Advocacy and Action: How Marketing and Networking Impact Healthcare feat. Jason Zemcik

That's Derm Good!

29-01-2024 • 45 minutos

Jason Zemcik, a representative from Mercallis, formerly known as Trial Card, discusses how the company rebranded and evolved from a co-pay card company to a comprehensive patient support services provider. Host Janelle Ball and Jason discuss significant court cases related to copay accumulators and government drug pricing rules and how Jason balances his intense workload by writing about Pittsburgh sports teams.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical or health advice. This podcast does not substitute medical treatment. Always consult a doctor or dermatologist regarding medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.

In this episode, Jason Zemcik emphasizes the importance of breaking down the complexities of healthcare and helping clients and patients understand the intricacies of copay cards, accumulators, and maximizers. Jason also highlights the need for diligence and thoroughness in explaining these topics, given the general population's low health literacy and understanding.

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In the healthcare industry, recognizing potential and giving back is particularly important. Jason’s company, Policy Reporter, operates in the market access intelligence space, tracking payer policy changes and developments. Their goal is to provide timely and accurate information to their clients. By doing so, they empower manufacturers and practice staff to navigate the complex healthcare access and coverage landscape.

Efficiency and productivity are crucial in healthcare; tools like Policy Reporter can significantly improve both. By eliminating the need for manual research and documentation, healthcare providers can save valuable time and allocate their resources more effectively. This episode is about how healthcare advocates can improve and the value of advocacy because everyone is a patient at one point.

This episode is produced by Skip The Boring Stuff, a podcast strategy company for small business owners.