Episode 151: Passive-Aggressive Communication

BariAftercare: The Podcast

22-11-2023 • 50 minutos

Wait… What? There’s passive communication… we’ve gone over that. There’s aggressive communication… we’ve talked about that! What then, is passive-aggressive communication? I mean, passive communication and aggressive communication couldn’t be any more opposite? What’s up with combining the two into a category of communication all its own?! Passive-Aggressive communication. Yep – it’s a thing. A not-at-all healthy thing! Listen in and hear how this interesting combination of behaviors converge into one confusing, and one very unhealthy way of expressing yourself… again possibly leading to emotional eating and the ultimate result of that… the dreaded regain. Let’s get started!


BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com

Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com

BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare

BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare

Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)

Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)

Instgram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)

Instagram: @chefhealthyhenry (Henry Baker)

Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)

Instagram: @myweightishistory (Rob Dimedio)

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