legal psychedelic medication.

* It was a safe anesthetic in the battlefield during the Vietnam War for soldiers.

* In 2000, the Department of Psychiatry at Yale did a study. They used an Intravenous (IV) infusion of ketamine with positive results.

What are some common myths about seeing a psychiatrist?

* Myth number one - your primary care doctor can properly treat mental health issues.

- Just like you would see a cardiologist for a heart issue

a psychiatrist is a medical doctor that specializes in brain health.

* Myth number two - a psychiatrist will force medication on you.

- The truth is a good psychiatrist will offer treatment that is tailored to your needs. Treatment may include lifestyle changes, supplements, and medications.