Ep - 24 - How do I prepare my tech org for IPO? feat. Jonathan Lister Parsons (CTO at PensionBee)

The Pod Presents: Primarily Context-Based

16-03-2023 • 30 minutos

Jonathan Lister Parsons co-founded PensionBee with Romi Savova in 2014 and has since held the role of CTO. He champions a tech-forward culture within the business, aiming to raise the level of technology literacy among employees. Prior to co-founding PensionBee, Jonathan founded a digital consultancy, Penrose, and worked at British Telecom. Jonathan also holds an MSci in Experimental and Theoretical Physics from the University of Cambridge.

This week we’re releasing an episode that was recorded with Jonathan last year, just after Pension Bee IPO’d. Tune in to hear how you aim for and think about IPO, and how you can structure your organisation to be ready for it. Hywel and Jonathan cover early decision points, building up credibility and consumer trust, investing time in growing a strong board and technology due diligence.

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