Michelle Mercedes (Meesh) on gratitude, curiosity, and compassion. How to choose to not play the game.

Mornings with Marla

01-04-2023 • 1 hora 27 minutos

In this episode Michelle Mercedes (Meesh) and I talk about the potency of a gratitude practice, how the smallest things we forget to have gratitude for, and when you shift that thought process in your life, big things change. We touch on how to become curious. Approaching things with curiosity can allow for a whole new perspective and outlook. Being a human is hard, growth is hard, recognizing why you're coming from a certain place, and how you can end up projecting that into the world. Those are hard perspectives to have but the knowledge of them is powerful and can lead to more compassion for yourself and others. Meesh blesses us with her poetry at the end. She is the living embodiment of art, a keeper of wisdom, this episode holds so much of that.

intro music by the talented Lee Rixson find him on insta @leerixson Find Marla @_marmo

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