The first guest of our podcast is Ignacio Tartavull, CEO of Tiny Mile. Ignacio was a successful entrepreneur running upscale hostels in Argentina. Later he transitioned to working in a neuroscience lab at Princeton, focusing on connectomics. In this episode, we dive deep into the intersection of neuroscience, AI and machine learning. We discuss how to scale up neuroscience from mapping neurons of a Roundworm to mapping and simulating the human brain while not destroying it in the process. We also touch upon consciousness and an interesting link between bottom-up neural activity study to psychological phenomena.
In the second half of the podcast we discussed how AI has started shaping the future of logistics, delivery in particular. We learned how humanizing robots will solve the last mile delivery problem, and what role data science has in it. Lastly, we cover the true nature of competition in Silicon Valley and reasons why startups really fail. Follow Ignacio at and