How To Have a Hot Girl Winter

Growth and Goals Podcast

20-11-2023 • 20 minutos

We've all heard of hot girl summer, but lets carry that same energy into every season! I don't know about you but winter is my least favorite time of year. With the days being so short, everything being so dead and dreary outside and it being bitterly cold, it can be easy to slip into a state of hybernation or worse seasonal depression. So I wanted to share with you my tips on how we can romanticize this season and go from cold, crying girl winter to HOT girl winter.

In today's epiosde I discuss:

  • Using the winter to focus on yourself- start outlining your goals for the new year, get clear on your intentions and even start practicing implementing your new years resolutions now so you're ready to hit the ground running come January 1
  • Prioritize socializing- while winter is a great time to focus on you it can be easy to slip into an isolated, depressive state so make sure that you're still making time to get together with the people that love you
  • Moisturize- winter is tough on your skin so make sure that you always have lip balm and hand cream ready to go and you're moisturizing your whole body every day cause no one wants to be crusty and chapped this winter
  • Hair mask and face mask weekly- make it a priority to have a Sunday self-care spa night and carve out some time to take care of your hair and pretty face this winter
  • Gua Sha- in the winter everyone gets a little sniffly and congested, but implementing gua sha into your self-care routine is a great way to make sure your lymphatic system is draining all that winter crud
  • Hot girl walks- I know it's cold outside but bundle up and get to steppin, or if you'd rather do some cozy cardio around your house but getting those steps in will do wonders for fighting of seasonal depression
  • Get cozy- bust out your favorite sweater, treat yourself to a new blanket or candle or pick up a cozy hobby and let's romanticize our lives this winter season

I can't wait to have the best winter yet and come this spring I will be a better version of me bacuse I used this time wisely! Stay warm out there y'all!

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