The cost of cutting costs in the US Marine Corps. The death of Lance Cpl. Chase D. Sweetwood- 15th MEU

Locked and loaded diaries

06-05-2022 • 1 hora 35 minutos

On July 30, 2020, a platoon of AAVs (assault amphibious vehicles) carrying a company of infantry Marines left San Clemente Island, California, on its way to the transport dock Somerset after completing a training raid. While on San Clemente Island, they refilled the vehicle with oil and set off again, but the leak eventually caused the transmission to seize on the return trip. This kicked off a chain of events that ultimately led to the vehicle sinking. Maintenance oversights, lack of ambiguous training requirements, and a failure to regularly perform pre-deployment evaluations contributed to the summer 2020 amphibious assault vehicle sinking that resulted in the drowning deaths of those eight Marines and one sailor. Those marines should have never been there. They were untrained, without the oversight of leadership or safety boats. How many deaths need to happen before Congress steps in???? "They sent them to their deaths, this was murder" In this episode, we talk to the mother of Lance Cpl. Chase D. Sweetwood, 18, of Portland, Oregon, a rifleman-Christiana Sweetwood. She tells us of the negligence, lies, incompetence, and utter disrespect she experienced with the USMC. You're not gonna believe this one, Diaries Fans.

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