Hi my name is Kimberly Walker. I am an Army Veteran and created a new video podcast, LOCKED AND LOADED DIARIES! Along with my two good friends and Gold Star Mothers, Teri Myhre Caserta and Heather Hedge Baker, we have created a podcast that addresses non-combat deaths in the military. According to a congressional research service dated May 2021, from 2006-2021 75% of military deaths were non-combat. Meaning only 25% of deaths happened due to a combat situation. 93% of these non-combat deaths happened on US Soil. Suicides, homicides. homicide by suicide, neglect, over doses, and deaths that just don't make sense. What the hell is happening in the US military??? We will talk to Gold Star families, the families left behind. They will tell us their stories, the impact these deaths left on them and the lack of transparency and justice they received from the military. Please join us every other week on you tube, to hear a new story.
The Locked and loaded diaries podcast is about deaths in the US military. But it's not about getting killed in wars. As podcast host Kimberly Walker notes, most of those deaths happen in the United States. And most of the deaths have nothing to do with combat situations. Walker wanted to learn more about why around 1,000 active-duty military men and women are dying each year. So she started this podcast.
The title of the Locked and loaded diaries podcast comes from a military expression. "Locked and loaded" means having a rifle filled with ammunition and ready to shoot. It also has the meaning of preparation to be ready for anything.
Walker served 17 years in the Army, including three combat tours of duty. Two other women cohost the Locked and loaded diaries. Heather Hedge Baker and Teri Myhre Caserta are Gold Star Mothers. That is the designation for mothers who lose a child serving in the military. Their stories are harrowing and may not be suitable for all listeners. Baker's son died under mysterious circumstances after hitting his head on a radiator. He may have been dead for days in the barracks before someone found his body. Caserta's son committed suicide. His mother says in the podcast that men in his unit bullied him, including his commander. Her son then took his own life, throwing his body into a military helicopter's tail rotor.
The Locked and loaded diaries started as a YouTube podcast in 2022. This is the audio version of his podcast. Walker points out on the podcast that only 1% of Americans serve in the military. So many of them need help understanding what the servicemembers experience. She notes that "after each combat tour, I felt alone." And she says she felt "alienated" from loved ones as they "walked around in a blind haze of TV, sports, alcohol, and consumerism." With this podcast, she hopes to educate people on what servicemembers are feeling. "Privilege affects your eyesight," she says.