Episode 52: The Energy of Shadow Work

Honor Your Aura Podcast

16-10-2020 • 24 minutos

This month on the Honor Your Aura Podcast we are exploring the energy of Shadow Work. Our shadow beholds the energy within our being-ness that we cast aside, label, judge and deem unworthy. Our shadow holds the stories, beliefs and experiences that hold uncomfortable, lower vibrational and often heavy energies and comprise of feelings like anger, shame, guilt, judgement and fear along with beliefs that we are unworthy, unlovable and more. With that being said, it is no wonder why we tend to avoid exploring our shadow as it means getting honest, being in the uncomfortable and taking responsibility for our triggers. However when we do in a safe and supportive space there is great reward as it opens the door to profound growth, expansion and deepens our connection to unconditional love.

This episode is brought to you by The Kamali Temple, your go-to online resource for Crystal Energy Healing, Spiritual Guidance and Custom Crystal Orders. Book your session today at TheKamaliTemple.com