[Child Life 101] How to Prepare Babies, Kids and Teens for Procedures

Child Life On Call: Parents of children with an illness or medical condition share their stories with a child life specialist

31-07-2023 • 19 minutos

[ Child Life 101] How to Prepare Children for Medical Procedures

Does this sound familiar? You try to prepare children for medical procedures, but no matter what you do, they still end up feeling stressed and anxious. You've been told to simply explain the procedure to them, but it's not working. The pain of seeing children scared and overwhelmed during medical experiences is heart-wrenching, and you're desperate to find a better way to help them feel informed and equipped.

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In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover savvy ways to prepare children for complex medical procedures letting families breathe easy.

  • Unearth potent strategies to mitigate infants' hospital-induced stress and provide aid.

  • Learn game-changing techniques that turn medical acclimatization into child's play for toddlers.

  • Master the art of using imagination and language as tranquilizing tools for preschoolers.

  • Understand how to empower school-age children with the ability of choice during medical preparation.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:00 - Introduction,

00:00:59 - The Role of ChildLife Specialists,

00:03:48 - Preparing Infants for Procedures,

00:07:50 - Preparing Toddlers and Preschoolers,

00:13:56 - Preparing School-Age Children,

00:16:27 - Importance of Peer Support for Teens,

00:17:15 - Maintaining Privacy and Independence for Teens,

00:17:52 - Recap of Stressors and Considerations for Different Age Groups,

00:18:30 - Conclusion and Invitation to Continue Child Life 101 Series,

00:19:00 - Wrap-Up and Closing Remarks,

We want to make sure that they have accurate information. One of the things we can do with these preschoolers who use their beautiful imagination is really use that to our advantage when we are preparing them for something. - Katie Taylor

Whether you're a parent, healthcare professional, or simply interested in learning more about child life, this podcast is for you.

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Meet the host:

Katie Taylor is the co-founder and CEO of Child Life On Call, a digital platform designed to provide parents, kids, and the care team with access to child life services tools and resources. She is a certified child life specialist with over 13 years of experience working in various pediatric healthcare settings. Katie is the author of the children's book, and has presented on the topics of child life and entrepreneurship, psychosocial care in the hospital, and supporting caregivers in the NICU setting both nationally and internationally. She is also the host of the Child Life On Call Podcast which features interviews with parents discussing their experiences throughout their child's medical journey. The podcast emphasizes the crucial role of child life services in enabling caregivers both at and beyond the bedside.


