Episode 23: The North American Bitcoin Conference 2022 Day 1

Freedom with NFTs

19-01-2022 • 24 minutos

In this episode of Freedom with NFT’s we will have a mash up episode of The North American Bitcoin Conference 2022 Day 1 Interview featuring:

  • Astronaut
  • Copper.co
  • Luxury Bazaar
  • Distributed Ledger
  • Digital Shovel
  • The Goldstar firm

They will share with us:

  • What's astronaut all about?
  • How to get involved in what Astronaut is doing.
  • Overview effect in Space
  • What does Copper do?
  • How to get involved in what Copper is doing.
  • Why would you build your treasury?
  • Copper’s - Ray advice to people who are entering the crypto space.
  • What is Luxury Bazaar all about?
  • How does the luxury goods market tie into crypto?
  • Luxury bazaars goal or objective in the Bitcoin and crypto space in 2022
  • What is distributed ledger?
  • Breaking down bitcoin mining

- Consensus algorithm

  • For someone who might be interested in mining, what is the next step that they would take?
  • Distributed ledger goals in 2022
  • What does a digital shovel do?
  • Describing a modular data center for housing bitcoin.
  • Why is Scot Johnson from Digital Shovel passionate about mining?
  • Who is Alan of the Goldstar firm

- Why is he interested in NFT?

  • Is NFT copywritten?
  • Law aspect of NFTs
  • Projects that Alan is excited about.

- Delorean drop

- Automotive industry

Connect with The North American Bitcoin Conference 2022 Interviewee:

Astronaut: https://astronaut.to/

Copper website: https://copper.co/

Luxury Bazaar website: https://www.luxurybazaar.com/

Distributed Ledger website: https://distributedledgerinc.com/

Digital Shovel Twitter and Telegram: @Digital_shovel

The Goldstar firm email: agoldstraj@gmail.com

Alan the Gold star firm Instagram: @mrpopculture

Connect with your host, Lauren Turton:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LaurenTurton_

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thelaurenturton

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurenturton/

Website: Freedomwithnfts.com

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