Data Protectors Podcast 5: Engaging with data protection authorities

Data Protectors Podcast

10-05-2023 • 25 minutos

Episode 5 of the Data Protectors podcast introduces SMEs to the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC) and explains how they can build a good relationship with the Office. This episode stars Tamar Kaldani, who is the former Data Commissioner of Georgia. and Rose Mosero, who is the Kenyan Deputy Data Commissioner, in a sizzling conversation moderated by Catherine Muya. Our speakers demystify the role of the ODPC in Kenya and separate myths from truth as Rose Mosero clarifies how SMEs can effectively engage the ODPC, report any complaints they might have, and get their issues addressed and resolved speedily by the ODPC. Tamar Kaldani shares some lessons for both regulators and SMEs on how to build a good relationship with each other and maximize the benefits. Moderator: Catherine Muya, Program Officer, Digital Policy at ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa Speakers: Tamar Kaldani, Former Data Commissioner of Georgia; Rose Mosero, Deputy Data Commissioner of Kenya This podcast was produced by KICTANET and GIZ/DTC Kenya, in collaboration with Nairobi Legal Hackers, as part of the AU-EU D4D Hub project.

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