Inspire Living, if you have been touched by suicide

Wellness Radio with Dr. J

26-10-2012 • 1 hora

Today, my guest is Carl David, author of "Bader Field; How my Family Survived Suicide".  The book illustrates the degree of trauma the suicide of a family member leaves behind on the survivors as he tells his own personal story.
Suicide is not the answer and those who are contemplating taking their life, this book shows them that they are not alone, that there is always another answer, another way, no matter what.  In the words of Carl "Those so desperate need to know that they don't just destroy themselves, but everyone around them as well; their family, friends and acquaintances.  I pray that my perilous journey through those darkest days will bring light and hope to anyone on that final path, and draw them back."
Carl also states "This is my way of paying forward by taking the darkest days of my life and helping those on that final edge of desperation to see that they are loved, that there is help for them and that they are not alone."
If you have anyone in your family that has passed from suicide or the situation is arising within your family, we welcome you to listen to Carl's words.  We hope and pray for all who are touched by this and we will give words of encouragement to all.
Carl's book may be purchased here.

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