Episode 152: Ep #152: Love Yourself Naked with Dr. Stacy Berman

Ayurveda Life School Podcast

02-05-2022 • 40 minutos

There is more to wellness than looking good in our skin. But the connection between the body and soul is integral, and when you are searching for wellness, you have to give attention to both.  This week we visit with Dr Stacy Berman about the holistic approach to fitness and wellness, with an understanding that the spirit impacts the body as much as the body impacts the spirit.  What you will learn: How our emotions and thoughts about our physical appearance and body impact digestion and wellnessThe connection between our body sensations and thoughtsHow we can shift our emotional state by adjusting how we think about our body sensationsThe many tools of natural medicine to create wellnessHow to uncover past traumas and samskaras to rewrite the narrative of the past and change our future moving forwardAbout Dr. Stacy Berman: Stacy is a pioneer in the fitness industry and created the first all year outdoor bootcamp in NYC back in 1999. Called a “NYC fitness icon” by Forbes Magazine, Stacy trail-blazed the way for the global boutique fitness craze we see today.  Stacy has gone on to receive a PhD in Natural Medicine and is presently writing a book Love Yourself Naked: The Science of Self Perception, Spirituality and Weight Loss, as well as Taking the Armor Off.  Stacy is a practitioner of spiritual wellness where she offers a more holistic approach to wellness. You can contact Stacy at:  https://www.stacyberman.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesystembystacy/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stacy.berman.7 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stacy-berman-3412a41/  START YOUR AYURVEDA JOURNEY HERE Haven't gotten your FREE Ayurveda Starter Kit with tongue scraper and mala beads? Order yours at https://ayurvedalifeschool.com/freestarterkit Ready to put your habits into practice? Join the self-paced 28 Day Immersion and see your life change. https://ayurvedalifeschool.com/ayurvedaimmersion Connect with me online: https://ayurvedalifeschool.com Social Media: Ayurveda Life School Namaste.