Burnout In Dentistry with Dr. Jessica Metcalfe DWI-EP36

Dentists Who Invest Podcast

14-07-2021 • 42 minutos

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Ever wondered why burnout is so prevalent in the dental profession? What if there was a way to create a sustainable and rewarding career in dentistry? This episode with Jessica Metcalfe, a practicing dentist turned burnout coach, unravels these questions and more. She offers an insightful look at the significance of self-care and balance in the intense world of dentistry. With personal anecdotes from her own burnout battles, Jessica provides a fresh perspective on fostering a long-lasting career in the field without compromising on personal health and happiness.

We shift gears and delve into the intricacies of self-talk and goal setting in a significant portion of our chat. As we navigate through this, Jessica emphasizes the value of kindness and compassion towards oneself, shedding light on a novel approach to self-motivation. Also, the conversation takes an interesting turn as we explore the vital role of language in shaping our motivations. We then draw from Jessica's experiences of balancing her dental career with education, as she shares her journey of stepping away from her role at a cancer center to focus on her online business.

Lastly, we confront the often-undiscussed dangers lurking in the dental profession - competition, comparison, and the scarcity mindset often fueled by social media. Jessica shares her thoughts on how to stay passionate about your work without yielding to the pressures of societal opinion. Offering first-hand experience and practical action steps, Jessica helps dentists (and other professionals) avoid burnout, discover their purpose, and embrace an abundance mindset over scarcity. This episode is sure to leave you with refreshing insights and tools to turn your career into a sustainable, fulfilling journey.