Coast to Coast Outdoors Episode 5, We chat with Darren Porter of Nova Scotia talking about government hurdles with fishing, fish passage and what MINAS does.

Coast to Coast Outdoors Podcast

09-05-2020 • 2 horas 27 minutos

Coast to Coast Outdoors Episode 5.

We speak with Darren Porter. Darren resides in Windsor Nova Scotia, avid outdoorsman, angler as well as an outspoken advocate of waterway (Rivers) issues regarding fish passage. The topics we'll discuss are government hurdles with fish passage, the science an research Darren does. Public engagement an viewer comments welcome.

Darren's detailed bio.

Darren Porter, the founder and director of MINAS. Darren is an owner and operator of many commercial licenses; he has been fishing for his entire life. He started fishing clams, oysters, wild muscles, smelts, Gaspereau, eels, shad, herring, tomcod, flounder, mackerel, marine plant, squid, sculpin and lobster. He has been very active in shellfish aquaculture, owning multiple shell fish leases in different maritime provinces, such as oysters, muscles and scallops. Darren has done consulting work for the aquaculture industry, provincial government, as well as industry. He sits on the board of directors of four fishing associations, he is a spokesman for the fishing industry and an advocate for small scale fisheries, coastal communities and the environment. Darren also works extensively with universities, and First Nations. His operations are open to the public, industry, academia, NGO’s and anybody that wishes to interact and immerse themselves in the local and traditional knowledge, as well he provides a rare platform for people to see firsthand the diversity of marine life within the waters. His life’s goal is to integrate the three knowledges; traditional, local, and academic to create true wisdom (third eyed science) to manage the ocean for future generations.

" If you wish to make change, you must lead by example!"

" If i can get the public into the waters and interacting with the life in the ocean they will protect it"

" Science is incomplete with out all the knowledges at the table"

" Traditional +Local + Academic Knowledge = Wisdom."

" Try managing the fishery, not just the Fishermen"

" The biggest road block in current management of the oceans and its fishery is the unwillingness to manage other causes of decline, and the academics unwillingness to share their data with others."

" We must unlock the hoards of data currently stored in academic Institutes, and stop the mind set that data has ownership, and that it is a commodity, until that point is reached nothing will change." — at The Weir Bramber

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