Potential Leader Lab

Perry Maughmer

Let me start by telling you that I don't have THE answers. So why listen to my podcast? Because I focus on asking the right questions, like: What if you stop focusing on what you are doing as a leader and shift to who you're being as a leader? Did you feel that uncomfortable twinge, deep down inside when you read that? That means we're making progress. It’s also the start of the journey toward realizing your potential as the leader you were meant to be. This pursuit of true leadership doesn't begin inside the next big business bestseller or with a high-powered leadership consultant. It starts with you, and your potential. Unlocking your potential as a leader requires a change in your beliefs about who you are and what you can accomplish. That starts within the Potential Leader Lab with our Explore. Experiment. Evolve. framework. Together, we'll seek out new eclectic and provocative insights to form new hypotheses about leadership. Then, we'll take these ideas into the world so you can see what works and what doesn’t. Then, and only then, can you begin your evolution into the leader you were meant to be. That's where the real transformation begins. Your potential —and your responsibility—as a leader—is ever-increasing and never-ending. This podcast is dedicated and committed to that pursuit. Welcome to the Lab. read less


How Much Can You Afford To Care?
How Much Can You Afford To Care?
How do you identify when you are starting to overcommit emotionally, and what strategies can you employ to reel yourself back?Perry provides valuable insights into managing our emotional and mental resources in a world that demands our constant attention and care.In this episode, we’ll explore the perils of over-caring and overcommitment, how they can lead to emotional exhaustion, and strain both personal and work relationships.We'll discuss the culture of caring deeply about every opinion, the rise of anxiety and hyperempathy syndrome, and the impact on our ability to maintain civil discourse. You’ll hear about the importance of managing our limited resources—Time, Emotions, Attention, and Money (TEAM)—and focusing on what truly matters.Explore how to efficiently manage where we invest our care and energy to foster healthier relationships and sustainable leadership.Top TakeawaysOver-committing and caring about everything can lead to emotional exhaustion, negatively impacting both personal and work relationships. It is essential to focus on what truly matters.Caring too much about differing opinions can erode civil discourse and genuine curiosity. Prioritize understanding over agreement.Over-caring can lead to anxiety and hyperempathy syndrome, causing constant worry and a lack of relaxation.While accepting critical feedback is challenging, it's crucial for personal growth. Taking care of yourself is the first step towards effective leadership.Resources like Time, Emotions, Attention, and Money (TEAM) are limited. Focus on directing these resources to areas that truly matter and can make a meaningful difference.Deepening relationships requires genuine curiosity and asking questions. It’s more about understanding and less about convincing.Concentrate on actions and processes rather than being overly concerned with the final outcomes or others' opinions. This reduces unnecessary stress and fosters better results.Caring deeply involves focusing on the person's growth and well-being, rather than achieving specific results. This builds stronger, more supportive relationships.Understand and manage your response when feeling socially shunned. Recognize the evolutionary tendency but don't let it dictate your well-being.Be skeptical of media that often presents opinions rather than facts. Choose your information sources wisely to avoid unnecessary stress and misinformation.Memorable Moments00:00 Selective caring is valuable for personal impact.06:09 Experiences lead to selective investment and honesty.07:12 Consider allocating resources for a positive impact.12:59 Concealing our true motives with superficial care.14:55 Positive leadership creates happy, productive work environment.19:00 Work conversations often prioritize solutions over people.21:59 Focus on managing your team's resources effectively.25:42 Control your actions, not the outcomes. Trust.28:25 Ostracism leads to the brain registering social pain. Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am...
Above All, Do Not Lie To Yourself
Above All, Do Not Lie To Yourself
How do the things you currently pay attention to shape your life, and what changes could you make to focus on more meaningful and important tasks?Perry takes inspiration from Fyodor Dostoevsky's quote from The Brothers Karamazov to highlight the necessity of a truthful relationship with reality. He suggests that personal and professional progress inherently depends on understanding one's true motivations and goals rather than giving in to immediate desires.Perry uses this episode to present a comprehensive guide toward self-improvement, emphasizing the importance of honesty, priorities, compassion, and long-term thinking. He encourages listeners to challenge their cognitive biases, maintain focus on what truly matters, and invest in their personal development for a fulfilling and successful life.Top TakeawaysFocus on one or two top priorities to maintain clarity and direction in both personal and professional life.Learn to say no to distractions and less critical tasks to concentrate on what truly matters.Understand and challenge your cognitive biases to make more rational and clear-headed decisions.Keep a journal to process inner thoughts, combat self-criticism, and gain deeper clarity and self-awareness.Engage in acts of kindness and compassion towards others to improve personal well-being and foster a sense of community.Practice gratitude and align your daily decisions with long-term goals to achieve lasting happiness.Own your decisions and act in good faith towards yourself, ensuring that your choices reflect your true desires and values.Differentiate between mere interest and genuine commitment; true progress requires a heartfelt, animated, required, and difficult (HARD) approach to goal-setting.Be aware that the brain is wired for survival, often opting for immediate gratification over long-term achievements. Push through this tendency to work towards meaningful goals.Recognize that attention is a limited resource, and channeling it purposefully towards important and meaningful activities is crucial for success.Memorable Moments00:00 Maintain power of choice, effort and reward.04:46 Choosing immediate desires over long-term goals impacts.06:55 Good decisions take time to show impact.11:09 Time and money reveal our true priorities.14:13 Find heartfelt, animated, and challenging tasks for growth.17:50 Survival trumps brain's other abilities, energy conservation.22:59 People prefer electric shock over sitting quietly.26:43 Prioritize, eliminate and liberate with constraints.30:05 Compassion and gratitude lead to lasting happiness.32:09 Life offers choices, hope, and self-reflection.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by...
Why We Need To Suffer, Struggle, and Strive
Why We Need To Suffer, Struggle, and Strive
We're going to get real about something that nobody likes to talk about but everyone experiences: suffering, struggling, and striving. We're breaking down why these tough parts of life are actually super important for hitting those meaningful goals.I'll get into some fascinating ideas from authors like Adam Fraser and Todd Kashdan, who say that dealing with negative emotions isn't just okay—it's crucial for personal growth and long-term success. And, I'll share stories about how failure can spark innovation and why chasing happiness might actually be messing with your bigger dreams.We'll touch on some cool insights from the High Flow Collective and the growth mindset buzz from Carol Dweck, discussing why things like criticism, struggle, and even stress can be vital parts of your journey. And trust me, this isn't your typical pep talk; we're getting into why personal and leadership development shouldn’t be a walk in the park—it should challenge you and push you to evolve.Top Takeaways1. Suffering and struggling are essential for achieving meaningful goals and personal growth, rather than avoiding negative experiences.2. Negative emotions contribute significantly to personal development and long-term success.3. Accepting and learning from failure is crucial in both personal and professional contexts. 4. A deep relationship with reality, accepting that desirable experiences are temporary, is vital. 5. Happiness is an internal choice and does not depend on external circumstances or others. Individuals should focus on inner happiness and not external validation.6. Focusing on personal growth and well-being indirectly leads to the collective happiness of others, demonstrating self-care's ripple effect.7. Being in a state of flow and the importance of engaging in activities that develop skills and confidence, even if those activities are not enjoyable.8. Honest feedback, even when it's hard to hear, is necessary for personal and leadership growth. 9. Negative emotions like anger and depression should be seen as valuable indicators that can guide learning and growth, rather than being suppressed.10. Effective leaders should focus on making it easier for their teams to do their jobs by building clarity and resilience, rather than making tasks easier. Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Copyright 2024 Perry Maughmer
Embracing Values
Embracing Values
We're diving into a topic that's close to my heart—values. We're talking about what it truly means to live and lead with intention and purpose.In this episode, I talk about how important it is to unlock your own potential and understand just how powerful you really are. I'll touch on the urgency of deeply caring about a few key things and setting intentions.We also get into why values are more than just feel-good words or nice things to put on a wall. They should guide our decisions and align with our actions, both personally and in the workplace. I'll open up about my own evolving values and why I've shifted my focus from "relentless leadership" to "living relentlessly."Memorable Moments00:00 Andrew Huberman discusses visual field repetition ignoring.04:24 Individuals need defined values, intention, and vision.09:45 Leveraging values for scalable organizational leadership.10:55 Focus on decision-making process, not outcome.16:25 Inclusive, welcoming, non-judgmental, value contribution, excellence pursuit.19:40 Change brings cost, but also evolution.22:42 Craving end result, work becomes irrelevant. Relentless living.25:39 Empower people to achieve without limitations.27:56 Prioritize values, time and meaningful projects.32:34 Clarity shapes decisions; review, align, move confidently.The Key to Personal Fulfillment: "We need values, we need whatever our intention is, and we need to have a shared vision of the future with those that we care most about." — Perry Maughmer Top Takeaways1. The importance of consistently striving to create positive change in the world, advocating for relentless effort in all aspects of life.2. The significance of self-belief and taking risks, even if failure is a possibility.3. The importance of acting with urgency and intention.4. Create a list of personal values, set clear intentions, and envision a shared future.5. Personal development and who we become as individuals are more important than the accomplishments we achieve.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Copyright 2024 Perry Maughmer
Why Better Serves Us Best
Why Better Serves Us Best
Better serves us best. This challenges traditional concepts of striving for excellence. The idea that aiming to be 'better' rather than 'the best' is not only more sustainable but also more rewarding. External comparisons often lead to a fragile sense of self and undermine our joy, contrasting this with the power of internal growth and personal improvement. The significance of mindset and language shapes our reality, touching on theories from existentialism to neuroscience to reinforce the benefits of focusing on continuous, incremental progress. I promise to shift how you perceive success and achievement, encouraging you to embrace a journey of evolving betterment over a race to reach the peak. Memorable Moments00:00 Comparison steals joy; pursue self-improvement instead.05:26 Finite rules create stress, focus on progress.08:10 Comparing, scarcity and abundance affect personal development.12:09 Informing one group that work is exercise.16:27 Complexity and uncertainty drive our need for simplicity. Thriving in ambiguity is crucial in our world.17:13 Releasing control, expectations lead to career success.20:52 Change implies negative connotation, evolution is positive.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Copyright 2024 Perry Maughmer
How To Become Authentically You
How To Become Authentically You
Authenticity—what it is, what it isn't, and how it fundamentally shapes our interactions and growth as individuals in society. It's a delicate balance between being true to oneself and the impact this self-expression has on others. What can help are insights from thinkers like Albert Camus and existentialists, links to psychological frameworks by Abraham Maslow, and references modern theories of motivation and leadership to illustrate how our pursuit of genuine authenticity intersects with our responsibilities towards others. This episode promises to challenge your perceptions, offering fresh perspectives on how to lead a fulfilling and balanced life by harmonizing personal authenticity with self-transcendence. Memorable Moments00:00 Maslow's hierarchy, self-actualization, self-transcendence, and motivation.03:14 Motivation comes from autonomy, mastery, and purpose.06:35 Start with the end in mind for success.12:00 Instant results desired but most achievements need time.15:17 Workweek and vacation time are arbitrary.17:58 Constantly reevaluate and be authentic for others.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Copyright 2024 Perry Maughmer
Leading In A Meaningless World
Leading In A Meaningless World
We're taking an existential off-ramp that promises to stir up some profound insights. We're exploring the concept of existentialism—a philosophical theory that sees each individual as a free agent crafting their destiny through acts of will. This episode isn't about despair; it's about empowerment. If life is inherently meaningless, then we possess the liberating opportunity to inject it with our unique significance. This perspective isn't just a personal mantra for me, it's the backbone of my leadership coaching and my own journey through life. By understanding core tenets of existentialism, we uncover the tools to shape not only our essence but to inspire others to craft their purposeful path. Prepare to examine the thrilling, albeit dizzying, freedom that accompanies self-determination, and confront the seeming absurdity of life with courage and action. We'll debunk myths around authenticity, delve into the anxiety that underscores choice, and celebrate the continual process of becoming—the essence of human capability. Memorable Moments00:00 Existentialism empowers individuals to determine own path.03:17 Embracing responsibility in leadership and personal growth.06:59 Predictive index measures 4 drives effortlessly expressed.12:40 Existentialist view on anxiety and authenticity.14:23 Seeking authenticity through serving and evolving for others.18:49 Create easy paths, target mindset, evolve. Build.20:49 Existential perspective on finding meaning in life.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Copyright 2024 Perry Maughmer
The E3 Framework: Explore, Experiment, Evolve
The E3 Framework: Explore, Experiment, Evolve
Perry Maughmer presents the E3 Framework—a thought-provoking navigational tool for potential leaders that comprises three stages: Explore, Experiment, and Evolve.This E3 Framework encourages potential leaders to approach challenges and opportunities with a blend of exploration, experimentation, and evolution, focusing on the journey of development over arriving at a fixed destination.Top TakeawaysThe Learning vs. Winning Approach**: Understanding that entering conversations with the aim to learn rather than to win can lead to more constructive outcomes.The Importance of Reflective Thinking**: Reflective thinking is critical as it allows individuals to consider the broader implications and meanings of their actions and experiences.Continuous Evolution**: Emphasizing that evolution is an ongoing process informed by feedback, which requires making intentional choices to adapt and improve continuously.Adopting Multiple Personas**: The "Explore, Experiment, Evolve" framework involves adopting the personas of an Explorer, Scientist, and Philosopher, shifting flexibly among them to navigate different stages of personal growth and learning.The Concept of Antifragility**: Building a personal or organizational structure that gains from disorder, much like the immune system, rather than merely resisting shocks.Low-Risk Experimentation**: Addressing the importance of managing risks when trying new behaviors or strategies, and understanding the relationship between risk and potential reward.Philosophical Mindset for Growth**: Approaching life with curiosity, critical thinking, and a readiness to challenge assumptions.Self-Transcendence and Service**: Recognizing that the highest level of human development, according to Maslow, is self-transcendence, which involves moving beyond self-interest to serve others and is a crucial part of leadership.The Importance of Reflection: "It involves approaching life and questions with curiosity, critical thinking, and a willingness to challenge our assumptions. It makes us take time to ponder." — Perry MaughmerMemorable Moments00:00 Continually update biases and assumptions, gain clarity.05:45 Describing roles aligning with steps of Explore, Experiment, Evolve.07:58 Prepare, don't plan; embrace the antifragility concept.11:34 Earning the right to continue an infinite game.16:22 Judge behavior based on evolutionary alignment and outcomes.18:37 Brains wired to find similarities, leaders must question.22:05 Philosophic mindset: curiosity, critical thinking, pondering.25:34 Argue to learn, not just to win.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring,...
The Cost Of Evolving
The Cost Of Evolving
Perry re-introduces the E3 Framework – Explore, Experiment, Evolve – and highlights the importance of word choice, emphasizing "evolve" over "change" and "transformation." Throughout the episode, Perry discusses the concept of evolving as a personal choice, driven by internal considerations rather than external stimuli.The Power of Conversation: "Our belief systems do not align, but we have great conversations because we're curious with each other. I asked him questions about the things he believes, and he asked me questions about what I believe. And the most amazing thing about that is, we find commonalities a lot of the time."— Perry MaughmerReflect on your evolution. Confront your dogmas. And embrace curiosity to create a better world for those you care about.Top Takeaways1. The E3 Framework (Explore, Experiment, Evolve) emphasizes the importance of personal evolution over abrupt change.2. Evolving as a person takes time, and consideration, and is internally driven. It involves picking and choosing things to address slowly over time, rather than seeking a quick fix.3. There is a significant cost to evolving, as it requires patience, effort, and the ability to focus on fewer, more meaningful areas for improvement.4. Evolving can lead to relentless searching for improvement, making it challenging to settle on one thing or find comfort in progress.5. It's important to continually question what we believe and avoid letting beliefs become dogma, as dogma replaces thought and hinders personal growth and understanding.6. Maintaining curiosity and being open to different viewpoints can prevent anger and encourage empathy, ultimately fostering better interactions and discussions.7. Collaboration, humility, and the acceptance of differing logical perspectives are essential to better understanding others and fostering empathy.8. Strategic retreats are essential in the process of evolution, as constant advancement without pause isn't sustainable.9. Personal evolution should be aligned with creating a better world for those we care most about, and it requires embracing discomfort and the unknown.10. Continuous evolution involves the expansion of thought processes, challenging incontrovertible truths, and being open to learning and evolving beyond past beliefs.Memorable Moments00:00 Resistance to change is natural, personal evolution.06:02 Evolving challenges labels and beliefs' dogmatic nature.07:01 Incontrovertible truths become dogma and hinder human evolution.10:42 Many conversations hinge on rigid, unquestionable opinions.15:08 Empathy is essential in understanding differing viewpoints.19:58 Start with evolve and have a target.22:17 Seek opportunities for personal growth and collaboration.25:48 Evolve, grow, break dogmas, and make the world better.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the...
What A Growth Mindset Looks Like
What A Growth Mindset Looks Like
Drawing from personal experiences and insights gained from recent self-reflection, Perry candidly shares his journey of realizing that he had falsely assumed he possessed a growth mindset. Using anecdotes and references from books and speakers, Perry discusses how his prior belief in having a growth mindset was challenged by his behaviors and thought patterns.What is the distinction between knowing and learning? Perry emphasizes the importance of continuous learning to maintain cognitive fitness. It's the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and cognitive fitness. Perry stresses the significance of engaging in new experiences and actively seeking growth opportunities. He also highlights the impact of language and self-talk, recognizing the significance of fostering a positive internal dialogue to cultivate a growth-oriented mindset.When was the last you pursued a new experience or skill? Remember, failure is not an endpoint, but rather a source of valuable data points. Embrace a growth mindset and remain open to continuous learning and exploration.Embracing a Growth Mindset: "In a growth mindset, failure is an inevitability."— Perry MaughmerTop Takeaways1. A Growth Mindset is about embracing learning and continuously pushing oneself into new and uncomfortable areas, not just mentally, but in all aspects of life - physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.2. Failure is viewed as an opportunity and a certainty in a growth mindset, providing valuable data points for learning and improvement.3. The journey towards growth is a long obedience in the same direction, and it's not about reaching a particular destination but about who we become along the way.4. A growth mindset involves maintaining fitness in various areas such as physical, cognitive, and emotional, and nurturing healthy relationships with others.5. Challenging oneself to do something new and learning continually is fundamental to maintaining a growth mindset and keeping the brain healthy.6. Personal growth involves taking calculated risks, questioning, and constantly reassessing one's beliefs and behaviors.7. Overcoming the fear of failure and treating it as a learning opportunity is crucial in developing and maintaining a growth mindset.8. The language we use with ourselves, our internal dialogue, and the way we perceive failure and learning, greatly impact our ability to maintain a growth mindset.9. Continuous self-reflection and honest evaluation of one's current mindset is necessary for personal growth and developing a true growth mindset.10. A growth mindset doesn't seek shortcuts or instant success. It focuses on sustained efforts and a commitment to constant learning and improvement.Memorable Moments00:00 Reflecting on receiving feedback and growth mindset.03:41 Embracing failure is key to a growth mindset.08:40 Failing leads to growth and broader perspectives.10:19 Question norms, embrace failure, shift mindset for growth.15:57 Repetition strengthens connections for faster recall.17:51 Assess relationships and performance to foster growth.21:14 Inner thoughts and self-talk have a significant impact.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a...
Emotional Intelligence with Eric Pennington
Emotional Intelligence with Eric Pennington
Eric Pennington is the founder of Epic Living, an entity he established in 2006 to help others navigate through life and develop strong leadership skills. While it initially served as a tool for his own entrepreneurial journey, Eric realized the importance of well-being and recognized the gaps in his leadership approach. Fast forward a few years, he met Jim and Lynette Vaive, the founders of Spirit of EQ, and joined their team as a managing partner. At Spirit of EQ, their focus is on emotional intelligence and human development. Through their podcasts, workshops, and cohorts, they aim to make emotional intelligence a foundational and learnable skill for everyone.Eric shares his insights and experiences on the practical side of EQ, the importance of embracing mystery, and the anxiety that comes with it. He emphasizes the need to do the work and develop skills over time, using examples from jazz musicians and baseball hitters.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Copyright 2024 Perry Maughmer Mentioned in this episode:CTA E3 Guidehttps://www.potentialleaderlab.com/#optin
Hilary Blair
Hilary Blair
Hilary Blair is the founder and CEO of ARTiculate Real and Clear, where Hilary and her team work with high-achieving, self-aware, individuals and teams, that want to make a shift and are ready to receive real feedback on their communication and presence.Throughout the episode, Hilary explores the concept of fear and fatigue as barriers to leadership growth. Drawing from her experience in helping individuals break down walls and be seen for her unique qualities, she highlights the significance of celebrating and finding value in all aspects of oneself, even the ones traditionally seen as negative.Hilary also challenges the current paradigm of leadership and management, advocating for a more human-centric approach that values individuality and comfort. We discuss the impact of imposter syndrome and jargon on effective communication and suggest alternative ways to embrace the complexity of language without resorting to simplification.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Copyright 2024 Perry Maughmer Mentioned in this episode:CTA E3 Guidehttps://www.potentialleaderlab.com/#optin
The One Superpower That Rules Them All
The One Superpower That Rules Them All
Let's take a closer look at psychological flexibility, unraveling its significance and impact on our lives. We'll uncover the key steps to identify our personal values and learn the art of welcoming all emotions. But that's not all; we'll also delve into the power of beliefs, their influence on our reality, and the relationship between control and acceptance. Lastly, we'll delve into the importance of clarity, commitment, and actions when it comes to leadership and self-efficacy.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Copyright 2024 Perry Maughmer Mentioned in this episode:CTA E3 Guidehttps://www.potentialleaderlab.com/#optin
Choose Your Boulders Wisely
Choose Your Boulders Wisely
In this episode of the Potential Leader Lab podcast, Perry Maughmer discusses the importance of choosing one's boulders wisely. The acceleration of achieving our goals depends on the force applied and the mass of the goal itself. We should focus on a few significant boulders rather than spreading our efforts across multiple ones. Reflect on what truly matters to you and ask yourself what you want most versus what you want now. We have the power we have to choose our boulders and to direct our energy towards meaningful pursuits. Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Copyright 2024 Perry Maughmer Mentioned in this episode:CTA E3 Guidehttps://www.potentialleaderlab.com/#optin
Why Success Sucks
Why Success Sucks
If we want things to change, we need to make different decisions and choices - which invariably require discomfort and risk. But as we become more successful, our propensity to take the risks required to evolve as both people and leaders becomes harder.Without a granular understanding of how you want your life to be different, it’s difficult to do the heavy lifting required to make evolution a reality. Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Perry Maughmer Mentioned in this episode:CTA E3 Guidehttps://www.potentialleaderlab.com/#optin
A Leader's Replenishment Plan with Mitch Harrison
A Leader's Replenishment Plan with Mitch Harrison
Nobody expects burnout to happen to them. But as our current professional environments demand more and more of our time, there is less energy and focus put on refilling the tank. In this episode, Mitch Harrison of Refill Coaching joins me to explore burnout, the need for rest, replenishment, and recuperation, and how the 5R framework is providing high-performance teams with the tools and resources to create balanced workplaces. Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Mentioned in this episode:CTA E3 Guidehttps://www.potentialleaderlab.com/#optin
Condemned To Be Free
Condemned To Be Free
According to French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre, despite not creating ourselves and being put here without consent, we do have the ability, I believe it is a responsibility, to make choices and act freely in every situation. Looking around at our society today, I think sometimes we’ve lost that mindset and instead believe things happen to us (and not for us). To me the fact that we can always choose to act our way into being offers limitless freedom and opportunities.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Copyright 2024 Perry Maughmer Mentioned in this episode:CTA E3 Guidehttps://www.potentialleaderlab.com/#optin
The Battle From Within
The Battle From Within
As humans, the number one thing that drives our behavior is acting in a way that is going to relieve discomfort. But if we want our future to be different, we need to start acting differently in the present, which can be a deeply uncomfortable proposition. Growth is uncomfortable.I believe the most important battle we fight in moving towards our goals and aspirations is the one within ourselves as we let go of our previous identity to form a new one.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Copyright 2024 Perry Maughmer Mentioned in this episode:CTA E3 Guidehttps://www.potentialleaderlab.com/#optin
Leadership Is Overrated
Leadership Is Overrated
Management is what creates value, not leadership. And yet we’ve become enamored by leadership; the vision, the strategy, and the charisma. In the process, we’ve created an ecosystem that supports just one level of an organization to think creatively, come up with unique or interesting ideas, or build the vision of the organization, leaving it to others to implement those ideas. 80% of the important things that happen in a business are management-oriented, which leads me to believe nobody’s job should be to purely lead an organization. In this episode, I’m exploring what happens when we allow all levels of an organization to offer up great ideas and contribute to the vision while being able to execute those ideas.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Copyright 2024 Perry Maughmer Mentioned in this episode:CTA E3 Guidehttps://www.potentialleaderlab.com/#optin
Evolving On Purpose
Evolving On Purpose
Most of the time, we aspire to chase big, hairy, audacious goals. We want to move far beyond what we’ve done in the past. And yet we don’t allow our future selves to define what those goals are - we think about where we’ve been and set about going in the opposite direction.Evolving on purpose suggests two things; doing something with intention and moving towards a specific end state. To evolve is to be different. Not better, not worse, just different.Perry Maughmer believes the world deserves better leadership; that in every human interaction there is the opportunity to either build others up or tear them down; and that leadership is the choice we make in those moments.These beliefs led Perry to create the Potential Leader Lab. He wanted to offer those who share his beliefs the space and safety to explore transformative ideas, experiment with new behaviors, and evolve into the leaders they were meant to be and that the world needs.This is a framework he has used again and again with his Vistage peer advisory groups and companies like Turn-Key Tunneling, Convergint, Haughn &  Associates, I Am Boundless, Ketchum & Walton, LSP Technologies, and Ahlum & Arbor.Perry lives and works on the shores of Buckeye Lake in Ohio, in the mountains of northwest Georgia, and on the beach in Anna Maria, Florida with his amazingly creative wife Lisa. They have 2 rescue dogs and are intermittently visited by their 3 wonderful children throughout the year. Perry & Lisa are living life in crescendo and focused on exploring, experimenting, and evolving their vision of a life they have no desire to retire from.Copyright 2024 Perry Maughmer Mentioned in this episode:CTA E3 Guidehttps://www.potentialleaderlab.com/#optin