Episode 53: Illuminate Your Shadow Guided Meditation

Honor Your Aura Podcast

21-10-2020 • 28 minutos

In this episode experience a guided meditation journey to illuminate, heal and integrate aspects of your shadow self. This is incredibly empowering as it reclaims lost energy that has been kept in the darkness of our past and helps to rewrite the choices and experiences in our life that have caused us to shut down and reject certain aspects of our being. This is also of utmost importance when "honoring our aura" as our Aura reflects and magnetizes people and situations into our life based on the light and dark stored in our energy field.

I recommend having an intention in mind before diving in ~ Perhaps a shadow aspect you are currently working with or a trigger, recurring cycle/theme, judgement/rejection, limiting belief, just to name a few.

Be sure to have a relaxing place free of distraction where you can sit or lie down. Enjoy!