15: Don’t Surrender to Natural Aging! with Dr. John Sottery

Life Optimized

09-01-2023 • 1 hora 20 minutos

We are diving deep into some of today’s most popular scientific breakthroughs in the field of health optimization. My expert guest shares real-life applications from his wealth of knowledge and experience. Join us to learn more about feeling better, looking better, and adding years to your health span!

Dr. John Sottery is a Ph.D. scientist who believes that “aging normally” is a disaster. As a 63-year-old with young children, he is incredibly focused on maximizing his health and lifespan. His goal is to teach others how to outperform their chronological age through mitochondrial and cardiovascular health, and he focuses his research on ways to turn on the body’s genes that will drive protection and repair. After obtaining his doctorate in chemistry from Duke University, he led project development teams at Procter & Gamble before leaving to start several companies of his own. Through his work today, he attacks problems to understand them at a molecular level to maximize health span, slow down the damage, and accelerate repair in the body.

Show Highlights:

  • What is most important to know in optimizing mitochondrial health
  • Why we need to understand what damages mitochondria, how to get rid of the damaged ones, and how to create new mitochondria from undamaged ones
  • Dr. John’s #1 tip for mitochondrial health: Don’t eat within three hours of going to bed.
  • How to push your mitochondria with ice baths, saunas, or HIIT workouts–so that your body knows how to recycle defective mitochondria
  • How to understand the basics of intermittent fasting, autophagy, antioxidants, and free radicals
  • Why broccoli sprouts are good for us–and other foods that turn up Nrf2
  • How the body’s phase 2 toxification enzymes work to eliminate carcinogens
  • Dr. John’s take on getting vital nutrients from food vs. relying on supplements
  • How to get the most nutrition out of the broccoli you eat
  • How fasting, exercise, Resveratrol, and spermidine help turn up autophagy
  • Highlights of the overall benefits of spermidine, including recent research about preventing colon cancer and osteoporosis
  • Sources and benefits of ergothioneine (an amino acid found primarily in mushrooms)
  • Why copper can be the difference between mild cognitive impairment and full-blown Alzheimer’s (Eat your mushrooms!)
  • Why YOUR body has its own recipe for optimal health
  • Dr. John’s final thoughts about how excess fructose, alpha tocopherols, and omega-6 fats are harming people


Connect with Dr. Paulvin


Connect with Dr. John

www.johnsottery.com, Facebook, and YouTube

Mentioned in this episode: Dr. Guido Kroemer on YouTube, Nature Wants Us to Be Fat by Dr. Richard Johnson and Drop Acid by Dr. David Perlmutter