WP Mainline Episode 14 - WPHunts, WP Podcasts, and Generational Knowledge Gaps

WP Mainline

04-10-2021 • 40 minutos

Better late than never, right? Things got kind of crazy at the end of last week and today was a bummer but here it is! In this episode, Malcolm Peralty and I talk about the stories that made headlines last week including our thoughts on a Product Hunt website but for WordPress things.

We shared what we like about the new WP Podcasts site and are looking forward to seeing how the site progresses. We also discussed the subject of generational knowledge gaps with how people are saving and access files these days. At the end of the show, I shared some observations I’ve made with my entrance into the world of NFTs.

Stories Discussed:

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Speaker 1 00:00:19 Welcome everybody to episode 14 of the WP mainline podcast for Thursday, September 30th, 2021. I am your host. Jeff Chandler joined, uh, my, my favorite Canadian Mountie friend, Malcolm. Pearlstein welcome. How you doing, sir? I’m doing well and yourself. Yeah, I’m tired today. I I’m, uh, I’ve actually had a very good week, both, uh, mental health anxiety wise and production wise. In fact, uh, if I can publish something tomorrow, it will be the first week. First of all, week that I’ve been able to publish something on your site. So anything, I don’t think you’re going to have anything to publish about tomorrow. I think it’s going to be a really boring news day. Uh, I highly doubt that, but I am. I am, I am sleepy, but we do have some things to talk about. It’s about 9:00 PM. We’re doing the show on a Thursday, uh, Thursday evening, because tomorrow is WordCamp us.
Speaker 1 00:01:15 If you don’t have your tickets, they are still available. It’s a free virtual event. It begins at noon, 12 Eastern, I believe. And it goes all the way to about eight o’clock. So it’s going to, it’s going to be an all day thing. They’re actually doing this kind of neat thing where I think it’s during lunch, all these different WordPress contributors who play an instrument are going to get on a video call. There’s going to be, they’re going to either be playing music or they’re going to be together as a band. I don’t know what’s happening, but during lunch, there’s going to be some cool things going on with contributors and music. So definitely keep an eye out for that. And, uh, I’m not really one for virtual events, but for this one, I’ll make an exception. I’d like to just go there, hang out. And now I kind of made a joke today on Twitter that I was on my way to the hotel. And, uh, you know, if anybody wanted to catch a

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