S7 Ep. 3: Bad blood, part 2, re-release

Deep Breaths

27-08-2023 • 19 minutos

Bad Blood is a two-episode miniseries that takes a closer look at ROTEM. It's a favourite episode of ours and we hope you enjoy listening again too.

References for part 2:

Deranged Physiology - Interpretation of abnormal ROTEM data.

ROTEM product information and interpretation instructions with case examples.

NHS University Hospitals Sussex ROTEM interpretation flow diagram.

ROTEM e-learning modules. Note: this website defaults to the German language. Google offers a translation service if you do not speak German.

ANZCA 2017 Blue Book. There are several good articles about ROTEM in this issue of the Blue Book.

Feel free to email us at deepbreathspod@gmail.com if you have any questions, comments or suggestions. We love hearing from you!

And don't forget to claim CPD for listening if you are a consultant or fellow. Log us as a learning session which you can find within the knowledge and skills division, and as evidence upload a screenshot of the podcast episode.

Thanks for listening, and happy studying!