Episode 156: Ep #156: Sabbatical is Done and I am Back:)

Ayurveda Life School Podcast

17-09-2022 • 11 minutos

'Where have you been?' I've been asked that question often the past few months as I took a breather aka Sabbatical from the show. Now I am back with all new episodes and ready to visit and share from the heart. In this episode I share what I have been up to and key learnings from the past few months of Sabbatical. Join me as I share how the hierarchy of needs impacted my life and how the soul always knows where it is called. Also, if you are ready to clear out the old and start fresh, join the self-paced Ayurveda Fall Cleanse coming in October. You can learn more at https://ayurvedalifeschool.com/seasonalcleanse START YOUR AYURVEDA JOURNEY HERE Haven't gotten your FREE Ayurveda Starter Kit with tongue scraper and mala beads? Order yours at https://ayurvedalifeschool.com/freestarterkit Ready to put your habits into practice? Join the self-paced 28 Day Immersion and see your life change. https://ayurvedalifeschool.com/ayurvedaimmersion Connect with me online: https://ayurvedalifeschool.com Social Media: Ayurveda Life School Namaste.