Deserving Or Desiring

The Cosmic Car Wash

07-10-2024 • 33 minutos

Somewhere I heard it said once, "In the end, people don't get what we deserve, we get what we desire." On the face of it, when considering this from the Eden perspective, the Kingdom of God viewpoint, I believe it's a true statement. But as we explore this topic further we realized it isn't so binary as it seems at first. And once we pushed into the topic further, it became clear that even God doesn't get what he deserves, but if we strive to give God what He deserves (all our worship, devotion, and love), He delights to give us what He desires - union with Himself. He transmits His existence to us. MIND BLOWN! Thanks for exploring this with us and coming away with a deeper question rather than a pat answer. Reach out to us at

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