E7 Our Inner Guidance Is Always Delivering Us Breadcrumbs Including Some We Don't See At First

Following a Dream: Pursuing a New Way of Living or Lifestyle

10-06-2023 • 56 minutos

In today’s episode I talk about how our Inner Guidance is always delivering us breadcrumbs – some that we see right away and some that we may not see at first because they may not seem as obvious. I talk about how our perspective affects this, and how we can start seeing more of our breadcrumbs from our Inner Guidance.

As part of this episode I talk about a long-standing current dream of my own and how my Inner Guidance has been giving me some seemingly less obvious breadcrumbs that I might have overlooked in the past. And how by practicing becoming more open to all of my breadcrumbs, I’m seeing more of the “less obvious” ones, and ultimately moving further along my path in realizing my dream.


I’m delighted that you tuned in to today’s episode. If you’re enjoying this podcast, let me know by reaching out at hello@michellewaldo.com.

Additionally, you may also resonate with some of my other offerings:

Podcast: Following Yourself: Learning to Follow Your Inner Guidance https://michellewaldo.com/following-yourself-podcast/

Podcast: Adventures In Ranching: Starting a (Small) Horse Ranch in Montana https://michellewaldo.com/adventures-in-ranching-podcast/

Podcast: Riding From the Inside Out: Connect With Your Deepest Inner Guidance to Improve Your Riding & Your Understanding of Your Horse and Yourself https://michellewaldo.com/riding-from-the-inside-out-podcast/

Online Program: Connecting Inward – the Method I Use to Tune Into & Communicate With My Own Inner Guidance https://connectinginward.com/

You can learn more at: https://michellewaldo.com/