Opioids: Hidden Dangers and New Hope – Pilot

Opioids: Hidden Dangers, New Hope

08-09-2018 • 2 minutos

Concerned about the Opioid Crisis? Veteran radio show host Brian Wilson addresses the complex issues of prescription abuse head on and provides a 360 degree view of the problems surrounding the Nation’s #1 killer. Wilson knows first hand the devastation caused by the opioid crisis having reported on his own Nashville Mayor Megan Barry who lost a son to opioid addiction. In each of the 15 minute episodes, Wilson tells the story of the opioid epidemic as seen through the eyes of those directly impacted including: the siblings and parents of overdose victims, social workers, law enforcement officers, doctors who prescribe the medicines, government officials and even a writer who has been covering the story for over 20 years. This podcast is a public service to bring information into the homes and to educate those concerned parents, teachers and pharmacists who are seeking to know more about the opioid problem and solutions.