Season 2 Episode 18: How Web 3 Puts Everyone on Equal Playing Field ”The Great Equalizer” with AJ Brockman from EMP.Money

Freedom with NFTs

15-12-2022 • 18 minutos

In this episode of Freedom with NFT’s, AJ Brockman shares with us about:

  • Why Web 3 is the great equalizer
  • How EMP.Money is changing the defi game
  • Why a strong community is so important and how to build a strong community
  • Why DYOR is so important

About AJ Brockman:

EMP.MONEY is a revolutionary defi protocol on the BNB chain. EMP’s token value is algorithmically pegged to the price of Ethereum via seigniorage at a rate of 4000 emp:1 Ethereum.

As the value of eth goes up and down, the ecosystem is able to mint new EMP in a responsible manner to maintain the emp/eth correlation. investors are able to enjoy high yields normally only found on high-risk assets, but with exposure to eth instead!

EMP has implemented numerous smart contracts including nodes, detonator & reactor (ROI contracts), yield farming, and other unique economic incentive and game-theory centric dynamics to provide the ultimate passive income earning opportunity.

AJ Brockman is a long-time crypto veteran and self-made crypto millionaire from early 2017. He’s invested in enough successful and unsuccessful crypto projects to know what it truly takes to succeed.

AJ is an incredible leader, skilled at the art of putting together exceptional teams of people with all different strengths. He just knows how to assemble the key players needed, to create the best seigniorage projects crypto has ever seen.

With a real-world business background, AJ knows the value of community, good communication, and what it takes to make a project successful. he founded emp along with a goal of fulfilling his mission of making defi a greater, safer place and creating better defi users.

Connect with EMP.Money: Twitter:

Connect with your host, Lauren Turton: Twitter: Website:

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