Podcast Business Coach with Toby Goodman

Toby Goodman

Podcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know to grow your business with your podcast. Hosted by me Toby Goodman - CEO of Production Company Podcast Network Solutions, Author of Narrow Podcasting, and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method. These tips and musings can also be found on Blubrry's Podcast Insider Show. Get The Ultimate Profitable Pod Checklist (and lots more) at NarrowPodcasting.com read less


Capturing Those Holiday Listeners
Capturing Those Holiday Listeners
This December holiday season has always created a pattern interrupt; for many, it's a chance to unwind and take a break. But for us podcasters, there's a strong argument we should continue publishing through the holidays precisely because of that pattern interrupt. Why? Because it's long been the case for many podcasters, we see new listener acquisition at its highest during this December and January period. So how does that translate? Well, for podcast listeners, that pattern interrupt means a chance to check out new podcasts. They normally wouldn't have time to listen to. So, for us podcasters, it means getting to fresh ears during a time of year; we wouldn't normally be able to do so. So, today's tip is to keep going through this holiday period, and all being well, you've batch-produced some shows ahead of time and preloaded them, so you can also take a break. I’ve created a Quiz to help you discover the #1 roadblock holding you back.In just 60 seconds, you’ll crack the code behind a show that grows your business without paid ads, sponsors, or thousands of listeners.Ready to start a podcast that makes fame and audience size irrelevant?TAKE THE PROFITABLE PODCAST QUIZ >>>Whenever You’re Ready, Here Are Five Ways I Can Help Your Business Grow Using Your Podcast1. Take the Profitable Podcast Quiz and discover how to smash through your podcasting roadblocks so you can have a podcast that grows your business.2. Read my best-selling book ‘Narrow Podcasting.’ 3. Join the waitlist for the ‘Profitable-Pod Method’ Online Course4. Enjoy seamless Podcast Production powered by my global team5. Work with me 1:1 About The Show Podcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know to grow your business with your podcast. Hosted by me, Toby Goodman - Best-Selling Author of Narrow Podcasting and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method.These tips and musings are powered by Podcast Network Solutions Production and Blubrry Podcast Hosting
The Confidence To Podcast
The Confidence To Podcast
Today! The Confidence to Podcast. I’ve come to learn that there are a few recurring themes podcasters say hold them back from continuing or even starting a podcast. Today - Confidence. You wouldn’t be the first person to suffer from imposter syndrome, questioning your credibility and authority to host a podcast. If the voice in your head is asking, “who do you think you are?”. You have what’s called… the human condition.When it comes to your podcast, keep this in mind… your podcast isn’t for everyone. It can’t be. Nothing anyone ever really loved was loved by everyone! I don’t enjoy hot climates and beach vacations. But the millions of beachfront hotels around the world don’t seem to care. It’s ok if people don’t get your podcast. So I encourage you not to think of your podcast listeners as ‘people’ but to think of them as your kind of people. When you do - it’s way easier to make content because you can see how these listeners and future listeners are on your side! Look - I’m never going to listen to a podcast about being vegan in Texas, but if that’s your thing - don’t let a carnivorous Brit like me stop you. The thing is -the more specific you can be - the more magnetic your podcast will be. If you’re a vegan in Texas - I imagine you are pretty starved of content for people like you. But let’s take that negative thought all the way down the road…. Someone takes the time to let you know they don’t like your show. Think about it… someone took the time, they will never get back to let you know what they think. I’m not saying you need to respond or engage, but I am saying - that alone is proof that you are onto something. So keep the following phase to hand just in case someone tells you they don’t like what you’re doing with your podcast… “Thanks for your feedback and for taking the time to listen but… I didn’t make this podcast with you in mind”. And… “My podcast exists because I’m interested in being a vegan not because I consider myself the authority on all elements of it.” The thing is - we all have opinions, but when it comes to it - how many of them really matter? When people take the time to express an opinion to you - I’d argue it's because, in some way, you matter to them. So… don’t let what others think or say stop you from starting a podcast. I’m not going to tell you podcasting is easy, but once you've started in the right way - it will only get easier, and you will build confidence.     I’ve created a Quiz to help you discover the #1 roadblock holding you back. In just 60 seconds, you’ll crack the code behind a show that grows your business without paid ads, sponsors, or thousands of listeners.Ready to start a podcast that makes fame and audience size irrelevant?TAKE THE PROFITABLE PODCAST QUIZ >>> Whenever You’re Ready, Here Are Five Ways I Can Help Your Business Grow Using Your Podcast1. Take the Profitable Podcast Quiz and discover how to smash through your podcasting roadblocks so you can have a podcast that grows your business. 2. Read my best-selling book ‘Narrow Podcasting.’ 3. Join the waitlist for the ‘Profitable-Pod Method’ Online Course 4. Enjoy seamless Podcast Production powered by my global team 5. Work with me 1:1 About The Show Podcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know to grow your business with your podcast. Hosted by me, Toby Goodman - Best-Selling Author of Narrow Podcasting and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method.These tips and musings are powered by Podcast Network Solutions Production and Blubrry Podcast Hosting
The Easy Way To Ask Your Podcast Questions
The Easy Way To Ask Your Podcast Questions
As podcasters, we often ask ourselves… ‘How?’. How will I find out what microphone to buy? How will I set up my computer? How will I make sure my show is recorded? How will I ensure my podcast can be found? How will I find the right guests? How will I know what to ask? How will I get my guests to share the podcast? How will incorporate my podcast into my website? And so on and so forth and despite messages from the industry telling you that podcasting is easy, it still can be overwhelming. The truth is podcasting done right has corners of complexity. So rather than ask yourself ‘how’ - What happens when you ask yourself ‘Who’? Who will help me find out what microphone to buy? Who will I trust to store my content so it doesn’t get ripped off?Who will teach me how to get my podcast shared? Changing how to who still needs an answer but in my experience immediately decreases anxiety levels. When we try to do everything ourselves - life gets hard. At best we get stressed and at worse, we miss things and make mistakes. The rule of “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” can still very much apply to your podcast. You’ll find a much more in-depth analysis of why (and how) I’m a fan of this approach if you read (or listen) to Dan Sullivan’s book, ‘Who not How’.    I’ve created a Quiz to help you discover the #1 roadblock holding you back. In just 60 seconds, you’ll crack the code behind a show that grows your business without paid ads, sponsors, or thousands of listeners.Ready to start a podcast that makes fame and audience size irrelevant?TAKE THE PROFITABLE PODCAST QUIZ >>> Whenever You’re Ready, Here Are Five Ways I Can Help Your Business Grow Using Your Podcast1. Take the Profitable Podcast Quiz and discover how to smash through your podcasting roadblocks so you can have a podcast that grows your business. 2. Read my best-selling book ‘Narrow Podcasting.’ 3. Join the waitlist for the ‘Profitable-Pod Method’ Online Course 4. Enjoy seamless Podcast Production powered by my global team 5. Work with me 1:1 About The Show Podcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know to grow your business with your podcast. Hosted by me, Toby Goodman - Best-Selling Author of Narrow Podcasting and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method.These tips and musings are powered by Podcast Network Solutions Production and Blubrry Podcast Hosting
What's Your Podcast Style?
What's Your Podcast Style?
I love that a properly set up podcast enables anyone to put out content on their own terms. But just like publishing on any public platform with a view to sharing our content - we might receive feedback of all types. When it comes to interviewing people on your podcast then, it’s worth taking a moment to decide what position you want to take as an interviewer. Here are a few thoughts on how you might approach an interview and some pros and cons.  1. The Enthusiastic Interviewer This kind of guest interview can be magic but it comes with risks. When you’re fully onboard with who your guest is and what they are doing they can really open up and help you create really great content. But… If you know too much you could be at risk of alienating the listener and even coming across as a sycophant! So be aware and keep a stock of signpost questions up your sleeve to help listeners stay engaged. For example. Just because I understand what podcast hosting it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t ask someone like Todd Cochrane from the hosting and podcast tools company Blubrry - to help me serve my listeners with a question like… “For those listening who aren’t sure why they need safe podcast hosting, how would you explain the difference”? 2. The Cynical Interviewer A fairly aggressive investigative journalist approach has the potential to get a juicy interview that’s highly listenable and could even make the headlines. But… It can create friction. You just have to ask yourself… Is it the kind of friction you need? or… Are you just setting yourself upper the trolls and a load of unhelpful noise? 3. The Passive Interviewer Be like a journalist. Take a balanced view… Be detached and ask questions that represent everyone’s viewpoints. For example - Why do you love podcasts? Followed by… What would you say to those people who don’t think podcasts are worth listening to? You will get a balanced interview this way but it has the danger of being a little dry and the worst-case scenario is that it turns into the same cut-and-paste interview your guest has given hundreds if not, thousands of times before. Here’s the good news. If you set it up properly. It’s your podcast. You get to decide what you say, how you say it, and to who you say it. You don’t need any blue check box to validate you!   I’ve created a Quiz to help you discover the #1 roadblock holding you back. In just 60 seconds you’ll crack the code behind a show that grows your business without paid ads, sponsors or thousands of listeners.Ready to start a podcast that makes fame and audience size irrelevant?TAKE THE PROFITABLE PODCAST QUIZ >>> Whenever You’re Ready Here Are Five Ways I Can Help Your Business Grow Using Your Podcast1. Take the Profitable Podcast Quiz and discover how to smash through your podcasting roadblocks so you can have a podcast that grows your business. 2. Read my best-selling book ‘Narrow Podcasting’ 3. Join the waitlist for the ‘Profitable-Pod Method’ Online Course 4. Enjoy seamless Podcast Production powered by my global team 5. Work with me 1:1 About The Show Podcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know to grow your business with your podcast. Hosted by me, Toby Goodman - Best-Selling Author of Narrow Podcasting, and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method.These tips and musings are powered by Podcast Network Solutions Production and Blubrry Podcast Hosting
How To Create A Unique Podcast Interview
How To Create A Unique Podcast Interview
A few weeks ago, I spoke about how disappointed I am when I see podcasters ask me what questions I’d like to answer. 
These podcasts are set up in such a way that leaves me feeling like I’m just filling a content hole. And yet so many people are doing it. 
 You could literally copy and paste the pre-meditated soundbites from one ‘interview’ to another. 
 What a wasted opportunity for us as podcasters.
 Isn’t it more powerful to create something remarkable, so our guests feel like they have been involved in a meaningful and memorable conversation?
 The greatest and most memorable interviews of our times have included thoughtful questions.
 As podcasters, interviews are one of the most powerful ways we can create remarkable content for our audience.
 In the last few months, I’ve been focussing on asking better questions.
 While I understand there is value in journalists strategically creating questions so politicians, celebrities, and the like fall on their own swords… that’s not really the kind of questions I’m talking about. 
 Simply because with my interview podcast episodes, my aim is to make the guest the star so that they simply feel compelled to share our conversation with people in their world. 
 Welcome to the world of highly targeted organic marketing.  
 And all that’s required is… preparation.
 A few prep habits I’ve created along the way are as follows.
 Ask your guests ahead of time what they don’t want to talk about. 
 It immediately shows respect and puts them at ease.
 Ask for a bio, look them up on the internet, and
 study their LinkedIn profile. 
 When you do, look at all the aspects. Career, education, and interests.
 Once you have that information think about questions that fill in the gaps. 
 I recently interviewed Nobel Peace Prize winner Lameen Abdul Malik.
 Having studied his LinkedIn profile, I noticed that after helping to build a Cancer Hospital in Zambia, he took a break to set up a café in South Africa. 
 While it’s all there in the LinkedIn bio, it gave me a lot to ponder and led to a set of questions that I hope created a unique, fun, and memorable interview for him.
 On the subject of the Café I asked: 
 What led to the decision?
 How did you convince your wife and family to move country?
 Why would anyone move away from working in Cancer to baking cakes and making coffee?
 How did you adjust?
What are your memories of that time? 
 How did it affect your children?
What led you to you moving away again?
Looking back on it today, what did you take from the experience? 
These are just a few questions I noted down about one line on a LinkedIn bio. 
 So next time you interview someone on your podcast, think about what questions you can ask that will bring out a unique story and, in turn, will help you create a truly unique sharable episode.I’ve created a Quiz to help you discover the #1 roadblock holding you back.In just 60 seconds, you’ll crack the code behind a show that grows your business without paid ads, sponsors, or thousands of listeners.Ready to start a podcast that makes fame and audience size irrelevant?TAKE THE PROFITABLE PODCAST QUIZ >>>Whenever You’re Ready, Here Are Five Ways I Can Help Your Business Grow Using Your Podcast1. Take the Profitable Podcast Quiz and discover how to smash through your podcasting roadblocks so you can have a podcast that grows your business.2. Read my best-selling book ‘Narrow Podcasting’ 3. Join the waitlist for the ‘Profitable-Pod Method’ Online Course4. Enjoy seamless Podcast Production powered by my global team5. Work with me 1:1About The ShowPodcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know to grow your business with your podcast. Hosted by me, Toby Goodman - Best-Selling Author of Narrow Podcasting and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method.These tips and musings are powered by Podcast Network Solutions Production and Blubrry Podcast Hosting
Conversations Vs. Sales (Podcasts Are Not Just Content)
Conversations Vs. Sales (Podcasts Are Not Just Content)
Today - Conversations Vs Sales
Podcasts are not just content. If you’re in the business of selling your expertise, it’s likely that each customer is worth a considerable amount to you. Especially when you take into account lifetime value and referrals. You’re probably used to having sales conversations. Now… getting to sales conversations is one thing. 
 But having sales conversations that actually convert is entirely another. 
I had plenty of the former before the later came. Narrow Podcasting is a book all about using a podcast to grow your business. 
 More specifically its a book about how to create moments that lead to more high quality sales conversations. The mechanism is a podcast. One thing is for sure. More good conversations with the right people lead to more sales conversations. ‘Give podcasts to great people’ is my version of, ‘Sell shovels to gold diggers’.   If you’re not familiar… The old adage about shovels and gold tells us that when we recognize a gold rush is happening, we shouldn’t try to be the next person to mine for gold, because we’ll probably fail. While everyone else is digging for gold it’s better to be the person selling the shovel. You can use your podcast as a shovel to give to your guests. Do a good job and they will use the podcast they have been on (your podcast) to open doors for themselves. And as a delightful side-effect - it’ll open doors for you too. Look, maybe you have concerns about interview skills, tech, confidence or not having enough time. A quality shovel, podcast, with your name on it is what the profitable pod method course is focussed on.
 Along with addressing those common concerns it helps you identify - 1. Who you should be speaking with on your podcast,
 2. How to invite them on your podcast
 3. What to ask them in your interview
 4. Exactly what to do once the podcast has gone live. 
 5. How to avoid giving your guests the one-night stand feeling and keep your relationships alive I’ve created a Quiz to help you discover the #1 roadblock holding you back. In just 60 seconds you’ll crack the code behind a show that grows your business without paid ads, sponsors or thousands of listeners.Ready to start a podcast that makes fame and audience size irrelevant?TAKE THE PROFITABLE PODCAST QUIZ >>> Whenever You’re Ready Here Are Five Ways I Can Help Your Business Grow Using Your Podcast1. Take the Profitable Podcast Quiz and discover how smash through your podcasting roadblocks so you can have a podcast that grows your business. 2. Read my best-selling book ‘Narrow Podcasting’ 3. Join the waitlist for ‘Profitable-Pod Method’ Online Course 4. Enjoy seamless Podcast Production powered by my global team 5. Work with me 1:1 About The Show Podcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know to grow your business with your podcast. Hosted by me, Toby Goodman - Best-Selling Author of Narrow Podcasting, and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method.These tips and musings are powered by Podcast Network Solutions Production and Blubrry Podcast Hosting
Have Podcasts Had Their Day?
Have Podcasts Had Their Day?
Depending on where you get your information, you might be thinking that podcasts have peaked. But two things in the last few weeks happened in the UK that showed me that this podcasting thing hasn’t run its course.  And I wanted to share those with you today:  Number 1: On the 7th of October on his podcast, ‘Full Disclosure’ James O’Brien spoke with veteran broadcaster David Dimbleby about his career.  For context - Dimbleby has interviewed presidents and almost every British prime minister in modern history, he’s anchored ten general elections for the BBC and commentated on everything from President Nixon’s 1969 UK visit to Princess Diana’s funeral. You get the idea.   They spoke about the frustrations of short-form media and the lack of depth in interviews. So when O'Brien asked Dimbleby if there was any way back for the long-form political interview?   I was overjoyed to hear (ironically on the podcast) they both agreed… podcasts are a great antidote to short-form content.   Number 2:   A couple of days earlier on October 5th, 2022 something even more interesting happened. UK Prime Minister (at the time of writing) is Liz Truss. She gave her first speech as the leader of the Conservative party, calling out her opponents, and I quote, “From broadcast to podcast, they peddle the same old answers.”  I’m not here to talk politics, but for a leader of a country to talk about podcasts in their first major speech tells me that podcasts do matter and provide a meaningful platform to create both short and long-form content that other media platforms have left behind and I’d argue can’t get close to.  Whatever side of the fence you’re on this was a remarkable moment for podcasts.   As podcasting grows they’ve had a fair share of bumps in the road. No doubt with many more to come, but I’m betting that the road for us as listeners and creators has only just begun.   The facts are - podcasting is part of the conversation. From kid’s TV shows to on social media, to political speeches…. It’s still a great time to be podcasting.   I’ve created a Quiz to help you discover the #1 roadblock holding you back. In just 60 seconds you’ll crack the code behind a show that grows your business without paid ads, sponsors or thousands of listeners.Ready to start a podcast that makes fame and audience size irrelevant?TAKE THE PROFITABLE PODCAST QUIZ >>> Whenever You’re Ready Here Are Five Ways I Can Help Your Business Grow Using Your Podcast1. Take the Profitable Podcast Quiz and discover how smash through your podcasting roadblocks so you can have a podcast that grows your business. 2. Read my best-selling book ‘Narrow Podcasting’ 3. Join the waitlist for ‘Profitable-Pod Method’ Online Course 4. Enjoy seamless Podcast Production powered by my global team 5. Work with me 1:1 About The Show Podcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know to grow your business with your podcast. Hosted by me, Toby Goodman - Best-Selling Author of Narrow Podcasting, and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method.These tips and musings are powered by Podcast Network Solutions Production and Blubrry Podcast Hosting
Why Growing Businesses Need Podcasts
Why Growing Businesses Need Podcasts
Today…. Why would you need a podcast if you’re running a business that’s scaling fast?As a decent business gains momentum, it’s going to grow organically. Likely it’ll happen through recommendations and referrals. That means paid marketing efforts aren’t needed quite as much, if at all. It’s The Dream. So, if you’re in that position, you might wonder if you should stop the podcast you’ve got or bother starting with one. The truth is, when a business scales fast, it still has challenges and is positioned properly; a podcast can help you in many ways. Here are just 2. 1 - A rapidly growing business needs a cohesive team. And as you grow, you and the leadership team will likely have less time face to face to connect. A number of our national and international clients have discovered the value in creating a podcast to stay in touch, on a human level, with everyone in their organizations. While we saw this strategy during Covid because of travel restrictions and isolation rules, podcasts have kept team members aligned with the organization’s mission. The result of that is… retention. And as you know, retention means a more valuable business with less churn and less time and money on recruitment. 2 - As your business scales, you will still need to recruit more team members. And there is nothing better than getting your message out in your industry by creating a podcast to show potential candidates the culture and feel you have created in your organization. This is a strategy that will attract the best talent in your industry.So when it comes to podcasting for a growing business, you can add real value by continuing or starting a podcast.  I’ve created a Quiz to help you discover the #1 roadblock holding you back. In just 60 seconds, you’ll crack the code behind a show that grows your business without paid ads, sponsors, or thousands of listeners.Ready to start a podcast that makes fame and audience size irrelevant?TAKE THE PROFITABLE PODCAST QUIZ >>> Whenever You’re Ready, Here Are Five Ways I Can Help Your Business Grow Using Your Podcast1. Take the Profitable Podcast Quiz and discover how to smash through your podcasting roadblocks so you can have a podcast that grows your business. 2. Read my best-selling book ‘Narrow Podcasting’ 3. Join the waitlist for the ‘Profitable-Pod Method’ Online Course 4. Enjoy seamless Podcast Production powered by my global team 5. Work with me 1:1 About The Show Podcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know to grow your business with your podcast. Hosted by me, Toby Goodman - Best-Selling Author of Narrow Podcasting and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method.These tips and musings are powered by Podcast Network Solutions Production and Blubrry Podcast Hosting.
Ultimate Stealth Podcast Marketing Strategy
Ultimate Stealth Podcast Marketing Strategy
It’s great when people talk about your podcast and your business in a positive light. Marketing is awareness. You already know a podcast is a great way to reach the masses. Your listeners are aware of you. But you aren’t necessarily aware of who they are. If you have a lead magnet that captures a name on your website through a free offer (and you absolutely should) that’s great, but you could hardly say you really know them. But there are some people you do know pretty well. Your podcast guests. And there is one thing they all have in common. You. Remember… ‘marketing is awareness’ and I’ve come to realize a worthy marketing activity isn’t an overt type of look over here, look at me one. It’s in building on relationships you already have and… this is the crux of it: The new relationships you uniquely have the power to create. Your guests have invested time in you by being on your podcast. You can give them a return on time invested by making thoughtful introductions. In my book Narrow Podcasting - I call it Alumni matchmaking. So… question… If you took some time to make those connections, what could that mean for you, your podcast, and your business?  I’ve created a Quiz to help you discover the #1 roadblock holding you back. In just 60 seconds you’ll crack the code behind a show that grows your business without paid ads, sponsors, or thousands of listeners.Ready to start a podcast that makes fame and audience size irrelevant?TAKE THE PROFITABLE PODCAST QUIZ >>> Whenever You’re Ready Here Are Five Ways I Can Help Your Business Grow Using Your Podcast1. Take the Profitable Podcast Quiz and discover how to smash through your podcasting roadblocks so you can have a podcast that grows your business. 2. Read my best-selling book ‘Narrow Podcasting’ 3. Join the waitlist for ‘Profitable-Pod Method’ Online Course 4. Enjoy seamless Podcast Production powered by my global team 5. Work with me 1:1 About The Show Podcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know to grow your business with your podcast. Hosted by me, Toby Goodman - Best-Selling Author of Narrow Podcasting, and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method.These tips and musings are powered by Podcast Network Solutions Production and Blubrry Podcast Hosting
Re-Recording a Podcast Interview
Re-Recording a Podcast Interview
If it hasn’t happened to you yet, it will. Last week I interviewed someone on my podcast and the audio on his side was bad. After one of our engineers took a look and listen - the news I was half expecting came. My guest’s side of the conversation was unlistenable. Could I have prevented it from happening? Honestly, I’m not sure. Maybe? Is asking a guest for a do-over (in this case a Nobel Peace Prize winner) awkward? Yes. Is rerecording, so your guest comes across in the best possible light worth it? 100% Will they say no? Maybe, but hopefully not if you tackle the issue head-on. So what to do? The only thing I could do… Be honest and try again. Here’s the message I sent my high-value guest: Hi Ron, I’ve got some good news and some bad news.  Bad news: The audio from your end of our conversation was unusable. Your message and your story deserve to be heard and my engineer took 2 hours to try and save it and, I’m afraid it’s just not going to work. Good news: We can record an even better one again AND I have found a place near to you I can get a microphone. Let me know your address and I’ll have it sent. I’m so sorry it didn’t come out well. The work you are doing is way too important not be heard in broadcast quality! Let me know about the mic and if you are ok to book again. Warmest, Toby Now, I’m absolutely not telling you to go out and buy your guests microphones. But in this case, I was happy to do this because of who this guest is and who he can be for my business. Let’s face it… No one will thank you for putting out a podcast with crappy sound that makes you and them sound bad. Not you, not them, and not your listeners. Bad recording due to tech, environment, and internet signal happens to us all. So… Be nice and address it head-on. The added benefit is you get to go back, knowing what parts of the interview went well and, ultimately publish an even better podcast than you would have done from the first take. So every cloud and all that… ResourcesI’ve created a Quiz to help you discover the #1 roadblock holding you back. In just 60 seconds you’ll crack the code behind a show that grows your business without paid ads, sponsors or thousands of listeners.Ready to start a podcast that makes fame and audience size irrelevant?TAKE THE PROFITABLE PODCAST QUIZ >>> Whenever You’re Ready Here Are Five Ways I Can Help Your Business Grow Using Your Podcast1. Take the Profitable Podcast Quiz and discover how to smash through your podcasting roadblocks so you can have a podcast that grows your business. 2. Read my best-selling book ‘Narrow Podcasting’ 3. Join the waitlist for ‘Profitable-Pod Method’ Online Course 4. Enjoy seamless Podcast Production powered by my global team 5. Work with me 1:1 About The Show Podcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know to grow your business with your podcast. Hosted by me, Toby Goodman - Best-Selling Author of Narrow Podcasting, and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method.These tips and musings are powered by Podcast Network Solutions Production and Blubrry Podcast Hosting
The Dark Side of Strategic Podcasting
The Dark Side of Strategic Podcasting
Today, The Dark Side of Strategic PodcastingIf you’re using podcasting to grow your business I’m all about it.That’s not a throwaway comment, I invested a significant amount of time and money writing a book about it.But one thing I’ve noticed recently are invitations to other podcasts that leave a funny taste in my mouth.Let me explain.There are so many things that can be systemized in podcasting. Scheduling episodes to release on certain days, emails out to your audience. Blubrry even has a closed caption function where listeners can read along, for superior accessibility.Tech is wonderful.But sometimes it can work against us. Recently I was invited to someone’s podcast. I asked for more info and was immediately sent a link to a page.All good so far. I frequently use a calendar link that does the time zone calculations so guests I’ve invited onto my podcast called ‘Moving Conversations’ can schedule in.But on the page I was sent I was asked around 15 questions that essentially turned out to be some sort of contract.Loads of yes/no checkboxes.For example…By being on this podcast, do you agree to promote it to your followers on linked in?Will you provide us will an affiliate link for any products you mention?Will you like and share all social media posts relating to your episode? And on and on and on.It left me feeling like this person had zero interest in me and was looking to use me to create free content and then get access to my network. There was nothing in any communication about why they wanted me to speak, and what it was about me that made them want me on their podcast.  The final nail in the coffin was when the form popped up asking me to provide 3 questions for them to ask me! So… I was left feeling like I’d been given an unpaid assignment for a lazy business owner who was trying to systemize a human relationship. One of the big reasons I and many of my clients enjoy using Blubrry’s slate of tech tools is that you can pick up a phone and call a person to get support. A perfect example of an ecosystem that uses the best parts of tech and direct human communication. So how will you use tech so you can show up in person where and when you need to?I've created a Quiz to help you discover the #1 roadblock holding you back.In just 60 seconds you’ll crack the code behind a show that grows your business without paid ads, sponsors or thousands of listeners.Ready to start a podcast that makes fame and audience size irrelevant?TAKE THE PROFITABLE PODCAST QUIZ >>> Whenever You’re Ready Here Are Five Ways I Can Help Your Business Grow Using Your Podcast1. Get your FREE ‘Ultimate Profitable Pod Checklist’ 2. Read ‘Narrow Podcasting’ 3. Implement with the ‘Profitable-Pod Method’ Online Course 4. Enjoy seamless Podcast Production powered by my global team 5. Work with me 1:1 About The Show Podcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know togrow your business with your podcast.Hosted by me, Toby Goodman - CEO of Production Company Podcast Network Solutions, Author of Narrow Podcasting, and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method.These tips and musings can also be found on Blubrry's Podcast Insider Show.
Running Out Of New Podcast Content Ideas?
Running Out Of New Podcast Content Ideas?
Today - Podcast content problems through the lens of Elton John. When a VIP podcasting client flew from the USA into London telling me she wanted to see Elton John, I knew I needed to get a few tickets, especially when I discovered he was playing just up the road from my home. But honestly… I was concerned.  Elton isn’t someone I’d paid too much attention to in the last 25 years and the videos of him playing during lockdown suggested he might be past his best. But cut to the night of the show - I was blown away. The show was amazing. I had the best time.He sang well, but what was most impressive were the production values. An ace band with arrangements sensitively supporting his vocal limitations, coupled with a production crew who made his old songs sound fresh. Unlike the stay-at-home restrictions of covid… this was a real team effort. Looking around the place - 10s of thousands of people were clearly feeling the same as me.What’s all this got to do with podcasting? Well - I get that you might sometimes have concerns about generating new content but I’ve come to learn, that it’s ok to repeat your ideas. I may have discovered Elton John many decades ago, but I was genuinely enthused to hear songs I was familier with, being performed with a slightly different approach. The environment I was in was new. His tempo and tone changed. The truth is, IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO SING THE SAME SONG EXACTLY THE SAME MORE THAN ONCE.  Side note - In an episode entitled Parapraxis of Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History podcast, he shares a story about how Elvis only ever sang Are You Lonesome Tonight correctly… once! Back in London, Elton reinforced my belief that these songs were well crafted and I was happy to hear them in a new context. Great artists learn that playing the hits is a great way to create a long and prosperous career and I’m pretty sure podcasters could learn a thing or two from that. This isn’t about me convincing you to like Elton John. This is about me letting you know that if you have a position as a podcaster, don’t worry about running out of ideas. Listeners come and go and may not have heard your early stuff. You have a responsibility to your listener and yourself to be able to convey your message in a number of different ways.You probably don’t need more ideas… just more ways to connect your ideas. — I’ve created a Quiz to help you discover the #1 roadblock holding you back.In just 60 seconds you’ll crack the code behind a show that grows your business without paid ads, sponsors or thousands of listeners.Ready to start a podcast that makes fame and audience size irrelevant?TAKE THE PROFITABLE PODCAST QUIZ >>>Whenever You’re Ready Here Are Five Ways I Can Help Your Business Grow Using Your Podcast1. Get your FREE ‘Ultimate Profitable Pod Checklist’2. Read my best selling book ‘Narrow Podcasting’3. Implement with the ‘Profitable-Pod Method’ Online Course4. Enjoy seamless Podcast Production powered by my global team5. Work with me 1:1 About The ShowPodcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know to grow your business with your podcast. Hosted by me, Toby Goodman, Best Selling Author of Narrow Podcasting, and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method.Produced in partnership with Podcast Network Solutions, these tips and musings can also be found on Blubrry's Podcast Insider Show.