E6 When You Know Where You Want To Go, But You Can’t Seem To Move Forward In Following Your Inner Guidance

Following a Dream: Pursuing a New Way of Living or Lifestyle

02-06-2023 • 33 minutos

Today I’m talking about when you received your last breadcrumb from your Inner Guidance and you know where you want to go in responding to it, but the world seems to be conspiring against it. Maybe you feel like you don’t have enough energy, or obstacles keep moving onto your path, or any number of other situations are occurring. I describe what I’ve learned is happening when this occurs and how we can support ourselves when we’re experiencing this.


I’m delighted that you tuned in to today’s episode. If you’re enjoying this podcast, let me know by reaching out at hello@michellewaldo.com.

Additionally, you may also resonate with some of my other offerings:

Podcast: Following Yourself: Learning to Follow Your Inner Guidance https://michellewaldo.com/following-yourself-podcast/

Podcast: Adventures In Ranching: Starting a (Small) Horse Ranch in Montana https://michellewaldo.com/adventures-in-ranching-podcast/

Podcast: Riding From the Inside Out: Connect With Your Deepest Inner Guidance to Improve Your Riding & Your Understanding of Your Horse and Yourself https://michellewaldo.com/riding-from-the-inside-out-podcast/

Online Program: Connecting Inward – the Method I Use to Tune Into & Communicate With My Own Inner Guidance https://connectinginward.com/

You can learn more at: https://michellewaldo.com/