Re-Recording a Podcast Interview

Podcast Business Coach with Toby Goodman

27-09-2022 • 3 minutos

If it hasn’t happened to you yet, it will.

Last week I interviewed someone on my podcast and the audio on his side was bad.

After one of our engineers took a look and listen - the news I was half expecting came.

My guest’s side of the conversation was unlistenable.

Could I have prevented it from happening? Honestly, I’m not sure. Maybe?

Is asking a guest for a do-over (in this case a Nobel Peace Prize winner) awkward? Yes.

Is rerecording, so your guest comes across in the best possible light worth it? 100%

Will they say no? Maybe, but hopefully not if you tackle the issue head-on.

So what to do? The only thing I could do… Be honest and try again.

Here’s the message I sent my high-value guest:

Hi Ron,

I’ve got some good news and some bad news.

Bad news:

The audio from your end of our conversation was unusable.

Your message and your story deserve to be heard and my engineer took 2 hours to try and save it and, I’m afraid it’s just not going to work.

Good news:

We can record an even better one again AND I have found a place near to you I can get a microphone. Let me know your address and I’ll have it sent.

I’m so sorry it didn’t come out well. The work you are doing is way too important not be heard in broadcast quality!

Let me know about the mic and if you are ok to book again.

Warmest, Toby

Now, I’m absolutely not telling you to go out and buy your guests microphones. But in this case, I was happy to do this because of who this guest is and who he can be for my business.

Let’s face it… No one will thank you for putting out a podcast with crappy sound that makes you and them sound bad. Not you, not them, and not your listeners.

Bad recording due to tech, environment, and internet signal happens to us all. So… Be nice and address it head-on.

The added benefit is you get to go back, knowing what parts of the interview went well and, ultimately publish an even better podcast than you would have done from the first take. So every cloud and all that…


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About The Show

Podcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know to grow your business with your podcast.

Hosted by me, Toby Goodman - Best-Selling Author of Narrow Podcasting, and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method.

These tips and musings are powered by Podcast Network Solutions Production and Blubrry Podcast Hosting

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