Hacking our Fertility

The Art of Becoming WonderWomen

09-03-2021 • 32 minutos

“Don’t wait to prove infertility to discuss your fertility” - Yessica Fernández-Cruz

In this episode Yessica shares with us her experience with ovocyte preservation. Her journey really began at 35 when her gynecologist told her “she was fine” and shouldn’t worry. Now at 38 she’s gone through the process of hormone stimulation and extracting her eggs. Would 35 have been a better age to do this? As women, are we talking about this enough earlier in our lives? Is there a stigma or taboo to this discussion and if so, do we need to overcome it? Is fertility an innate part of womanhood that the healthcare systems are not considering enough of? Are there prevention strategies or fertility hacks that we should know about?

Let’s continue our Biohacking Journey together!

Every day is a step up!

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