Sleep Hacking, Falling Asleep and Staying Asleep

The Art of Becoming WonderWomen

15-04-2021 • 39 minutos

More and more studies are showing that sleep is pivotal to being healthy and staying healthy. A disruption in sleep and the inability to go through the full sleep cycle can contribute to chronic diseases such as diabetes and including Alzheimers.

Today, we'll discuss our circadian rhythm, which is our body's natural internal clock that guides us through the sleep wake cycle.

As part of the circadian rhythm, we hear people say "I'm a night owl" or "I'm a morning lark". Is this concept real?  Do we all have the same circadian rhythm or different? We'll discuss how to optimize our sleep and capture the energy and productivity from it.

By optimizing sleep, you are optimizing your life in order to thrive. Many times we have an easy time falling asleep but difficulty staying asleep.  Knowing this, Yenvy has put together a guide to hacking your sleep:

Download Yenvy’s guide “99 Sleep Hacks” and take action today!

If you have any questions or would like to engage with Yenvy and Yessica in the Biohack discussion, join our private Facebook group in the link below.

Let’s continue our Biohacking Journey together!

Every day is a step up!